14:14:27 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 14:14:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-irc 14:18:08 Scribe: John=John Lumley 14:18:27 norm has joined #ixml 14:21:15 chair: Steven = Steven Pemberton 14:21:44 Meeting: ixml Community Group 14:22:12 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/04/05-ixml-minutes 14:23:09 You volunteering to take my scribing slot, John? 14:23:26 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022Apr/0026.html 14:24:21 Last week. That's about the past, isn't it? I don't do the past. Or the future. And barely the present. But thank you, kindly. 14:24:34 I'll take my lumps next week. 14:24:40 rrsagent make minutes 14:25:44 RRSagetn, make minutes 14:26:01 s/agetn/agent/ 14:26:14 RRSagent, make minutes 14:26:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John 14:28:24 Present: John, norm 14:28:27 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 14:29:08 present+: Michael Sperberg-McQueen 14:30:38 Present+: Tomos Hillman 14:31:19 Present+: Steven, Bethan Tovey-Walsh 14:33:12 Topic: Previous Actions 14:34:46 tovey-walsh has joined #ixml 14:35:14 Issue - dynamic error in test catalog schema - ready to pull into GIT - Michael 14:38:03 John_ has joined #ixml 14:38:46 Action-002 - STeven implemented '**' and '++' operators 14:38:55 s/St/st/ 14:39:16 Action-003: Error code linkages added - done 14:40:24 Action-004: Namespace for error decided 14:41:01 Topic: Status Reports 14:41:26 Implementations require some changes for changes in spec. and syntax 14:41:50 Action: Norm to update the schema for the testsuite to the current spec. 14:43:18 Tomos: we may need some alterations for the proposal on added suffix spaces with some punctuation 14:43:21 Topic: Review of bug reports and technical issues 14:43:45 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:43:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John_ 14:44:51 Issues 60, 59, 57 and 48 have been completed 14:46:00 Issues open for Norm now completed 14:46:30 Michael: conformance of grammars #43 - fixed - can now be closed 14:47:33 Michael #28 (desiderata) now finished - can be closed 14:48:01 s/ata/ata for ixml schema/ 14:49:44 Michael: perhaps need two schemas - a simple (narrow) one and a (broad) one with namespace etc bells and whistles. If anyone is unhappy about this - please holler. Michael to make the decision 14:50:47 Issue#26 - Michael not completely happy - implies differences of opinion about ambiguity amongst the different parser implementations. 14:51:39 ... No general definition of ambiguity with BNF. A concrete proposal in comment in the issue 14:52:22 ... Perhaps this should be in parsing rather than conformance. 14:52:43 Action: Steven - to review the ambiguity text should end up 14:53:10 Issue#19 can now be closed (one rule per non-terminal) 14:53:21 Topic: New Issues 14:55:31 Use of 's' and 'S' now to be deprecated in favour of other forms, eg. 's' and 'RS' (Required space) 14:55:45 Action: Steven - Steven to review this option. 14:56:14 rrsagent, make log public 14:56:22 rrsagent, make minutes 14:56:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:59:15 Issue #66 - Namespace proposal to be reviewed by the group 15:01:17 ACTION: All - Review of the namespace proposal 15:02:07 Michael: existence of a default namespace is not a breaking issue for me 15:03:42 Steven: is the intention to allow prefixes or allow namespaces? 15:04:18 Tomos: Using prefix rather than default should be easier for users 15:04:56 ... prolog for the declarations and prefixes on the names 15:06:00 Issue #63 - optional version 15:06:52 Norm: We've left almost no option for grammar extensions, hence the need to identify which grammar version is being used. 15:07:33 ... described just as a string... 15:08:54 Michael: XML experience suggest that 1.0 processors do not reject higher/different version numbers... 15:09:12 s/do not/should not/ 15:10:00 ... A 1.0 processor shouldn't reject a 1.0+ gramar out of hand but do their best to parse it... An issue to discuss 15:10:43 rrsagent, make minutes 15:10:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John_ 15:15:54 Action: Norm to produce some spec. prose on the version (conformance) issue 15:16:59 Issue #51 - needs some review from Michael before closing 15:18:04 Action: Norm - Improve the README 15:19:33 s/ME/ME - what format - Markdown or HTML/ 15:19:50 rrsagent, make minutes 15:19:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John_ 15:20:43 Tomos: Are all happy with adding a prolog into the grammar? 15:20:52 Norm: seems to make sense 15:21:27 Michael: inclinde to have the prolog non-empty and optional... 15:21:44 s/inclinde/inclined/ 15:27:52 ACTION: Tomos to ensure all can see the Balisage paper 15:28:02 rrsagent, make minutes 15:28:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John_ 15:29:02 Norm scribe for next week 15:29:08 rrsagent, make minutes 15:29:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/12-ixml-minutes.html John_ 17:26:33 norm has joined #ixml 17:44:45 norm has joined #ixml 18:03:04 norm has joined #ixml 18:40:33 norm has joined #ixml 19:04:50 norm has joined #ixml 19:55:20 norm has joined #ixml 20:11:46 norm has joined #ixml 21:13:17 norm has joined #ixml 21:52:06 norm has joined #ixml 22:32:05 norm has joined #ixml 23:51:10 norm has joined #ixml