Meeting minutes
Rachal: As before, we plan for breakout
… but attendance is light
JF: We seem to be talking at cross purposes...
… very different meanings for "protocols"
… evaluation protocols versus production protocols or production protocols
Rachael: We do have different visions, so we want to come back to that
JF: both teams trying to solve different problems -- but using "protocols" to mean those two different things
Rachael: we will document those difference and come back to the larger groups...
… previously we had different ideas, but did not split, so it was hard to resolve conflict of meaning
JF: prefer to figure out sooner than latter
Rachael: first group could switch to "procedures" nomenclature
Rachael: We have broken up into two group to document what we mean by protocols.
<Rachael> Goal: What is a protocol (define it), Example or two, What would be documented or captured to prove a protocol, suggested alternate for "protocol"
<Rachael> Two approaches: Points for protocols and Procedures
bruce asks if we have quorum
<Rachael> 1) Points for protocols vs 2) Procedures
<SuzanneTaylor> 1
bruce feels that points for protocols was making pretty good progress as compared to proceedures sub group
JF: Points for protocols is giving points / scoring for promise
Racheal: So might points for protocols only be that promisary statement?
Mike Gower: Is that it? Don't you have to have some evaluation against meeting that promise?
JF: Well, are we going to split up, or all talk about procedures?
Rachael: If points-for-protocols groups feels like they have answered my questions, lets take a look.
JF: Yes we have working definition with examples.
Rachael: I heard statement that you have documented comittment, can that be done?
<jeanne> Points for Protocols
JF: I cannot, but group might be able to get at a consensus
… Plain Language is an example, cite legal obligation and commitment...
… Plain Language is contextual, so what is plain language for scientist is different than students
… plain language gives 8 factors for evaluation
Rachael: I feel like current doc is not providing all we looking for with a sub group concensus statement
Mike Gower: You said you didn't have the right questions? What are the right questions?
JF: The idea of this sort of protocol is getting the expectation in front of the content creators.
<JF> https://
Racheal leaning toward split up.
<mbgower> JF, I heard: how can mechanisms be used to prove success? How do we see a statement being used in this?
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to review the Points for Protocols document
Jeanne I was looking at point-for-protocols group, and I don't feel like what JF has been saying is really in this group.
Sheri: I heard JF talk about proof points and I would like points for protocols to have some alignment with that
Sheri: Is moving working in progress, hope to have github version very soon
Sheri talked about Maturity Model and capturing that and reflected in working doc
<Rachael> Maturity model link (access coming soon) 1Y5EO6zkOMrbyePw5-Crq8ojmhn9OCTRQ6TlgB0cE6YE/edit?pli=1#
<Rachael> https://
MG: Please add the question you think you should be asked to your doc.
MG: Dont necessarily even need to answer.
Group Splits Up
exit to breakout rooms
Joining back up.
Rachael: we will just report back in
<SuzanneTaylor> https://
<Rachael> Bruce: We made some progress.
Bruce: We makde some progress with four item list towards bottom
<SuzanneTaylor> this is probably a better link: https://
<Rachael> ...4 item list at the bottom of the document.
Bruce: new notes at the bottom
sub group feels more aligne with points for protocol than we did at top of call
Rachael reporting back from points:
documented a couple examples, worked on definition
Rachael reads from google doc
<jeanne> https://
JF: we provided some example, question as to where does protocol come from ?
… we think WG should validate protocols as being sufficient or not
Rachael: I agree that points-to-protocol seems close to complete enough
… not sure we need to meet next week
MC: agree that we need a little more time and are making good progresss
Rachael: I will propose something to list for next meeting