13:31:10 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:31:10 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/22-epub-irc 13:31:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:31:14 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:31:36 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2022-04-22: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Apr/0013.html 13:31:37 Chair: wendy 13:31:37 Date: 2022-04-22 13:31:37 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Apr/0013.html 13:31:37 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 13:31:37 Regrets+ dauwhe, tzviya 13:53:57 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:59:04 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:59:13 present+ 13:59:23 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 13:59:31 present+ 13:59:32 present+ 13:59:36 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 13:59:37 present+ avneesh 13:59:42 present+ 13:59:48 duga has joined #epub 13:59:52 gpellegrino has joined #epub 13:59:53 present+ 14:00:03 present+ 14:00:04 MattChan has joined #epub 14:00:09 present+ 14:00:18 present+ ben, wendy, brady 14:00:40 AvneeshSingh has joined #epub 14:00:42 present+ 14:00:43 present+ matthew 14:01:16 present+ 14:01:32 scribe+ 14:01:58 regrets+ matt 14:02:06 dlazin has joined #epub 14:02:09 present+ 14:03:38 present+ george 14:03:38 wendyreid: the topic for today is how to run tests 14:03:50 ... if everything goes well, we'll be in CR soon, so we'll want to start running tests 14:03:57 ... what will that actually look like? 14:04:05 q+ 14:04:17 ... if everyone is okay with recording the part of the meeting where dlazin explains this, we'll go ahead with that 14:04:20 ack ivan 14:04:29 ivan: can we add an agenda item? 14:04:44 ... i have sent a mail to the group a few days ago, but i wanted it recorded here too 14:04:54 ... there is a CG on webviews now 14:05:00 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:05:06 ... i was there for the opening call, but I don't have the technical expertise to participate 14:05:19 present+ 14:05:20 ... yet, the epub RS community is one of the major users of webviews 14:05:30 ... any work in that CG might affect RS developers in the future 14:05:39 ... there is a list of issues that has been raised already 14:05:40 -> webviews issues https://github.com/WebView-CG/usage-and-challenges/issues 14:06:02 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:06:06 ... the goal of the group is to write a use-case and requirements document, to be done shortly after TPAC 14:06:22 ... they will try to identify where webview implementations might converge, additional features, etc. 14:06:56 ... i could be the go-between, but probably better for RS implementors with the necessary background to participate in that CG to make sure that what is around in the long term will make your lives easier 14:07:22 wendyreid: okay, please comment now if you have an issue recording? 14:07:41 s/an issue recording/an issue with me recording 14:08:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:08:07 ivan: i've started the recording 14:08:39 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 14:08:45 present+ charles 14:09:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:09:03 dlazin: hello everyone, let's first refamiliarize you with where the tests are at, and how RS can determine whether they are in compliance with the spec/whether we have 2 independent implementors of each feature 14:09:04 https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/ 14:09:16 dlazin: here is the test repo for our spec 14:09:23 dlazin_ has joined #epub 14:09:25 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:09:47 Jen_G has joined #epub 14:09:56 ... i will attempt to share screen now 14:09:57 Present+ 14:11:08 ivan: i'll pause recording temporarily 14:12:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:12:27 duga: i joined the webview CG, but it would be great to have some non-Google people representing there 14:14:00 ivan: i've restarted the recording 14:14:14 dlazin__ has joined #epub 14:14:51 dlazin: most of what we talked about previously are the tests themselves, in /tests repo 14:15:12 ... for each test there is a folder of uncompressed stuff, and further down the zipped epub test itself 14:15:21 ... today we talk about running the tests themselves 14:15:37 ... we store the results as json, which gets used to populate the tests results page 14:15:58 ... there are two main documents, the contribution guidelines and the implementation report 14:16:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:16:24 ... the implementation reports page shows the test results for each RS that supplies implementation results 14:16:47 ... we have tables of consolidated results, as well as implementation results 14:17:18 https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/contributing 14:17:28 ... using Wysebee as example, it has 4 separate implementations. Google Play would similarly record its implementation specific results in different columns 14:17:29 https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/results 14:17:48 ... we're going to do an example assuming we are Apple Books 14:18:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:18:17 ... opening github app, and switching to repo for epub-tests, fetch to make sure I am up-to-date 14:18:46 ... in /epub-tests/reports you can see submitted test results 14:19:29 ... the xx-template.json contains a rest results template with everything set to false 14:19:45 ... create a duplicate of this for each implementation 14:19:57 ... update name 14:20:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:21:11 ... each test result is currently a boolean value set to false, I would comment out/remove all tests I have