16:45:33 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:45:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/05-aria-irc 16:45:36 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:45:37 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 16:46:37 meeting: ARIA WG 16:46:53 agendabot, find agenda 16:46:53 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 16:46:53 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2b92a902-1365-4ea0-8c68-9f8ae2106fe3/20220505T130000 16:46:53 clear agenda 16:46:53 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3OUzUvZ 16:46:54 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3KH3ceh 16:46:56 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates - Dialog this week! (before this meeting) 16:46:59 agenda+ -> New Issue Logging process https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/new/choose 16:47:02 agenda+ -> associationlist and related roles have tediously long names https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1662 16:47:05 agenda+ -> Prohibit presentation / none on where it causes conflict resolution https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1494 16:47:08 agenda+ -> HTML-AAM - Change mapping for generic https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/112 16:47:11 agenda+ -> 1.3 triage https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc 17:02:05 pkra has joined #aria 17:03:03 scotto has joined #aria 17:03:11 present+ 17:03:16 present+ 17:03:19 present+ 17:04:17 present+ 17:04:18 myasonik has joined #aria 17:04:27 siri has joined #aria 17:04:44 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria 17:04:51 scribe: pkra 17:04:57 zakim, next item 17:04:57 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3OUzUvZ -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:05:11 present+ 17:05:49 jnurthen: accname#158. editors, what's the plan? 17:06:10 melsumner: didn't we want to go evergreen? 17:06:22 present+ 17:06:35 jnurthen: yes, but would need WD 17:07:01 melsumner: ok then. 17:07:15 michaelC: I was waiting to set up auto-publishing. 17:07:28 melsumner: great. we've been going through backlog. 17:07:32 ... so now is a good time. 17:07:41 jnurthen: how is the branching? 17:08:03 ... WD usually comes from stable. 17:08:08 ... so cherry pick from main to stable. 17:08:21 ... editor's draft off main, WD off stable 17:08:26 melsumner: ok I'll respond on issue. 17:08:41 jnurthen: ok. doesn't have to stay open. 17:09:10 melsumner: core-aam#116 just placeholder. accname soon, too. Needed for evergreen. 17:09:36 ... nothing for right now 17:10:02 michaelc: we did a wide review a few years back. I'm working out if we need to do that again. 17:10:28 jnurthen: html-aam 399. 17:10:49 scotto: waiting for firefox to agree. 17:11:06 ... maybe agenda soon. I will track. 17:11:20 jnurthen: aria 1734. need discussion? 17:11:36 scotto: maybe. might come up today 17:11:42 present + 17:11:45 jnurthen: aria#1732 17:12:37 pkra: continuation. I had merged PR, thus closed old issue. They opened a new one. 17:12:59 jnurthen: I'll assing myself to make comment. 17:13:18 jnurthen: aria#1731 17:13:48 ... assign to valerie? 17:13:51 valerie: ok. 17:13:59 jnurthen: maybe we need a label "process" 17:14:34 zakim, next item 17:14:34 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3KH3ceh -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:14:54 jnurthen: html-aam#402 output element 17:15:20 scotto: removes idea output is named by subtree. Adds label. Removes uia control type. 17:16:20 ... question: worth adding note or normative that how to announce as part of live region. 17:16:39 jnurthen: yeah, sounds bogus. Who should review? 17:16:44 cynthia: I'll review. 17:17:40 mattking: how does this play into live region? 17:17:54 scotto: implicit to role=status. name from author. 17:18:01 jnurthen: not clearly specificed yet, right? 17:18:11 scotto: yes, that's what this is trying to fix. 17:18:45 ... but browsers are doing this right now so calling it out seems like a good way to start fixing some of these issues. 17:19:11 mattking: should we not raise a bug? 17:19:20 jnurthen: mattking, maybe review or comment? 17:19:26 mattking: ok 17:19:38 jnurthen: html-aam#401 meter fallback. 17:19:52 scotto: review by implementors please. 17:20:15 jnurthen: ok. anyone else? 17:20:37 jnurthen: aria#1733 17:21:08 ... I'll review. editorial. 17:21:18 jnurthen: aria#398. waiting for me. 17:21:38 zakim, next item 17:21:38 agendum 3 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates - Dialog this week! (before this meeting) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:21:48 jnurthen: deep dive planning. Any suggestions? 17:21:54 ... next two weeks are open 17:21:58 CurtBellew has joined #aria 17:22:37 melsumner: should we just do dialog until we hash it out? 17:22:47 scotto: but please first let's read current proposals. 17:23:05 ... we cannot have another meeting just rehashing the conversations. 17:23:19 mattking: can I edit the wiki and add issues? 17:23:33 scotto: not sure about access. but ping me I'll edit. 17:23:43 present+ 17:23:54 presente+ 17:24:00 jnurthen: ok, no deep dive next week 17:24:01 zakim, next item 17:24:01 agendum 4 -- -> New Issue Logging process https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/new/choose -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:24:10 present+ 17:24:15 s/presente+/ 17:24:28 jnurthen: valerie got improvements going with options + templates for issues 17:24:58 ... editorial, feature, question/concern, authoring 17:25:19 ... templates are asking for info as needed. 17:25:31 ... not all needed but meant to be left for later. 17:25:39 ... e.g., APG, accname, etc 17:26:07 ... authoring redirects to authoring practices. 17:26:20 ... comments, concerns etc? 17:26:34 Looks awesome! 17:26:35 scotto: looks great! 17:26:37 pkra: seconded. 