10 May 2022


Hober, Jemma, JudyBrewer, Ralph, Sheila_Moussavi, Tzviya, WendyReid, WendySeltzer
Chris Wilson, Charles Nevile

Meeting minutes

previous: 29 March

<Ralph> [I think this discussion is on-topic for PWE; it's a component of positive working]

the Zakim timer discussion to which we're been referring here

Tzviya: in the AC Office hours just before this meeting there were a couple of comments about the use of 'zakim, allow speakers 2 minutes'
… most chairs do not enforce this strictly but it's there to help people who dominate conversations
… the point was made that if participants are not accustomed to seeing the Zakim warnings it may be off-putting

WendyR: this might be a case where there are entirely opposite perceptions on the use of the speaker timer

WendyR: perhaps it would help for the chair to explain at the start of the meeting how they intend to use the timer
… to contextualize the intent

WendyR: just to get people familiar with it

Judy: it's worth expanding the set of situations we would want the chair to be sensitive to
… I can think of some specific groups that would benefit from the use of the speaker timer
… it could be offered at the start of the meeting to try the tool
… and give the group an opportunity to have consensus on how long the timer should be

Sheila: what if we provided the context up front; the chair can explain how they are using the timer
… put more onus on the facilitator
… I'm pretty sure the first warning would cause me to stop talking

Hober: not seeing the timer, knowing I will get cut off but not knowing when, would be bad

Tzviya: I agree with Tess

Hober: I'd quickly forget how much time I have used

Tzviya: Ralph suggested that Zakim could use gentler wording; we might think about that
… the first time I experienced the timer I was startled, but after a couple of times I got used to it
… maybe we need to encourage chairs to explain how and why they intend to use the timer

WSeltzer: tricky to use it to those who filibuster, without discouraging those who hesitate to speak

<Jem> At the toastmaster meeting, we change the background color of zoom meeting, from green, yellow, to red to indicate allotted time.

<sheila> would any of this be more effectively addressed with a more robust culture of feedback?

Tzviya: let's brainstorm on the wording

Jem: in ToastMaster we have a timer rule
… we use cards; in Zoom we use virtual background cards
… a green card, a yellow card, and then a red card when you have 30 seconds remaining
… speakers know how much time they have remaining to finish

Inclusion fund discussion

WendyR: we want to re-use what we used in 2021
… Liz was going to reach out to Coralie on 2 questions:

<wseltzer> [Yes, we can change the form]

WendyR: can we change the form; do we have to use WBS?
… WBS didn't allow us to use as robust a form as we wanted
… we're hoping we can switch to another platform
… and if not, just use email
… the second question is whether we can create a permanent page on w3.org

<Jem> +1 to have the permanent page.

<tzviya> +1

WendyR: we felt that having the announcement only in a blog post caused people to miss it as the post moved down

WSeltzer: we're free to use whatever tools and pages are most effective
… we have the most control over where the data goes with WBS
… suggestions welcome

<Zakim> Jem, you wanted to ask the timeline for the fund application

WSeltzer: I'm willing to facilitate

Jemma: I'm presenting to University of Illinois staff members to encourage participation in W3C
… one topic I want to address is the Diversity Fund
… what is the current timeframe for applications?
… and +1 to a permanent page to which I can point people

WendyR: on timeline, we agree we need to move it earlier; the current plan is way too late
… we'd prefer to be able to tell grantees of their award at least the first week of August
… we'd like to launch this month

Judy: caution on tooling; I'd love to say we could use any tool but in reality less than 50% of the tools out there are accessible

<Jem> Do we have a diversity fund page that I can point to people?

Judy: in particular since we want to encourage the sponsorships to be used by people from diverse backgrounds
… I wish I had a list of tools that work
… some very popular tools have accessibility barriers
… WBS is relatively accessible; sometimes it's a question of authoring the survey carefully

WendyR: I have a specific tool in mind
… I've done some a11y testing of it
… a11y is certainly a huge concern

<wendyreid> https://www.typeform.com/

Tzviya: double-check access from China too

Ralph: +1 to what Judy said, especially for this particular activity

Tzviya: WendyR had mentioned wanting to get the Inclusion Fund announced asap
… what are the steps we need to do?
… standalone web page
… new form
… fundraising
… I'll reach out to Léonie; she had documented some of the steps previously

<Jem> since we have tight timeline, I would recommend using existing WBS platform.

WendyR: Liz has a bunch of documents; I don't recall where

Tzviya: I'll reach out to Liz to make sure she has everything in a place we can access
… we want a [set of] permanent pages so all we have to change each year is the application form

WSeltzer: Comm Team has the authority to create the page(s)

Jemma: I was a member of the Inclusion Fund committee last year; I can share the materials we used then
… there was a spreadsheet we used in the evaluation stage

WSeltzer: one thing this Inclusion Fund needs is a single project manager
… does someone think they are that person already?
… there are a lot of steps and moving pieces

Tzviya: +1

<wseltzer> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/TPACDiversityFundProposalComms.md

<Jem> above link is TPAC diversity fund assessment sheet.

<wseltzer> ^ the checklist used last year

WendyR: the plan was to use the same resources as last year; same language, similar process
… we do need to change the dates
… but approximately the same cadence; applications open for at least a month
… but otherwise the communications would be the same
… we do need to add to the coverage list as last year was fully remote whereas this year there is also an in-person opportunity

Jemma: I'd like to discuss the project manager role
… who owns that?

