IRC log of voiceinteraction on 2022-05-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:56:55 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction
14:56:55 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:57:17 [ddahl]
meeting: Voice Interaction
14:57:22 [ddahl]
chair: debbie
14:57:28 [ddahl]
14:57:50 [ddahl]
regrets: Ulrike
15:17:02 [ddahl]
present: bev,jon,jim,debbie
15:20:53 [ddahl]
Topic: actions from last time
15:21:20 [ddahl]
debbie: prepared abstract for speakers' bureau
15:21:33 [ddahl]
jon: sent to 17 prospective events
15:22:01 [ddahl]
... just contacted by Voice Summit, October 11-13, Arlington, VA
15:22:16 [ddahl]
...will be submitting presentation
15:23:02 [ddahl]
debbie: probably to attract government people
15:23:36 [ddahl]
jon: animated slide with jim's scripting
15:23:45 [ddahl]
jim: posted in Slack under privacy
15:24:05 [ddahl]
debbie: ok to send to voice interaction list?
15:24:10 [ddahl]
jon: ok
15:24:42 [ddahl]
jim: hoping to get comments
15:25:07 [ddahl]
jim: have Zoom meeting and each take a part
15:25:42 [ddahl]
jon: turn that into a YouTube or just send a video
15:25:50 [ddahl]
...7 minutes or so
15:26:42 [ddahl]
debbie: could try using Ziotag
15:27:51 [ddahl]
...summarizes videos
15:29:12 [ddahl]
jon: needs to follow up with Voice Lunch
15:29:57 [ddahl]
debbie: was going to try to get W3C workshop going, but without success
15:30:52 [ddahl]
...will try to think of other ways to get W3C workshop going
15:33:40 [ddahl]
action: jim to contact W3C
15:35:59 [ddahl]
debbie: to email W3C accessibility people
15:36:28 [ddahl]
s/email/send email addresses
15:46:37 [ddahl]
action: debbie to send bev 100-word abstract for speakers' bureau
15:48:12 [ddahl]
topic: making progress on the interfaces document
15:53:12 [ddahl]
debbie: we should look at the Multimodal Architecture and compare communication
15:53:41 [ddahl]
jim: in MMI, there's a response
15:54:04 [ddahl]
...need to define messages between components
15:54:34 [ddahl]
jim: we also have the OVON protocols documents
15:54:51 [ddahl]
15:55:20 [ddahl]
jim: OVON messages might be out of date
15:56:22 [ddahl]
debbie: we should include responses in our protocols
15:57:44 [ddahl]
debbie: could have a grand table aligning concepts
15:58:06 [ddahl]
jim: should wait until OVON is better defined
15:58:32 [ddahl]
debbie: could align interfaces with MMI
16:00:46 [ddahl]
mmi architecture document is
16:01:58 [ddahl]
debbie: everyone is encouraged to take a look at this and see how it aligns with the interfaces
16:02:12 [ddahl]
rrsagent, format minutes
16:02:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ddahl
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rrsagent, make logs public
16:05:51 [ddahl]
ddahl has left #voiceinteraction