12:00:32 RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg 12:00:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/06-dpvcg-irc 12:00:35 ScribeNick: harsh 12:00:37 Meeting: DPVCG Meeting Call 12:00:39 Chair: harsh 12:00:48 Date: 06 APR 2022 12:01:34 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2022Apr/0000.html 12:03:52 Present: harsh, paul, georg 12:05:21 Present+: beatriz 12:07:14 Topic: DPV v0.5 published 12:17:09 Present+: mark 12:19:32 Present+: julian 13:56:31 DPV link -> https://w3id.org/dpv/ 13:56:41 This version contains concepts accepted until 02 APR 13:57:14 It also contains the DPV-LEGAL extension -> https://www.w3id.org/dpv/dpv-legal that provides locations as jurisdictions, along with laws and authorities, and models EU-EEA memberships and EU Adequacy decisions 14:30:01 Topic: Data Subject Categories 14:34:56 Zakim has left #dpvcg 15:23:20 Concepts accepted as subclasses of `DataSubject` -> `Patient`, `Employee`, `Student`, `Citizen`, `NonCitizen`, `Immigrant`, `Tourist`, `Customer`, `Consumer`, `User`, `JobApplicant`, `Visitor`, `Member`, `Applicant`, `Subscriber`, `Client`, `Participant` 15:23:52 Concepts discussed and rejected as subclasses of `DataSubject` -> `Trainees`, `ServiceUser`, `WebsiteUser`, `WebsiteVisitor` 15:24:09 georg: How to express vulnerability of VulnerableDataSubject? 15:25:09 harsh: the vulnerability can be associated using a property e.g. `hasVulnerability` but this is contextual because that vulnerability can only exist in specific use-cases. Additionally, every data subject category has an associated property e.g. _Consumer_ has `hasProvider` as the relation, or _Employee_ has `hasEmployer` 15:25:47 harsh: The concepts for vulnerability i.e. properties and specific types of vulnerabilities can be provided as a proposal, and we may decide to put them in an extension 15:26:59 Discussion on _Customer_ vs _Consumer_ differences took place, with agreement that they are distinct concepts (i.e. not subclasses of either). Discussion on _Customer_ also being a business-to-business relationship took place, with agreement that the context of its use within DPV as a data subject category is clear. 15:27:49 georg: The _Customer_ separation for Data Subject and Organisation type could be handled in a similar manner as that of Legal Roles providing a specific list in Entities taxonomy 15:28:16 harsh: Yes, we could add `CustomerOrganisation` as a category in the Organisation type list, but B2B concepts are not in scope for DPV 15:28:50 Discussion on similarities between _User_, _Consumer_, and _Subscriber_ took place with agreement that they are distinct. 15:29:15 mark: Raised an issue with the use of the word "user" as a term 15:29:38 (Due to poor audio connection, the discussion did not complete. Mark is invited to send the objection to the mailing list for discussion) 15:31:04 Discussion on _ServiceUser_ being the covered by _User_, and _WebsiteUser_ also similarly being covered by _User_ (as well as _WebsiteVisitor_ being covered by _Visitor_) took place. The agreement to not involve these was reached with the notion that specifying _user_ in some context e.g. personal data handling for a service is sufficient to indicate it refers to users of that service. 15:31:27 If there is a need to denote specific users or visitors e.g. of a specific service or a website, then the adopter is required to subclass/instantiate these concepts as necessary. 15:31:40 Topic: Technologies 15:32:14 We intend to provide an opinionated list by end of April, with a good coverage of the top-level terms. This will be the first version, and iterations can continue to expand it. 15:32:20 Proposals for more concepts are invited. 15:32:24 Topic: DPV Future 15:33:30 The existing wiki page -> https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/DPV_future specifies topics we've decided for DPV v1 to include 15:33:40 Discussion took place on topics and involvement of personnel. 15:34:03 Harsh is involved in ROPA related concepts along with Paul and Rob, and will be presenting work next week / soon. 15:34:24 Harsh is involved in ISO/IEC 27560 consent record and will be presenting a proposal on adding concepts to DPV based on it soon. 15:34:51 Harsh and Georg have interest in providing risk assessment and management concepts in general 15:35:54 Harsh and Georg will be working on DPIA related concepts based on risk assessment and core requirements 15:39:41 Georg and Harsh are interested in adding Data Breach concepts 15:41:15 Beatriz and Harsh are interested in working on creating SHACL shapes for providing guidelines on DPV use 15:43:22 Beatriz raised the requirement to have mappings with other vocabularies, especially ODRL 15:43:53 Georg mentioned exercising Rights e.g. information to be provided for Subject Access Request, or exercising them using specific PDH instances 15:44:17 Georg mentioned use of DPV in Controller-Processor or Processor-Processor or Controller-Controller agreements as specifying activities to be conducted 15:45:42 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 15:45:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/06-dpvcg-minutes.html harsh 15:45:46 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:46:56 rrsagent, bye 15:46:56 I see no action items