13:09:18 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:09:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/08-epub-irc 13:09:20 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:09:22 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:09:31 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2022-04-08: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Apr/0001.html 13:09:32 Chair: dauwhe 13:09:32 Date: 2022-04-08 13:09:32 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Apr/0001.html 13:09:32 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 13:39:13 AramZS has joined #epub 13:53:22 regrets: tzviya 13:55:59 MURATA has joined #epub 13:56:10 present+ 13:56:29 dauwhe has joined #epub 13:58:02 shiestyle has joined #epub 13:58:47 AvneeshSingh has joined #epub 13:58:48 present+ 13:58:49 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:58:52 present+ 13:59:04 MattChan has joined #epub 13:59:08 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:59:16 present+ 13:59:26 present+ 13:59:26 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 13:59:27 present+ wendyreid 13:59:41 present+ shiestyle 13:59:44 present+ 13:59:47 present+ charles 13:59:51 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 13:59:56 present+ 13:59:56 present+ MasakazuKitahara 14:00:00 present+ 14:00:17 present+ 14:00:38 scribe+ 14:01:14 present+ aimee 14:01:22 present+ billk 14:01:34 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #epub 14:01:42 present+ 14:01:43 present+ gpellegrino 14:02:34 Aimee_ has joined #epub 14:02:40 present+ zheng 14:02:41 present+ 14:02:50 mgarrish has joined #epub 14:02:53 present+ dan, matt 14:02:55 present+ 14:03:08 TOPIC: Close Privacy & Security Issues 14:03:15 dlazin has joined #epub 14:04:03 dauwhe: the TAG has reappeared of making a couple comments, I am making a PR to mention that when using web APIs, which have the most dramatic privacy and security implications (geolocations, push notifs) then you should get user consent 14:04:07 present+ JenG 14:04:13 present+ george 14:04:29 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1959 14:04:38 ... we have several issues where there was never much discussion in the issue (#1959 for example) 14:04:43 github-bot, bye 14:04:43 github-bot has left #epub 14:04:54 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:04:56 ... I think the PR i mentioned earlier would serve to close this issue 14:05:07 ... agree/disagree? 14:05:09 Jen_G has joined #epub 14:05:13 present+ 14:05:15 q+ 14:05:18 ack iv 14:05:18 Present+ 14:05:31 zheng_xu_ has joined #epub 14:05:45 present+ 14:05:48 ivan: we had a lot of discussion with PING, good discussions, after which we made extensive additions to answer the issues they raised 14:06:10 ... and we contacted them several times to get their acknowledgement. So at this point we consider these issues closed. 14:06:16 ... they have the right to reopen issues if they like 14:06:42 ... aimee from TAG has closed the issue of epub review on the TAG repo, so that is an indication of how they feel 14:06:54 s/aimee/Amy/ 14:07:00 gpellegrino: so is this passed? it is okay? 14:07:01 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1872 14:07:04 ivan: yes, it is okay 14:07:29 dauwhe: risk of exposure and finger printability 14:07:42 ... this was raised before we clarified the threat model, can we close this now? 14:07:48 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1873 14:08:12 dauwhe: obfuscation, which we've discussed extensively, followed by updates to the spec docs 14:08:20 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1875 14:08:34 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1876 14:08:42 ... interactivity, which we've addressed as best we can given that it's ambiguous 14:09:25 ... self-contained packages, this is a case where its appropriate to close because epub is clear that it is largely self-contained, subject to exceptions enumerated in the spec. Not dramatically impacting privacy 14:09:26 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1957 14:09:49 ... we enumerated the threat model, which deals with #1957 14:09:54 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1958 14:10:10 ... permission prompts, we're dealing with this, strengthened text 14:10:25 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1959 14:10:45 q? 14:10:47 Proposed: Close remaining privacy and security issues 14:10:51 ... broad user expectations issues, which is covered by the other changes we've made 14:10:56 +1 14:11:00 +1 14:11:00 +1 14:11:00 +1 14:11:00 +7 14:11:01 +1 14:11:02 +1 14:11:02 +1 14:11:04 +1 14:11:05 +1 14:11:05 +1 14:11:05 +1 14:11:12 present+ 14:11:40 RESOLVED: Close remaining privacy and security issues 14:11:48 clap, clap 14:11:52 Karen has joined #epub 14:12:08 dauwhe: I think the spec is now much more informative/clear about some of these issues, so thanks everyone 14:12:22 +1 14:12:36 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2153 14:12:43 TOPIC: Missing CSS Values 14:13:03 dauwhe: this refers to our appendix documenting epub's prefixed CSS properties 14:13:38 ... original intent was to document what epub had and how that related to the current state of CSS, but we did not exhaustively document all modern CSS properties with epub equivalents 14:14:01 ... there was a suggestion in the issue, and I have no objection to that 14:14:15 ... mgarrish had sample text in issue 14:14:26 ... "The prefix definitions are no longer being synchronized with their CSS counterparts. In some cases, the unprefixed versions of these properties now support additional values. Reading Systems may not support the new syntaxes with the prefixed properties, so EPUB Creators are advised to use the unprefixed versions for newer features." 14:14:34 ... seems like good advice 14:15:03 mgarrish: avoids wg having to maintain this section going forward 14:15:21 q+ 14:15:24 ack iv 14:15:27 dauwhe: we'd have to reference various different CSS modules in the appendix to our spec, not the goal 14:15:44 ivan: does this modify the existing CSS tests that wendyreid made? Does it require new tests? 14:15:48 CharlesL1 has left #epub 14:15:49 dauwhe: I don't think so 14:16:01 Agreed 14:16:08 mgarrish: we're testing what was already there, but we're not testing what has been added to CSS since the prefixes 14:16:11 ivan: okay, good with me 14:16:34 dauwhe: i don't think we should test using a new value in a epub prefixed property 14:17:12 mgarrish: I'll create PR that just implements that text from the issue 14:17:38 Proposed: Adopt the recommended text in issue 2153, close issue 14:17:39 +1 14:17:42 +1 14:17:46 +1 14:17:46 +1 14:17:46 +1 14:17:49 +1 14:17:49 +1 14:17:51 +1 14:17:51 +1 14:18:02 +1 14:18:07 +1 14:18:21 RESOLVED: Adopt the recommended text in issue 2153, close issue 14:18:29 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2200 14:18:38 TOPIC: Section D.3.2 Review (Registries) 14:19:56 mgarrish: this was basically a mini-registry that IDPF was making, we said you can use certain limited token values unless you provide a URL 14:20:50 q+ 14:20:53 ... there was a request to add to this mini-registry, but my preference is rather to drop restrictions on registry values 14:21:01 ... add note that we are no longer maintaining this 14:21:06 ack ivan 14:21:27 ivan: in addition, mgarrish and I went through a number of older IDPF documents 14:21:45 ... Bill_Kasdorf noted that that there are a number of IDPF documents linked to older versions of spec 14:21:52 ... so I updated these links 14:22:16 ... in doing this we found the mini-registry, which is what this issue is about 14:22:38 ... so the proposal is that we use the same IDPF registries that were there before 14:22:52 ... in the meantime, we've gone through the registry values and updated links 14:23:23 ... we've reached out to various wg members, from JP, DE, etc. to ask for clarification on which links would be proper to use 14:23:46 q? 14:23:53 ... zheng_xu_ if you can please help interpret the link to the chinese website, to see if it is the correct one 14:24:16 +q 14:24:17 ... I wonder if there are other IDPF documents that need updating in the same way, but I'm not sure what those would be 14:24:34 mgarrish: main ones are the vocabs, the CMT, so I think we got most of them 14:24:35 ack MU 14:24:52 MURATA: do we need to finalize those changes to the IDPF registry today? 14:25:07 ivan: not right now at this meeting, but I'd like to have all of these changes behind us by next week 14:25:40 ... if you could look at the pointer that koike-san provided by then, that would help 14:26:00 MURATA: are there EN versions of the data linked via these links? 