17:38:39 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:38:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-aria-apg-irc 17:38:53 Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practice Guides 17:39:03 present+ JaeunJemmaKu 17:39:07 rrsagent, make minutes 17:39:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-aria-apg-minutes.html Jem 17:39:18 rrsagent, make log public 17:39:42 Chair: Jemma 17:57:16 MichaelC_ has joined #aria-apg 17:58:35 jongunderson has joined #aria-apg 17:58:36 zakim, who is here? 17:58:36 Present: JaeunJemmaKu 17:58:38 On IRC I see jongunderson, MichaelC_, RRSAgent, Zakim, jamesn, Jem, MichaelC, github-bot, ZoeBijl, trackbot 17:59:22 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg 17:59:43 Meeting Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/May-3%2C-2022-Agenda 18:01:38 Topic: Set up and review agenda 18:03:53 siri has joined #aria-apg 18:05:03 scribe: MarkMcCarthy 18:05:57 Jem: still waiting for Matt and a couple other people 18:06:25 Topic: New APG issue Triage 18:06:29 Jem: no new issues this week! 18:06:43 Topic: APG redesign Project 18:06:55 present+ 18:07:01 present+ RichNoah 18:07:12 https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/projects/1 18:07:27 Rich: we have a few items that are necessary for launch, we've sized them. we have 6 days left before deploying for review 18:07:46 Rich: Right now, it's set that our changes will take 7.5 days, so I'm waiting to hear about more resources 18:08:09 Rich: We found some issues, we have to overwrite the template. I'd like to avoid if possible 18:08:10 Q+ 18:08:18 Rich: But we're working on it 18:08:29 to ask where the information is. 18:08:32 Rich: Hopefully will be ready for review before GAAD on May 19 18:08:59 present+ Matt_King 18:09:27 Jem: I don't see those 9 issues on the project board 18:09:31 ack me 18:09:39 Matt_King: They're in wai-aria-practices 18:09:49 https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/projects/1 18:10:07 Rich: they should all be there 18:10:40 Rich: I accounted for 10, so I'm not sure if anything else moved in. The URL item isn't from us 18:10:47 Matt_King: That's on MichaelC_ and Shawn 18:10:59 Matt_King has joined #aria-apg 18:11:19 Rich: There's one that wasn't scoped out this morning, #49, so I'll have to get things resized 18:11:36 Matt_King: it depends on #48 18:12:45 Matt_King: I just didn't want to interrupt the flow of the meeting or anything else before getting to that 18:13:17 jongunderson: What's the plan for bypass blocks? There's two different ways to do it right now 18:13:22 Rich: That's in issue 26 18:13:59 Matt_King: we're removing the extraneous one that's just a link, instead using SkipTo.js. it won't be persistently visible on launch, but issue 40 contains some designs from Isaac 18:14:43 Matt_King: current plan is that it will appear on Tab for initial launch, #40 will be taken up right after launch 18:14:46 jongunderson: thanks 18:15:20 TOPIC: Placement of "Read This First" links 18:15:32 https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/issues/48 18:16:06 Matt_King: currently, the Read Me First section contains basic principles (No ARIA...), basic browser/AT support, etc. 18:16:37 Matt_King: right now, it's kind of buried on the about page. this issue turns the Read Me into a fundamentals page like landmarks, hiding content, etc. 18:16:59 Matt_King: it'll be titled "Read This First" and will be the first item on the fundamentals page 18:17:29 Matt_King: ideally, we should highlight it on the homepage and patterns/widgets page 18:17:45 Matt_King: if we're forced to do either/or right now, there's two questions: 18:18:09 Matt_King: what does the TF think we should do if we have to choose a location, and if it's on the homepage, where do we put it? 18:18:33 Matt_King: my understanding is that, when you load the homepage, the only thing you see without scrolling down is the intro card which links to the patterns page 18:18:56 https://main--wai-aria-practices2.netlify.app/ 18:19:34 Matt_King: so, if we put Read This First on the homepage, i don't think i'd want it below the fold and above