ixml Community Group

12 April 2022


Bethan Tovey-Walsh, John, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, norm, steven, Tomos Hillman
Steven = Steven Pemberton
John Lumley

Meeting minutes

<norm> You volunteering to take my scribing slot, John?

<norm> Last week. That's about the past, isn't it? I don't do the past. Or the future. And barely the present. But thank you, kindly.

<norm> I'll take my lumps next week.

rrsagent make minutes

Previous Actions

Issue - dynamic error in test catalog schema - ready to pull into GIT - Michael

Action-002 - STeven implemented '**' and '++' operators

Action-003: Error code linkages added - done

Action-004: Namespace for error decided

Status Reports

Implementations require some changes for changes in spec. and syntax

ACTION: Norm to update the schema for the testsuite to the current spec.

Tomos: we may need some alterations for the proposal on added suffix spaces with some punctuation

Review of bug reports and technical issues

Issues 60, 59, 57 and 48 have been completed

Issues open for Norm now completed

Michael: conformance of grammars #43 - fixed - can now be closed

Michael #28 (desiderata for ixml schema) now finished - can be closed

Michael: perhaps need two schemas - a simple (narrow) one and a (broad) one with namespace etc bells and whistles. If anyone is unhappy about this - please holler. Michael to make the decision

Issue#26 - Michael not completely happy - implies differences of opinion about ambiguity amongst the different parser implementations.
… No general definition of ambiguity with BNF. A concrete proposal in comment in the issue
… Perhaps this should be in parsing rather than conformance.

ACTION: Steven - to review the ambiguity text should end up

Issue#19 can now be closed (one rule per non-terminal)

New Issues

Use of 's' and 'S' now to be deprecated in favour of other forms, eg. 's' and 'RS' (Required space)

ACTION: Steven - Steven to review this option.

Issue #66 - Namespace proposal to be reviewed by the group

ACTION: All - Review of the namespace proposal

Michael: existence of a default namespace is not a breaking issue for me

Steven: is the intention to allow prefixes or allow namespaces?

Tomos: Using prefix rather than default should be easier for users
… prolog for the declarations and prefixes on the names

Issue #63 - optional version

Norm: We've left almost no option for grammar extensions, hence the need to identify which grammar version is being used.
… described just as a string...

Michael: XML experience suggest that 1.0 processors should not reject higher/different version numbers...
… A 1.0 processor shouldn't reject a 1.0+ gramar out of hand but do their best to parse it... An issue to discuss

ACTION: Norm to produce some spec. prose on the version (conformance) issue

Issue #51 - needs some review from Michael before closing

ACTION: Norm - Improve the README - what format - Markdown or HTML

Tomos: Are all happy with adding a prolog into the grammar?

Norm: seems to make sense

Michael: inclined to have the prolog non-empty and optional...

ACTION: Tomos to ensure all can see the Balisage paper

Norm scribe for next week

Summary of action items

  1. Norm to update the schema for the testsuite to the current spec.
  2. Steven - to review the ambiguity text should end up
  3. Steven - Steven to review this option.
  4. All - Review of the namespace proposal
  5. Norm to produce some spec. prose on the version (conformance) issue
  6. Norm - Improve the README - what format - Markdown or HTML
  7. Tomos to ensure all can see the Balisage paper
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/agetn/agent/

Succeeded: s/St/st/

Succeeded: s/ata/ata for ixml schema/

Succeeded: s/do not/should not/

Succeeded: s/ME/ME - what format - Markdown or HTML/

Succeeded: s/inclinde/inclined/

Maybe present: Michael, Tomos