A11Y Functional Needs

03 May 2022


Jake, Joshue, Michael, Todd

Meeting minutes

FAST restructure

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/fast/pull/3

<MichaelC> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/fast/restructure-functional-and-user-needs/index.html

New FAST update

MC: I've got a new branch


MC: <gives overview of new FAST>

MC: It would be great if we could agree to merge this

MC: Here is a list of what I've done in the PR https://github.com/w3c/fast/pull/3

MC: I'd like to get the Matrix into this doc in some form

MC: Even a screenshot etc to identify how we are working

MC: I put the terms inline

Definitions here https://raw.githack.com/w3c/fast/restructure-functional-and-user-needs/index.html#functional-needs

MC: Discusses various layers

MC: I'd like input on what should be changed before merging?

JOC: Really happy to see this progress.

Todd: Also happy

Jake: Happy to merge

RESOLUTION: Merging of MC branch approved

MC: We can work on this in the future

If this doc is a source of truth now, anything from the Google docs will have to be reflected or we work from this.

JOC: Would this be people logging PRs etc?

MC: Yeah, or issues

Editing via PRs etc - that can be forced in the repository

JOC: The Google sheet bit has worked ok, what do you think?

JA: Is the question if we have a sketch version somewhere, then its not scattered around.

JA: To experiement on the matrix we will work further on the Google Sheet document

MC: We need to manage change tracking.

JA: AFAIK, tracking of changes in spreadsheets is available.

<Discussion on tools formats>

MC: We could establish a convention where we use an asterisk to show when content is ready to migrate

We could great a working sheet for mappings that is less of a matrix

MC: <Discusses ideas>

Columns for user need, functional needs etc

They can be dynamically linked - flat list of outcomes that say how they relate and we generate the matrix from that

Don't know how to do that the opposite way

Each outcome needs to be its own cell.

JOC: Could we get it as CSV?

MC: Yeah

JOC: We can stick with Sheets for now.

MC: We need an editing environment that works

JOC: And is accessible

MC: Sheets can be our scratchpad - asterisks can keep us in sync.

MC: Thats all I've done

JOC: Good stuff

MC: Regarding the functioning of the group - we are now on APA

Todd has approval

work mode

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Functional_Needs_sub-group

MC: We are all in APA

MC: DIscusses leadership, COGA and A11y for Children

Deceptive Patterns

<Todd> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKGPMiDL8CKcXWr0md09ZLwZEPdoxeNTNQsf8IuszqQ/edit#heading=h.6flbja9pmm8c

JOC: Lets continue from To be categorised

JOC: We are discussing Price comparison prevention

TL: I had in annoying unwanted and wording

Discuss Misdirection that moves focus

Where form focus is jumping around

JA: If covered by an SC did we not say it should be removed?

JOC: Hard to tell the different between this an just poor focus management

Discuss Bait and switch

TL: Unsure of this, needs example

JOC: Sounds like clickbait issue?

TL: When buying something for price x, you get extra stuff added

And pay more for a product they didn't want to spend on.

JOC: Like an upsell by stealth

Discuss Twitter tweets of people you have blocked

TL: The user has to interact consciously - the user can ignore it and move on.

They need to interact to see the blocked account


Discuss Pop up text boxes on websites


Discuss Subscription-based services that make you log in via a web browser

JOC: Is this not an acceptable pattern

JA: In banking you can go from the app to the website to change etc

This is a company choice.

All options cannot just be made available in the app.

JOC: Yeah, I've seen this in banking also

Discuss Close buttons which are obscured by size or colour choice

JA: Dont get it

JOC: Is this where a button is made very small

TL: Like mobile ads that are videos and they are obscured

JA: They are behind something

JOC: Thats done deliberately

JA: DIscusses example

JOC: Let come back to this - next.

Agenda next week

TL: Go thru the rest of this list

JOC: COGA upcoming Michael?

MC: Yes - will look into this?

JOC: Planning

Summary of resolutions

  1. Merging of MC branch approved
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: JA, JOC, MC, TL