not yet run to distinguish a test failure from 'test not yet run' 14:21:33 ... get a test epub from the repo, and open it in your RS 14:22:01 ... view the epub to determine whether your RS has passed the test 14:22:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:22:18 ... if you need more context, you can view the unzipped test epub 14:23:21 ... update the test result value for the test you just performed (true/false) 14:23:41 ... create a branch on your fork, and submit a PR with your test result 14:23:50 q+ 14:23:54 ... that's the idea -- go through the tests and run as many as you can 14:24:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:24:24 ... note that the list of tests is still being added to, so keep track of which ones you've done/which you still need to run 14:24:54 ... in the github version of the spec, respec will show an inline tests notice when there are tests for a given assertion 14:25:27 ... if you contributing to writing tests, you can use this to determine where more tests are needed 14:25:31 ask duga 14:25:39 ack duga 14:25:55 duga: from a work standpoint, can we use null to signify when a test has not been run on a given implementation yet? 14:25:59 q+ 14:26:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:26:36 ... when we complete new tests, will we populate the existing test result json files? Or will testers have to go back and compare their test result json again the updated template? 14:26:55 dlazin__: for now we aren't going back and updating existing test result files 14:26:57 ack ivan 14:27:17 ... yes to changing template test result file to use null instead of false for tests yet to be run 14:28:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:28:16 ivan: re. updating test results template and updating existing test results files with new tests, i feel uneasy about changing RS dev's test results files 14:28:56 duga: could we make it so that testers have an option to run a script to say 'yes, add new tests to my test results file'? 14:29:35 ivan: no 14:29:49 q+ 14:29:52 duga: okay, so testers will just add new tests to their test results file manually for now 14:29:53 ack duga 14:30:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:30:10 q+ 14:30:43 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:30:53 duga: re. visibility of tests, one of the easiest ways for me to test is to make the tests public, can we do that? 14:30:58 q- 14:31:09 q+ 14:31:20 dlazin__: all the tests currently contain copyright information, and if you are happy to have the tests in your ebook store, we are happy for you to do that 14:31:48 ivan: i think the current copyright statement is a cc with attribution to w3c 14:31:56 dlazin__: no, we don't use cc, we use w3c license 14:32:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:32:21 ivan: oh, right, yes, we checked with with w3c Wendy (in legal) and it was okay 14:32:23 ack ivan 14:32:38 wendyreid: any other questions? 14:32:44 q- 14:33:05 ... alright, so, we still need tests to be written, and we want tests to be performed 14:33:17 ... don't feel the need to start testing right away, as we are not yet in CR 14:33:19 AramZS has joined #epub 14:33:35 ... we are waiting for feedback from i18n and ping, as the Director has asked us to check with them 14:33:54 ... once we are in CR we'll start testing in earnest 14:34:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:34:20 ivan: i'll stop recording now 14:34:30 wendyreid: okay, i'll edit the video down 14:34:42 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:34:45 q+ 14:34:50 ack ivan 14:34:54 ... if you can contribute tests, please do. If you have questions about contributing tests, you can come to me or dlazin__ 14:35:18 ivan: another big area of testing that these tests will not cover is the content documents 14:35:22 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:35:29 ... i.e. the MUSTs in the Core that are not executable 14:36:13 ... we had a long discussion about using epubcheck as a basis for testing 14:36:45 ... the epubcheck team is busy producing a version for epub 3.3, as part of which they will be creating tests for themselves 14:37:04 ... not all will be relevant for us (i.e. where they test HTML features) 14:37:40 ... we will extract the tests that are relevant for us, and I will script something that will use those tests to create a sort of test results table 14:38:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:38:38 ... most likely what we will have is an inline pulldown menu at the section level of the spec, listing the tests performed by epubcheck 14:39:03 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:39:05 ... so things are evolving on that side of testing 14:39:10 wendyreid: AOB? 14:39:42 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:39:44 wendyreid: i sent an email to the group on behalf of locators group, re. assistive test and locators 14:39:53 ... please reply to the email if you have input, some people already have 14:40:09 s/assistive test/assistive tech 14:40:22 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:40:40 wendyreid: okay, thanks all, bye! 14:41:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:41:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/22-epub-minutes.html ivan 14:41:57 zakim, end meeting 14:41:59 As of this point the attendees have been MasakazuKitahara, ivan, toshiakikoike, avneesh, BenSchroeter, duga, wendyreid, gpellegrino, brady, MattChan, matthew, AvneeshSingh, dlazin, 14:41:59 ... george, GeorgeK, charles, Jen_G 14:41:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:41:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/22-epub-minutes.html Zakim 14:42:02 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:42:04 rrsagent, bye 14:42:04 I see no action items