15:57:00 RRSAgent has joined #wai-curricula 15:57:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-wai-curricula-irc 15:57:02 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:57:04 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dmontalvo 15:57:20 Meeting: WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference 15:57:23 Chair: Daniel 15:57:54 Regrets: Dave, Donal, Brian 16:03:07 GN has joined #wai-curricula 16:03:14 present+ 16:05:56 Brent has joined #wai-curricula 16:06:29 eoncins has joined #wai-curricula 16:06:47 present+ 16:07:50 present+ Estella 16:08:03 Topic: Updates on current work 16:08:25 slewth has joined #wai-curricula 16:08:27 https://content-author-modules--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/ 16:08:31 zakim, who is on the call 16:08:31 I don't understand 'who is on the call', Brent 16:08:42 Jade has joined #wai-curricula 16:09:10 Daniel: Working on Module 1 adding topics also work on Module 2. Missing some content on other modules also... 16:09:44 present+ Daniel, Jade, Estella, Gerhard, Sarah, Brent 16:09:48 ...also working on Module that is now called "Forms" 16:09:49 zakim, take up next 16:09:49 agendum 1 -- Changes in scope for Module 3: Text Alternatives 16:09:50 ... https://content-author-topics--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/text-alternatives/#learning-outcomes-for-module -- taken up 16:11:12 Daniel: Discussion on first and second item. We previously had tables and images differently described and was not clear... 16:11:56 ...we received comments on data tables that was not self explanatory and not complete. Charts, diagrams and infographics are different types of data visualisation... 16:13:06 ...focus of he module is now on functional and informative images. 16:14:01 q+ 16:14:05 Data visualisation= complex images will be on module 4 16:15:10 s/complx/complex/ 16:15:58 done 16:16:16 done 16:16:53 Jade: This is the most recent version, I get a bit confused. 16:16:55 q? 16:17:26 Daniel: Previously module 3 was images and now is text alternative. 16:17:47 done 16:19:37 Brent: Should we say "images that convey..." and "images conveying..."? 16:20:21 Daniel: I am happy to hear the opinion of native speakers. 16:21:09 Brent: I might say "images that convey..." but happy to hear other opinions. 16:21:17 q+ 16:21:57 Jade: Do we need to say "images that convey..."? Or can we say "functional images"? 16:22:52 +1 to sarah 16:23:01 Sarah: It might be good to provide a definition of the different types of images. 16:23:47 Brent: "functional images" and "informative images" are under the topics we should provide a definition. 16:24:31 Daniel: In previous modules we adapt the types of images according to developers and designers role. 16:25:27 Brent: Content authors should distinguish between the different types of images to know the type of alternative text to add... 16:25:49 ...context is key. 16:26:24 Daniel: What about having a module on complex images? 16:26:39 ack bre 16:28:38 Brent: My second question is about alt-text for content authors, in our training. Do we need a learning objective in order to ensure that authors provide a sufficient alt-text? 16:29:58 Daniel: Probably succinct might not be enough, probably there is something missing there. I am not sure if quality is the right word. 16:30:27 q+ 16:30:55 Brent: Should we also address good and bad alt-text as a learning objective? 16:31:36 As author content should you know how to write a sufficient alt-text? 16:32:03 Daniel: To me is not clear in how far we should cover this point. 16:32:05 q+ 16:32:43 ...the quality effort should be ensured. I have to double check it... 16:32:49 q- 16:33:20 ...I plan to use good versus bad. I have examples of magnifying glasses and plan to play. 16:34:09 q+ 16:34:15 Jade: I think talk about quality should be part of the learning objectives. Also do we need to call out crapy AI alt-text? 16:35:01 ...I think complex images should be in the alt-text module. 16:35:08 +1 to Jade 16:35:18 +1 to complex images 16:36:06 +1 to complex images 16:36:30 Daniel: It is true that some part of data visualisation also belongs to module 3. Not sure from W3C perspective about AI but surely some mention to review should be mentioned. 16:36:57 Jade: AI should also be part of alt-text. 16:37:51 Sarah: Agree with Jade, teaching idea on complex idea is worth also in terms of AI. 16:37:59 q- 16:38:57 Daniel: This is something that I was planning to add, some sort of text-alt related to AI. 16:39:04 ack estella 16:40:19 eoncins: I don't see the relationship between module 3 alt-text and module 4 data visualisation 16:45:11 Daniel: Behind the data visualisation thing are the different types of images, but probably this is not very clear. We need to nail this down... 16:45:54 ...module 3 may need to include complex images and also quality of the alt-text should be included as learning activity. 16:45:57 q+ 16:46:12 q- 16:46:22 ack Jade 16:47:18 Daniel: I might not include testing with screen readers but examples. 16:48:10 ...we could include ideas for teachers such as ways assess quality with assistive technologies. 16:48:12 ack este 16:48:17 q- 16:48:23 zakim, take up next 16:48:23 agendum 2 -- Changes in scope for Module 4: Data Visualizations 16:48:24 ... https://content-author-topics--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/data-visualizations/#learning-outcomes-for-module -- taken up [from dmontalvo] 16:49:48 Daniel: Data visualisation is about different ways that users visualise data with different types of infographics, tables, maps... 16:50:07 ...and different ways to provide alternatives. 16:51:05 q+ 16:51:09 This might be mixing different things and a clear name might be used for this module. Any other thoughts? 16:51:54 done 16:52:19 done 16:52:24 done 16:52:33 q? 16:54:30 -q 16:54:32 Sarah: I appreciate the overarching, but then data visualization is then not clear. 16:55:49 Daniel: I agree that tables should be at a high level and then we have to clear the concept of data visualization. 16:56:13 q? 16:56:36 ...if there is a relation between data visualization and tables we have to clearly define it. 16:57:07 In my discipline we don't associate 'Data visualization' with tables - tables usually are the origin for the data that visualisations then re-present in a more graphic way. 16:58:30 zakim, take up next 16:58:30 agendum 3 -- Should content authors define media player requirements? https://github.com/w3c/wai-curricula/issues/493 -- taken up [from dmontalvo] 16:59:27 Daniel: Last week we discussed about the limits between content authors and designers... 17:00:22 ...it might be good to cross reference about media player between content authors, designers and developers. 17:00:32 q+ 17:02:53 Brent: Does the developer know that the media player should be accessible in order for designers/content creators to be able to provide captions or audio description? 17:03:15 Daniel: Is not that clear in the developers curricula. 17:03:53 ...Content authors should inform developers about accessibility services to be included. 17:07:21 rrsagent, make minutes v1 17:07:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-wai-curricula-minutes.html dmontalvo 17:08:43 s/ he module/ the module/ 17:10:19 s/succint/succinct/ 17:11:14 s/crapy/crappy/ 17:12:56 s/I will nail this down../But for this to be clearer we need to nail it down/