14:39:21 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:39:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-maturity-irc 14:39:24 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:39:25 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:40:30 Meeting: Maturity Model 14:41:36 Agenda+ Check in with Jeanne and Janina on sorting out group ID and zoom 14:42:57 Agenda+ We Check in with Sheri on document language change to US English 14:43:18 Agenda+ Check in with Mary Jo on grammar review 14:43:42 Agenda+ Check in with Sheri on adding generic sentence to each dimension “Training programs have been established and ongoing to ensure necessary skills for this dimension” 14:44:09 Agenda+ Check in with Mary Jo on capitalization of defined terms 14:58:06 nadine_ has joined #maturity 15:03:45 janina has joined #maturity 15:04:04 present+ 15:04:06 present+ 15:04:12 present+ 15:04:36 maryjom has joined #maturity 15:04:49 present+ 15:05:02 scribe: maryjom 15:05:46 scribe+ maryjom 15:06:37 zakim, next item 15:06:37 agendum 1 -- Check in with Jeanne and Janina on sorting out group ID and zoom -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:08:36 regrets+ sheri 15:10:50 janina: Everyone needs to follow public-rqtf mailing list to receive the weekly agenda 15:13:29 janina: If you have not received anything from this list, send an email to ran@w3.org 15:15:49 maryjom: The old calendar invite was cancelled by Sheri. We need to either create a new invitation using the W3C method or a reminder for members to create their own invite. 15:16:19 Fazio: I will make sure there's a reminder that goes out or an invite. 15:16:59 janina: APA members tend to have issues with the W3C calendar invite, but if this group wants to do it that way it's ok. 15:18:07 maryjom: The new meeting details can be found here: https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_maturity-model 15:18:08 zakim, close this item 15:18:08 agendum 1 closed 15:18:09 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:18:09 2. We Check in with Sheri on document language change to US English [from Fazio] 15:18:19 zakim, next item 15:18:19 agendum 2 -- We Check in with Sheri on document language change to US English -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:19:40 Fazio: Sheri said she was done with her tasks on the document. 15:20:21 Fazio: The switch of the document to U.S. English from U.K. English is done. 15:20:55 maryjom: However, the changes to the Glossary we had gone over was supposed to get accepted, but this was not done. 15:21:08 Fazio: I will contact Shari to get that done. 15:21:16 zakim, next item 15:21:16 agendum 3 -- Check in with Mary Jo on grammar review -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:22:52 maryjom: I did not complete my grammar review, as Silver work with Jeanne took precedence this week. 15:23:07 maryjom: I promise to finish grammar review by next week. 15:25:17 maryjom: I have entered a lot of comments on the side which haven't been cleared out. I understand that David will start going through those. 15:25:35 Fazio: Yes, I need to do that. Noticed those comments and will start working on them. 15:25:45 zakim, next 15:25:45 I don't understand 'next', maryjom 15:25:51 zakim, next item 15:25:51 agendum 4 -- Check in with Sheri on adding generic sentence to each dimension “Training programs have been established and ongoing to ensure necessary skills for this 15:25:54 ... dimension” -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:27:28 maryjom: We had talked last week about that where training is a bullet /proof point where all dimensions will fail if the training isn't done. 15:28:02 janina: Yes, we can hyperlink to training and have this pointer into each dimension (with the clause). 15:28:18 s/into each/from each. 15:28:25 s/into each/from each/ 15:29:16 maryjom: I can add that sentence with my editing. 15:29:36 zakim, next item 15:29:37 agendum 5 -- Check in with Mary Jo on capitalization of defined terms -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:29:52 maryjom: That is done. 15:30:27 zakim, take up next 15:30:27 agendum 5 was just opened, maryjom 15:30:36 zakim, close item 5 15:30:36 agendum 5, Check in with Mary Jo on capitalization of defined terms, closed 15:30:38 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 15:30:46 zakim, take up next 15:30:46 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, maryjom 15:31:39 Fazio: Next steps: We should all continue the editing, adding the clause, and addressing comments this week. 15:32:58 Fazio: Once we finish the technical edits, we can move everything into GitHub. 15:33:45 maryjom: There is an original port of the document into GitHub, started by Jeanne and completed by me. I didn't know how to add Glossary and some other contstructs. 15:34:44 janina: Roy or Michael can get on a call to help us with that. 15:35:23 maryjom: You'll note there is a missing Figure 1 in the document that is supposed to be a visual of the structure of the maturity model that is missing. 15:35:56 Fazio: I'll eliminate the reference to the figure. 15:37:48 maryjom: In the absence of a figure, the bullets that "describe" it are not complete enough. 15:38:33 maryjom: I will suggest better text to describe the structure of the maturity model. 15:40:05 rrsagent, make minutes 15:40:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-maturity-minutes.html maryjom 15:40:17 zakim, bye 15:40:17 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been nadine_, Fazio, janina, maryjom 15:40:17 Zakim has left #maturity 15:41:05 rrsagent, make minutes 15:41:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/11-maturity-minutes.html maryjom 16:00:08 janina has left #maturity