14:26:17 q+ 14:26:22 ack shi 14:26:25 ivan: I'm not sure, but these documents only need to be in their native languages 14:26:48 shiestyle: the first link from koike-san's comment is good for these needs 14:27:13 ... the second one is more an introduction from the committee in charge, so it may not be correct for this use 14:27:27 ivan: okay, I will wait until next week before finalizing any changes to the IDPF registry 14:27:37 MURATA: I will make my comments in the issue 14:27:39 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 14:27:44 ivan: okay, thank you 14:27:51 q? 14:28:21 CharlesL1 has left #epub 14:28:23 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 14:28:59 mgarrish: noting that there is a PR to resolve this 14:29:12 Proposed: Do a final update of the IDPF registry, add note that it will no longer be updated, accept PR 2233, close issue 2200 14:29:13 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/2233 14:29:16 +1 14:29:17 +1 14:29:19 +1 14:29:20 +1 14:29:20 +1 14:29:20 +1 14:29:20 +1 14:29:20 +1 14:29:22 +hbg:1 14:29:22 +1 14:29:26 +1 14:29:31 +1 14:29:49 RESOLVED: Do a final update of the IDPF registry, add note that it will no longer be updated, accept PR 2233, close issue 2200 14:30:13 TOPIC: Move to Candidate Recommendation 14:30:42 ivan: what CR means in terms of the process for the outside world is that the wg declares that the technical work is done 14:30:53 ... there may still be changes on the document, but those should be editorial 14:31:28 ... patenting issues arise at this stage, but likely not for this wg 14:31:47 ... Director will look at the document now, and review our plans for testing 14:32:07 ... the goal is that eventually the testing results will prove that the document is consistent, etc. 14:32:35 ... once CR is published, we can still make editorial changes on the document without any problems the same way we do now, including automatic publishing 14:33:07 q+ 14:33:13 ... if we realize that there does need to be a technical change, we can request for a new snapshot. We would request with Director for this if we need it. 14:33:24 ... from public facing point of view, it is an important milestone 14:33:58 ... it is worth beating bushes around it, because this means that authors who are producing epubs should begin to look at 3.3 rather than 3.2 14:34:25 q+ 14:34:29 ... they should expect that eventually 3.3 will supplant 3.2 14:34:46 ... going into CR requires a formal vote, after which I will notify Director 14:34:55 +q 14:34:59 ack char 14:35:13 CharlesL1: looking at our github issues, there are still 3 outstanding PRs 14:35:24 ivan: we have to agree when we go to CR exactly 14:35:48 q? 14:35:52 ... which I think should be when we merge these existing PRs, close these issues, unless they are editorial only 14:36:01 ack mg 14:36:03 CharlesL1: good, thank you 14:36:25 mgarrish: do we need to put something on the 3.2 documents? 14:36:27 GeorgeK has joined #epub 14:36:38 ack MU 14:36:41 ivan: we will do that only after 3.3 goes to rec 14:37:05 MURATA: after a CR is published, will we be prohibited from introducing technical changes? If we do, will the CR revert to working draft? 14:37:22 ivan: no, in the old process that was the case, but in the new process we decide 14:37:35 ... only for very serious technical issues would we revert to working draft 14:37:51 ... for smaller technical issues, we can just snapshot 14:37:53 q+ 14:37:57 ack G 14:38:23 GeorgeK: once the CR is announced, do we recommend to publishers to start producing to 3.3? 14:38:37 q+ 14:38:39 q+ 14:38:40 ivan: informally I think so, noting that 3.3 would not be a rec yet 14:38:53 mgarrish: that change at the publisher level will depend on updates to epubcheck too 14:39:17 GeorgeK: those publishers making a move now may support implementation when we get to rec 14:39:40 ivan: just having the publishers indicate that they intend to adopt 3.3 when it becomes rec is good enough 14:39:46 ack avn 14:39:51 GeorgeK: same goes for authoring tools 14:40:09 AvneeshSingh: a procedural thing, we also need to allow offline voting for 5 days 14:40:38 ... suppose we start voting on date x, what will be the wait time after that? Just in terms of synchronizing with epubcheck 14:40:56 ivan: if we vote today, I will not send the request to go to CR until next Friday 14:40:57 q+ 14:41:43 ... the decision of when to publish should also take into account upcoming dates: e.g. upcoming AC meeting, publication moratorium, Director's ability to review 14:41:54 ... so we probably won't publish before May 5th 14:42:17 ... proposing that we make the formal request to go to CR May 5th 14:42:28 ... but if it works better for epubcheck to do it a few days later, we can 14:42:53 AvneeshSingh: that works for us 14:43:02 ... will there be an email vote to go to CR as well? 14:43:28 ivan: no, not an email vote, but there will be a waiting period of 5 business days if anyone wants to object 14:43:39 ack Bi 14:43:41 ... I will highlight this right in my email of the minutes 14:43:59 Bill_Kasdorf: we've got 3 specs, so what's the relationship of this to a11y 1.1 and RS? 14:44:03 ack Ben 14:44:06 ivan: we will have all 3 go to CR at once 14:44:36 BenSchroeter: do we anticipate that content providers will want assurances that RSes will handle 3.3 before they start producing to it? 14:45:03 ... we will probably be asked what has changed between 3.2 and 3.3, what should we direct them to? 14:45:07 dauwhe: the change log 14:45:20 BenSchroeter: is that consumable by the people who will be asking? 