MiniApps WG Teleconference

28 April 2022


martin, QingAn, tomayac, xfq, Xiaoping Zhao, xiaoqian
Dan Zhou

Meeting minutes


TAG review

QingAn: discussion about the MiniApp origin

QingAn: not specific to the Lifecycle spec

QingAn: the MiniApp origin is not the same as the web origin
… more like a business policy of MiniApp vendors
… out of scope for this group
… no big update to the spec itself



martin: reviewing the CSP issue ^
… somewhat related to the origin topic you mentioned just now


martin: editorial update ^
… approved by xfq
… if there's no objection we can merge it


martin: I updated the explainer ^
… not only 2 members
… I included the members we introduced a while ago
… we can have another round of review and we can merge this PR
… related to #30 and #48
… about the CSP issue, so far I haven't received any comments

Consider consolidating MiniApp's app_id with Web App Manifest's id member

martin: this issue was opened by tomayac

martin: I think we can align with WAM
… feel free to comment

QingAn: is this related to the origin?

martin: not really

QingAn: the id in WAM uses URL
… we need to consult the MiniApp vendors whether it's possible
… do you think it's feasible, martin?

martin: I think we can use it

QingAn: we need to see whether it affects the impls

martin: I agree with you that we should continue the discussion

xiaoqian: there's a Chinese company called Dingdao, working on PWAs


xiaoqian: they filed an issue ^
… is it something we want to do for MiniApp Manifest?
… should we invite the engineers from Dingdao to talk about their vision for PWA?
… to see whether we have any ideas about hybrid apps
… I think we already have a version member in the MiniApp manifest
… we need to look at if the requirements are the same
… if the requirements are the same we should support his idea

martin: I will comment

<xiaoqian> martin++

xiaoqian: thank you, martin



martin: cleaned up the RFC 2119 terms
… nothing affecting the content

QingAn: it's an editorial change?

martin: yes

QingAn: in this case, I'm OK with it

martin: will work on https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/issues/48 this or next week

xfq: Are we ready to start the wide review?

martin: I think it's solid, unless other MiniApp vendors disagree

xiaoqian: we should also ask the digital publishing groups
… because they're interested

martin: yeah

QingAn: about Manifest and Lifecycle
… what's the next step?

<martin> +1 to early reviews of the specs

xfq: getting early and wide review of a document is very important

QingAn: agreed


xiaoqian: according to the charter we should move to PR in Q3 2022
… we need to have at least 2 independent implementations for each feature

QingAn: we're already behind schedule for CR

xiaoqian: we need to close the normative issues before we move to CR
… wide review is also required

martin: we should also start creating a test suite as soon as possible

xiaoqian: we should also look at the Web App Manifest spec to see if we can share some test cases

martin: I'll look into this

xiaoqian: since tomayac is here, I wonder whether he can share how the Web App Manifest spec is tested

tomayac: I'm not a testing expert
… there's wpt, but I'm personally not involved

xiaoqian: thank you

<tomayac> This is the (open) Issue for creating a test suite: https://github.com/w3c/manifest/issues/666


xiaoping: two modificatoins
… removed the Acknowledgments section
… and updated the URI in the explainer
… both PR have been merged

QingAn: next step for widgets?

xiaoping: Xiaomi is drafting a widget spec

White paper 2022

QingAn: I think it's mature enough to publish


<martin> +1 to publish

<xiaoqian> +1

QingAn: we can send an email to the group since not all group members are here

xiaoqian: should we add a version number to it?

QingAn: good idea to add a year
… MiniApp Standardization White Paper 2022?

xiaoqian: looks good to me

QingAn: we may not update it next year
… if we use the year someone may think it's out of date
… I prefer use something like v2.0

martin: works for me

QingAn: should we issue a CfC?

xfq: it's a Note, so we can just tpublish it

xiaoqian: we can publish it and announce it to the group


QingAn: next meeting on May 26?

<martin> +1 May 26

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 188 (Sat Jan 8 18:27:23 2022 UTC).