WSeltzer: see steps and plans we used last year

WSeltzer: we should think about how to improve our communications to encourage people to apply if they will participate

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to comment on project lead, and to comment on sponsor support for remote and in-person

Judy: it could be useful to have dedicated staff support

<Jem> one awardee was frustrated with the process. there were so many steps to go through to get award.

Judy: we need to have a clearer idea of tasks and who is willing to do which parts
… there was a question on whether we'd support both remote participation and in-person participation proposals
… I would say "absolutely"

Judy: in-person participation will be out of the question for some for at least a few years

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to respond to wseltzer

<wendyreid> +1000

Tzviya: I agree we need *a* project manager
… I suspect Liz has a lot of notes
… if there's a volunteer, please speak up
… I'll also get back to Liz
… a lot of the response time last year was lack of clarity on what would be funded for remote participation
… I expect we'll get more applications for in-person support this year
… also the announcement was buried in a longer blog post
… a separate page will make it easier to explain what people are applying for

WendyR: everything we need is in the page WSeltzer cited
… I agree we should be very clear that we will support applications for remote participation
… when I look at the schedule now I think we can simply move everything 1 month ahead
… I'm happy to draft and test a form and put together a page if that helps Coralie

<Jem> I am thankful that Wendy Reid is willing to lead the project

WendyR: we have the text; it's just a matter of putting it together

<wseltzer> wendyreid++

Tzviya: thanks Wendy; the task is yours

Ombuds Update

Sheila: we want to combine the budget we created for Ombuds and mediators
… we're researching price points on mediators, etc
… we're hoping to bring a draft budget here by end of May

WendyR: Liz has a bunch of documents; I don't recall where

Tzviya: I'll reach out to Liz to make sure she has everything in a place we can access
… we want a [set of] permanent pages so all we have to change each year is the application form

Tzviya: we talked about the difference between ombuds and mediators
… and where there are opportunities to merge those roles
… I'd like to talk with WSeltzer about that in the next few weeks
… make the job descriptions more robust and then take a proposal to W3M

Sheila: those sound like the next steps to me as well

<Zakim> Jem, you wanted to ask whether applicants are from W3C Members or not

Jemma: is the applicant pool for ombuds restricted to W3C Members?

Tzviya: I don't recall what we decided

Sheila: we did not come to a conclusion
… we had talked about them being external
… but we had a line for internal applicants
… I don't think we decided whether they would be exclusively internal
… we developed a process and guide with the assumption that they would be internal to the community

<tzviya> for reference: Ombuds Job Description https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/DraftOmbudsJobDescription.md

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to check on status of a few other issues including comments received by this cg, also to cycle back to the meeting length question that I asked up front and to also comment on ombuds origins

Ralph: my intuition is that a capable Ombuds brings generic skills and can quickly learn what is unique about the W3C community
… so we don't need to limit the pool to just those who are part of the community

Judy: it's my hope that we can get Ombuds who do that role professionally

WendyR: on the Inclusion Fund, Sheila, Liz and I realized that one of the barriers to application was the requirement for a W3C account
… one of the reasons we want a different form is to switch it to not require a W3C account up front

<tzviya> +1 to requiring account at end

WendyR: if they're approved for participation they will need an account, but not up front

Sheila: +1 to not requiring a W3C account up front
… that's a barrier that doesn't need to exist at the application phase

Sheila: on Ombuds, it's OK if it doesn't have to be someone internal; it's OK if at least one of the positions is external
… the Ombuds is the most informal of the positions, so someone internal who is familiar with the day-to-day cadence and known in the community would work better
… we may have to adjust the budget assumptions for external Ombuds

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to requeue for my previous comments on other topics

<Judy> [jb: clarifying -- I did not mean to exclude members & invited experts from the ombuds role. I just want to make sure that we are open to external people, and not exclude that.]

Judy: ^^
… I don't want to exclude people with a professional capacity in that role
… I have the impression from talking with others that the PWE CG might be accumulating issues awaiting responses

Judy: we should keep tabs on comments we might be getting

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues

<Jem> we may need issue triage for the repo

Judy: there's an updated discussion on accessibility of remote meetings that connect with earlier comments

Tzviya: I need to find time to do triage on our GitHub issues
… some of them may be requests to add specific things to CEPC

Tzviya: some of what people ask us to do is not something we have the power to do

<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to comment on accounts

Ralph: I'm concerned about lowering the application barrier on requiring a W3C account entirely

Tzviya: the short answer is that it's another step
… while creating a W3C account looks like it should be simple, there are glitches
… it's another hurdle
… people are hesitant to share information if they don't have to

WendyR: we would ask a grantee to create an account before TPAC; we just don't want that to be the first step they have to do
… we'd like to minimize the hurdles

Sheila: specifically, for people who might be unsure about whether or not they are sufficiently technical the specifics of joining W3C could feel intimidating
… I know some people who should apply and I can anticipate their concerns'

<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to followup

<wseltzer> [We should also try to get feedback to improve W3C account system, but that's a longer project]

<sheila> that's a great point! we should be very clear about data privacy and consent

Jemma: we need a clear path on what happens when someone receives an award
… I was contacted by someone who had difficulty getting the funds in a timely manner

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).