17:27:02 +1 17:27:13 valerie: I think it's good to have normative changes clearly tracked. Then we know if we can publish something. 17:27:20 ... that is a good goal. 17:27:34 jnurthen: depending on the quality of the new issue, open a new one ;-) 17:27:54 ... feel free to suggest more ideas like it. 17:28:22 mattking: for tracking downstream, do we get a label? 17:28:34 jnurthen: yes, we will create labels when we have a first one. 17:28:55 mattking: already 1.3 ? 17:29:03 jnurthen: maybe. but 1.4 for sure. 17:30:13 zakim, next item 17:30:13 agendum 5 -- -> associationlist and related roles have tediously long names https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1662 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:31:04 valerie: I think this was just leftover as last meeting came to close. 17:31:32 jnurthen: I think I said I made them intentionally long so they don't use them. 17:32:20 mattking: what's the proposed solution? 17:32:34 jnurthen: just list for DL, listitemkey, listemvalue. 17:32:49 ... for DT DD 17:33:56 mattking: can you have a list item ... [I didn't track] 17:34:05 jnurthen: jcraig had suggested not to forbid it. 17:34:12 ... but current mapping is bad. 17:34:30 .. I'll assign myself. 17:35:44 lol I use them too but I didn't know about the missing mappings ugh 17:35:54 I use DLs for API docs when I need to write them, what should I use instead? 17:35:59 pkra: for the record I use them and would like better mappings. 17:36:05 mattking: there's just nothing to map them to. 17:36:07 zakim, next item. 17:36:07 agendum 6 -- -> Prohibit presentation / none on where it causes conflict resolution https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1494 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:38:01 jnurthen: old PR, originally simple. Joanie suggested adding it to associated state/property/role, also suggested prohibit use of property on role. 17:38:21 ... not sure. I don't like the example but what does the group think? 17:38:25 scotto: I like it. 17:39:19 jnurthen: I think every single implementation would have to change. They'll have to prevent the property. Right now they ignore the role. Would change content. 17:40:03 mattking: right now, we're enabling accessibility when we think there's an author error -- role=none is the error, the global prop is the "real" intent. 17:40:44 ... that's my understanding at least. 17:41:11 cynthia: mine as well. 17:41:43 melsumner: we do that trying to provide a good user experience. but if someone writes rules for testing or linting, the opposite is true. 17:41:58 mattking: could do it the other way around. 17:42:01 melsumner: yes. 17:42:06 scotto: we do this in html-aam. 17:42:23 ... e.g., role=none and focusable elements 17:42:40 ... but don't see we can state this generally 17:42:46 ... we need to maintain that. 17:43:13 ... we allow the property on the role but then tell them the role will be removed. 17:43:26 mattking: we don't have the concept in the spec. 17:43:39 melsumner: the role takes precedence, right? 17:43:44 mattking: yes except here 17:44:11 jnurthen: how do we resolve this? 17:46:08 aaron: if we were to change as Joanie suggests: I don't want to have to check the role whenever I look at a property. 17:46:16 ... right now it's easy. 17:46:24 ... change would be harder than it's worth. 17:46:30 jnurthen: so maybe just do the simple approach. 17:46:37 ... as the original PR 17:47:22 it sounds like the only approach we can take without breaking things 17:47:26 aaron: I'm ok as long as implementation stays 17:47:29 scotto: I agree. 17:47:32 mattking: agreed. 17:47:44 jnurthen: then let's just merge the PR? 17:47:46 scotto: I'll review 17:48:20 pkra: the other point about having to read the section? 17:48:36 jnurthen: yeah, not sure. 17:48:51 scotto: I'll look through it, check if anything to add. 17:49:07 ... but he'll probably not be back to make changes. 17:49:41 ... so we should make edits ourselves. 17:50:42 zakim, next item 17:50:42 agendum 7 -- -> HTML-AAM - Change mapping for generic https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/112 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:51:05 scotto: discussed it with jcraig, he'll start working on it. 17:51:09 ... then reach out for review. 17:51:26 zakim, next item 17:51:26 agendum 7 was just opened, pkra 17:51:38 zakim, close this item 17:51:38 agendum 7 closed 17:51:39 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:51:39 8. -> 1.3 triage https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc [from agendabot] 17:51:49 zakim, next item 17:51:49 agendum 8 -- -> 1.3 triage https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:52:37 aria #1008 17:52:45 jnurthen: joanie says no. 17:52:57 ... but tpac note says yes. 17:53:58 valerie: let's assign and move on? 17:54:35 Ill give it a try 17:54:49 valerie: I'll take a look 17:55:25 jnurthen: aria#1048. Has PR from me. I'll assign myself. 17:55:52 aaron: aria-relevant is horrible and inconsistent. the idea we originally had didn't pan out. 17:56:26 jnurthen: aria#1084 17:56:55 ... sounds like a good first issue. 17:57:08 ... prose to explain concepts. editorial. 17:57:08 I'll do it 17:57:16 1084 17:58:00 ... assign to chlane. 17:58:33 ... aria#1101 17:59:06 ... follow up to changes to global 17:59:53 scotto: comment in spec warns of this change. 18:00:03 mattking: trying to imagine a disabled row. 18:00:18 aaron: disabled tree item is ok? 18:01:08 mattking: my comment was assuming it's needed. but I'm not sure about that. 18:01:10 ... 1.4 18:01:28 RRS agent, make minutes 18:01:33 RRSagent, make minutes 18:01:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/05-aria-minutes.html pkra 18:02:00 bkardell_ has joined #aria 18:02:06 Hapy to. 18:02:10 Happy to. 18:02:17 myasonik has left #aria 18:29:44 quit 18:29:45 ls 18:29:47 quit 18:29:49 qpe 19:01:49 quit 19:01:51 exit 19:01:55 quit 19:01:57 end