13:04:03 RRSAgent has joined #a11y-functional 13:04:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-a11y-functional-irc 13:04:04 JakeAbma has joined #a11y-functional 13:08:34 topic: FAST restructure 13:08:41 Todd has joined #a11y-functional 13:08:49 https://github.com/w3c/fast/pull/3 13:08:49 Zakim has joined #a11y-functional 13:08:49 present+ 13:08:58 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/fast/restructure-functional-and-user-needs/index.html 13:09:26 TOPIC: New FAST update 13:09:36 MC: I've got a new branch 13:09:39 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/fast/restructure-functional-and-user-needs/index.html 13:09:48 MC: 13:09:59 MC: It would be great if we could agree to merge this 13:11:20 MC: Here is a list of what I've done in the PR https://github.com/w3c/fast/pull/3 13:11:52 MC: I'd like to get the Matrix into this doc in some form 13:12:09 MC: Even a screenshot etc to identify how we are working 13:12:15 MC: I put the terms inline 13:12:44 Definitions here https://raw.githack.com/w3c/fast/restructure-functional-and-user-needs/index.html#functional-needs 13:12:45 q? 13:12:57 MEETING: Functional Needs 13:13:14 MC: Discusses various layers 13:13:31 MC: I'd like input on what should be changed before merging? 13:13:44 JOC: Really happy to see this progress. 13:13:57 Todd: Also happy 13:14:03 Jake: Happy to merge 13:14:28 RESOLUTION: Merging of MC branch approved 13:14:39 MC: We can work on this in the future 13:15:03 If this doc is a source of truth now, anything from the Google docs will have to be reflected or we work from this. 13:15:25 JOC: Would this be people logging PRs etc? 13:15:29 MC: Yeah, or issues 13:16:00 Editing via PRs etc - that can be forced in the repository 13:17:10 JOC: The Google sheet bit has worked ok, what do you think? 13:17:41 JA: Is the question if we have a sketch version somewhere, then its not scattered around. 13:18:38 JA: To experiement on the matrix we will work further on the Google Sheet document 13:18:56 MC: We need to manage change tracking. 13:19:17 JA: AFAIK, tracking of changes in spreadsheets is available. 13:20:06 13:20:42 MC: We could establish a convention where we use an asterisk to show when content is ready to migrate 13:20:56 We could great a working sheet for mappings that is less of a matrix 13:21:06 MC: 13:21:20 Columns for user need, functional needs etc 13:21:45 They can be dynamically linked - flat list of outcomes that say how they relate and we generate the matrix from that 13:21:54 Don't know how to do that the opposite way 13:22:04 Each outcome needs to be its own cell. 13:22:30 JOC: Could we get it as CSV? 13:22:34 MC: Yeah 13:22:56 JOC: We can stick with Sheets for now. 13:23:08 MC: We need an editing environment that works 13:23:11 JOC: And is accessible 13:24:06 MC: Sheets can be our scratchpad - asterisks can keep us in sync. 13:24:13 MC: Thats all I've done 13:24:16 JOC: Good stuff 13:25:05 MC: Regarding the functioning of the group - we are now on APA 13:25:12 Todd has approval 13:25:28 topic: work mode 13:25:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Functional_Needs_sub-group 13:25:36 MC: We are all in APA 13:28:37 MC: DIscusses leadership, COGA and A11y for Children 13:29:00 Topic: Deceptive Patterns 13:29:17 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKGPMiDL8CKcXWr0md09ZLwZEPdoxeNTNQsf8IuszqQ/edit#heading=h.6flbja9pmm8c 13:29:51 JOC: Lets continue from To be categorised 13:31:02 JOC: We are discussing Price comparison prevention 13:31:57 TL: I had in annoying unwanted and wording 13:33:28 Discuss Misdirection that moves focus 13:34:15 Where form focus is jumping around 13:34:46 JA: If covered by an SC did we not say it should be removed? 13:36:26 JOC: Hard to tell the different between this an just poor focus management 13:36:57 Discuss Bait and switch 13:37:12 TL: Unsure of this, needs example 13:37:56 JOC: Sounds like clickbait issue? 13:38:21 TL: When buying something for price x, you get extra stuff added 13:38:49 And pay more for a product they didn't want to spend on. 13:39:04 JOC: Like an upsell by stealth 13:40:58 Discuss Twitter tweets of people you have blocked 13:42:06 TL: The user has to interact consciously - the user can ignore it and move on. 13:42:17 They need to interact to see the blocked account 13:42:20 Remove? 13:43:31 MichaelC has changed the topic to: Functional needs sub-group https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Functional_Needs_sub-group 13:46:32 Discuss Pop up text boxes on websites 13:46:40 13:46:54 Discuss Subscription-based services that make you log in via a web browser 13:47:06 JOC: Is this not an acceptable pattern 13:48:03 JA: In banking you can go from the app to the website to change etc 13:48:10 This is a company choice. 13:48:23 All options cannot just be made available in the app. 13:48:38 JOC: Yeah, I've seen this in banking also 13:51:51 Discuss Close buttons which are obscured by size or colour choice 13:52:46 JA: Dont get it 13:52:55 JOC: Is this where a button is made very small 13:53:22 TL: Like mobile ads that are videos and they are obscured 13:53:28 JA: They are behind something 13:53:37 JOC: Thats done deliberately 13:54:19 JA: DIscusses example 13:59:34 JOC: Let come back to this - next. 13:59:43 Topic: Agenda next week 13:59:50 TL: Go thru the rest of this list 14:00:13 JOC: COGA upcoming Michael? 14:00:22 MC: Yes - will look into this? 14:00:39 JOC: Planning 14:00:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-a11y-functional-minutes.html Joshue108 15:30:21 Zakim has left #a11y-functional 17:33:31 rrsagent, make log world 17:33:38 meeting: A11Y Functional Needs 17:33:47 chair: Joshue 17:34:01 scribe: Joshue108 17:34:21 present: Jake, Michael, Todd, Joshue 17:34:25 scribeOptions: -final 17:34:29 rrsagent, make minutes 17:34:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/03-a11y-functional-minutes.html MichaelC 17:34:47 rrsagent, bye 17:34:47 I see no action items