Voice Interaction Community Group

06 April 2022


debbie, jim, jon, ulrike

Meeting minutes


debbie: are we ready to publicize documents

jon: are we looking for comments or saying that we're ready to test

debbie: looking for comments for sure
… it's hard to get people interested in comments

jim: have any commercial enterprises expressed interest?

debbie: don't think so

jon: has created speaker's bureau lists for OVON for outreach into community
… could add Voice Interaction people to speakers' bureau
… would put a document with speakers and bio, we would put together an abstract

debbie: I think that would be great

jon: north america and western europe

debbie: we can talk about the vision and technical

ulrike: could collaborate on SPEAKER platform in the long run
… would like to support standards, platform focuses on privacy
… Allinga is the German platform
… publically funded, don't have requirements yet, semi-commercial, small and medium-sized companies
… would bring it up inside company

debbie: comment on drafts?


jim: we could present it to other people, should have speakers' bureau

jon: will get that going

jon: could start with 100-word abstract

jim: could be part of a group or team

jon: could have both panels and individuals

debbie: webinar with people interested in voice agent interoperability

jon: getting infrastructure in place

jim: organizing -- why will people be interested

debbie: what is the call to action?

jon: join the Community Group

debbie: join OVON

jon: summarizes OVON
… 200 active volunteers
… standards for interoperability and discovery, privacy, ethical use of voice

jim: sign up with Voice Lunch to talk about standards

jon: will speak at Voice Lunch global
… Women in Voice

ulrike: 20-30 people with good discussions

jim: several different Voice Lunches, 50-60 attendees, don't push products

debbie: present at Voice Lunch

jon: standards are said to be boring by organizers

ulrike: a webinar with assistants at one table

jon: what the standard can accomplish

jim: just standards are boring beyond belief, we need "how this is going to affect you"

jon: answer what's in it for me?

debbie: jon has a great slide

jim: can we use this slide to spark interest

jon: (reviews slide) shows how we do things in non-linear fashion among multiple agents

jim: could we do an animation?

ulrike: great topics, easy to grasp, could be presented to Voice Lunch to get comments

debbie: could do simple PowerPoint animation

jon: also doing a version of this in healthcare setting

ulrike: people from platforms go to Voice Lunches, would be interested in hearing arguments against interoperability

ACTION: debbie to prepare abstract for speakers' bureau

ACTION: jon to add us to his speakers' bureau list

ACTION: jon to animate slides

ACTION: jon to make contact with Voice Lunch

ACTION: ulrike to talk to people in her company about collaborating

jon: fine to share slide
… can be shared to the Voice Interaction Community Group public list

debbie: after Voice Lunch, then decide what to do about webinar

jim: we should get feedback
… before organizing a webinar

Summary of action items

  1. debbie to prepare abstract for speakers' bureau
  2. jon to add us to his speakers' bureau list
  3. jon to animate slides
  4. jon to make contact with Voice Lunch
  5. ulrike to talk to people in her company about collaborating
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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