14:45:42 q+ 14:45:46 dauwhe: most of the changes will not be major 14:45:48 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/core/#change-log 14:46:01 ivan: remember that we have a backwards compat clause in our charter 14:46:23 ... the change log is more for RS developers, but these are not for the publishers to worry about too much 14:46:39 q? 14:46:55 ... for both devs and authors, all the text that we put in about security and privacy are very relevant, these are new 14:47:13 ... this set of sections should be reviewed closely by both devs and authors 14:47:26 ... and then, as dauwhe, all 3 documents have detailed change logs 14:47:58 ... dauwhe and wendyreid and monique will make a presentation at ebookcraft on 04/28 14:48:08 ... this will be available as a video 14:48:43 q? 14:48:43 ... i hope I will get permission from the speakers to put link to that video to publications page of w3c 14:48:45 ack Bill 14:49:17 q+ 14:49:22 Bill_Kasdorf: just saying that publishers don't need to worry isn't going to make them not worry. The more we can do to provide reassurance (like the presentation), the better. 14:49:28 q? 14:50:07 ivan: but remember "no good deed goes unpunished". My wish is that once CR is out, we should have a really well written blog on epub 3.3 and CR 14:50:15 ... but I'm not ready to do that 14:50:31 ... but I agree that something like that is necessary, we're taking volunteers 14:51:09 Bill_Kasdorf: I'd be happy to do that, but I'm thinking that the best thing would be to write up the presentation we discussed earlier, it should be in sync 14:51:24 ack George 14:51:32 dauwhe: also keep in mind that we've gone through this before with 3.2 14:51:55 q? 14:52:00 q+ 14:52:18 GeorgeK: tzviya has requested a similar write-up, potentially for use with WAI announcements 14:52:55 ack ch 14:53:02 ivan: the fact that a11y 1.1 is central to the new set of spec docs is an important point to make 14:53:23 q+ 14:53:25 Zakim, close queue 14:53:25 ok, dauwhe, the speaker queue is closed 14:53:29 ack Bi 14:53:31 CharlesL1: should the business group be involved in this? Should they write the blog article, or at least be harmonized with what we are planning? 14:53:51 Bill_Kasdorf: I would feel more comfortable with our members writing it, and then just having business group socialize it 14:55:54 Proposed: Move EPUB 3.3 Core, EPUB 3.3 Reading Systems, and EPUB Accessibility 1.1 to CR, publication date May 5 (preliminary), pending all PRs are closed by April 15th 14:56:08 +1 14:56:08 +1 14:56:09 +1 14:56:09 +1 14:56:10 +1 14:56:10 +1 14:56:10 +1 14:56:10 +1 14:56:10 +1 14:56:11 +1 14:56:11 +1 14:56:11 +1 14:56:12 +1 14:56:15 +1 14:56:18 +1 14:56:20 +1 14:56:27 RESOLVED: Move EPUB 3.3 Core, EPUB 3.3 Reading Systems, and EPUB Accessibility 1.1 to CR, publication date May 5 (preliminary), pending all PRs are closed by April 15th 14:56:37 wendyreid: hooray!! 14:56:59 ivan: so from now on, the boss is dlazin, as all emphasis is on testing 14:57:19 ... this is the prerequisite for going to Rec 14:57:49 ... please everyone, look at tests, write tests, and if you are part of RS dev, then we need you to help run the tests 14:58:19 dlazin: we're in reasonably good shape on RS spec, not terrible shape in Core spec/vocab 14:58:24 ... ivan has a plan for those 14:58:38 ... there is a lot of work to be done, and I have limited capacity right now 14:59:00 ... first step is to finish writing the tests for RS spec, and catalog tests in epubcheck 14:59:17 dauwhe: thanks everyone, congratulations! 14:59:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:59:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/08-epub-minutes.html ivan 14:59:54 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 15:00:08 present+ 15:00:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:00:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/08-epub-minutes.html ivan 15:00:52 rrsagent, bye 15:00:52 I see no action items