14:56:53 RRSAgent has joined #pointerevents 14:56:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-pointerevents-irc 14:58:02 Meeting: PEWG 14:58:07 Chair: Patrick H. Lauke 14:58:09 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/0d3af70c-0054-43dc-9c15-c60c5b9c3f3c/20220511T110000 14:58:14 Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke 14:58:22 ScribeNick: Patrick_H_Lauke 14:58:31 present+ Patrick_H_Lauke 14:59:07 regrets+ smaug 15:00:45 flackr has joined #pointerevents 15:02:59 present+ flackr 15:03:19 TOPIC: Relationship between main pointer event and coalesced events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/409 15:03:59 Rob: had very initial pass trying to specify this 15:04:35 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/440 15:05:56 present+ mustaq 15:06:30 Rob: it's a very rough initial summing up of what we discussed in previous meetings. Goal is not to explain resampling, but just handwave it/mention it 15:08:25 Rob: intention to explain that it's not necessarily identical to the set of coalesced events 15:09:04 Patrick: looks good to me, as we don't want to explain coalescing anyway as it's out of scope for our group (proprietary / secret sauce / blackbox left up to UAs / devices) 15:09:18 Mustaq: wondering if there's an alternative to "frame" 15:09:26 Rob: could say "align to display" 15:09:31 Mustaq: refresh rate? 15:10:01 Rob: not the best either. could be super vague "align with the hardware..." 15:10:34 Mustaq: ...to align with frame refresh timing... to align with frame timing ... 15:10:50 Rob: frame timing has specific meaning, there's a specific frame timing spec 15:12:03 Rob: we could have "but may have additional processing (for example, to align with the display refresh rate)" 15:12:09 Patrick: yes I could go for this 15:12:31 Rob: we don't want to specify all cases, just give examples. happy to modify the PR with that 15:13:10 Patrick: great, I'll point Olli to this, and we can either approve whenever he oks this or at the next meeting 15:13:37 ACTION: Olli to review https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/440/ and see if it's ok 15:16:35 TOPIC: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356 15:16:56 Patrick: action was "Mustaq to propose some more fleshed out wording" 15:17:46 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356#issuecomment-1064765460 15:18:18 I kind of agree here that about not expecting/interpreting "click" on drag. 15:19:28 Mustaq: not arguing about sending click or not, but about the target 15:19:49 Mustaq: my interpretation is that we don't need to worry about click dispatch after release on a drag 15:20:06 Rob: but this is asking to get click on the captured element, final line 15:20:33 Rob: I think they agree with my proposed behavior that click is captured 15:21:03 [looking at the two opposite requests in the comments] 15:22:04 Rob: think we agreed in last meeting ... what Olli said in https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356#issuecomment-1111142169 15:22:14 Mustaq: so fire releasePointerCapture after click? 15:22:15 Rob: yes 15:24:08 Rob: we agree on proposed behavior as long as there's no implementation concerns. conceptually it should be fine, because until we send delayed click there can't be any other events. there should be no conflict with other events coming in before we release capture, as they're involved in the current gesture 15:24:30 Rob: really just question of implementations deferring the release of pointercapture until we decide if click is generated or not 15:25:00 Mustaq: what if it's double-tap? 15:26:15 [discussion on whether you'd be even able to get double-tap, pointercapture, UA deciding if click needs sending] 15:27:27 Rob: in this proposal we wouldn't release pointercapture on the first up, because it's not been decided if a click gets sent. but the pointerid will be different for the second tap (?) 15:27:59 Mustaq: some timing challenges 15:28:09 Rob: think there's a consistent stream of events that can be sent 15:31:49 ACTION: further exploration of what the implications of specifying the above proposed behavior would have on gesture dispatch etc in UAs 15:34:38 https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/touchevents 15:34:41 https://www.w3.org/community/touchevents/ 15:40:43 Patrick: thank you both, catch you again in two weeks' time 15:40:51 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:40:57 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:40:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-pointerevents-minutes.html Patrick_H_Lauke 15:41:03 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 16:28:24 Patrick_H_Lauke has left #pointerevents