the "view patterns" link 18:20:00 Matt_King: so maybe the place to feature it is at the top of the patterns page, maybe that's more important than featuring it on the homepage 18:20:51 Jem: I agree, but maybe adding a navigation item and putting it on its own page 18:21:12 Matt_King: it'll be on the fundamentals page as the first card for sure. 18:21:57 Matt_King: that's a given. but we have to make sure people are aware of it before using the patterns, too 18:22:07 jongunderson: i think putting it on the patterns page is a good place to put it 18:22:28 jongunderson: maybe naming it something more inviting than "read this first" 18:23:28 Matt_King: so we'll need a small intro after that first heading, or maybe "read this first: no aria is better than bad aria", that could be good 18:23:31 jongunderson: i like that 18:23:37 MarkMcCarthy: +1 18:24:46 Jem: hearing two suggestions: 1, adding read me first as first card item in fundamentals, 2: adding read me first as first item under design patterns and widgets 18:25:33 Matt_King: if the card was just "read this first" with the "no aria..." tagline, Rich, would something like that look any different? 18:26:06 Rich: each card has: on the upper left, the icon representing the widget, in the top right, the name of the widget, then a description afterwards 18:26:28 Rich: Everything is ordered alphabetically, and adding "Read this first" Would break that, but we're here to do what you (all) would like 18:26:47 Matt_King: could it be added under the H1, in such a way it doesn't break the flow of the page 18:26:58 Rich: It could be another element for sure, but I'd have to talk with Isaac 18:27:41 Matt_King: maybe instead of a card on the fundamentals page, it's represented the same way throughout. 18:28:12 jongunderson: i think Isaac would have good ideas 18:28:27 Matt_King: if it's done this way where it's separate from the cards, maybe it could take up less vertical space. 18:28:32 Rich: I could see it spanning across. 18:28:57 Rich: if this is the case, then "Read this first" is the heading, and after that the CTA is "No aria...."? 18:32:29 Scribe: Jemma 18:35:26 Decision: "Read me" section under "about" page will move to the "patterns and widgets" page as the first card item. 18:35:41 https://main--wai-aria-practices2.netlify.app/patterns/ 18:38:53 👏 18:40:46 Matt will open the issues regarding heading level in fundamental page. 18:41:00 https://main--wai-aria-practices2.netlify.app/fundamentals/names-and-descriptions/ 18:41:26 Topic: Homepage content update 18:43:06 "Home" link does not indicate that it is apg site because there is no correct H1 unless it says APG home 18:44:21 jon: it is a bit backward convention to show w3c after ARIA APG. 18:53:31 Matt_King_ has joined #aria-apg 18:56:03 discussing to resolve the descrepancy of accessible name for home and actul h1 in the hompage 18:56:36 Mck: Matt will update the h1 to apg, rather than being the tag like of "get empowered..." 18:58:01 https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/b5c3f8/#wai-site-footer 18:58:26 mck provide the content 18:58:56 s/provide/provided/ 18:59:36 zakim, who is here? 18:59:36 Present: JaeunJemmaKu, MarkMcCarthy, RichNoah, Matt_King 18:59:38 On IRC I see Matt_King, siri, MarkMcCarthy, jongunderson, MichaelC_, RRSAgent, Zakim, jamesn, Jem, github-bot, ZoeBijl, trackbot 19:05:28 mck: I would prefer something else instead of div and span 19:06:12 jon: I will add comment on wai template. 19:07:01 rrsagent, make minutes 19:07:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-aria-apg-minutes.html Jem 19:08:39 https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/issues 19:09:39 mck: I don't see there is preview link for the changes. 19:10:02 rich: I will check with Howard about the workflow. 19:18:04 mck: removing the texts of "recommended approach..." under "building blocks that..." 19:23:24 APG resources look like h3 visually although it is h2. 19:23:42 s/APG resources/"APG resources"/ 19:27:03 rrsagent, make minutes 19:27:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-aria-apg-minutes.html Jem 21:22:08 Zakim has left #aria-apg