15:23:03 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 15:23:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-ixml-irc 15:23:12 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:23:19 Meeting: ixml Group Teleconference 15:23:35 Date: 22 March 2022 15:23:41 Chair: Steven 15:24:25 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022Mar/0072 15:24:50 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/03/15-ixml-minutes 15:24:58 rrsagent, make minutes 15:24:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:26:02 john has joined #ixml 15:28:29 Present: John, Steven 15:28:53 Present+Norm 15:30:02 Present+Bethan 15:30:19 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 15:30:53 Present+Tomos 15:31:35 Tom has joined #ixml 15:31:39 Present+Michael 15:34:03 tovey-walsh has joined #ixml 15:34:54 Topic: Previous Actions 15:35:00 norm has joined #ixml 15:35:29 Steven: I see 4, but there were another 4, and I have done all 8 and republished the draft 15:35:55 Michael: So all implementations are now broken 15:36:16 Topic: Status of implementations 15:36:22 John: All broken 15:37:12 Topic: Status of testing and test suites 15:37:28 Michael: also broken 15:37:34 Norm: I submitted a bug 15:37:41 ... there is a question to be considered. 15:38:15 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/56 15:38:26 Steven: How the test should be classified. 15:39:38 Michael: Dynamic errors are errors in the grammar; another analysis is that we have "not a sentence" "not a grammar" or "dynamic error" 15:39:45 Norm: Or "Not XML" 15:41:05 John: Like XSLT for some inputs it will cause an error, but not for others, so the stylesheet is not in error 15:41:11 Michael: Depends 15:41:53 Tomos: I don;t think the error is in the input. 15:42:24 Steven: We have no conformance requirements on input. 15:42:42 ACTION: Michael to update schema for test catalogs to add dynamic error 15:42:42 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:43:05 ACTION: Norm edit the pull request for #56 15:43:05 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:43:35 Michael: I rely on the test suite, so would like it to be up to speed as soon as possible. 15:44:55 [General agreement to work on it] 15:45:14 Topic: Pull request #54, partial draft of error codes for spec 15:45:14 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/pull/54 15:45:14 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/44 15:45:34 Norm: I did a few of them, to see what it would look like. 15:45:48 ... Michael gacve it the thumbs up 15:45:53 s/cv/v/ 15:47:10 Tomos: I saw some, but not this one 15:47:33 Steven: I shall look this week. 15:48:32 Tomos: Maybe we should write the spec in a different way 15:48:51 Norm: But with a processing step that generates the errors appendix 15:49:14 Norm: I will set up a CI tool to do the build. 15:51:03 ACTION: John Steven Bethan Tomos to review the errors proposal 15:51:03 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:52:34 John: Could we have a prefix on the error numbers, not just a number? 15:53:20 Topic: Issue #48 S=a.a.a=c;a.a.a=c;.c='x';a;a.a. 15:53:20 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/48 15:53:20 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022Mar/0051.html 15:53:26 FYI: Github is bork. https://www.githubstatus.com/ 15:53:46 Michael: I agree with Steven's proposal 15:54:02 ACTION: Steven to change the "." in names rule. 15:54:02 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:55:15 Topic: Issue #28 Schema for grammars 15:55:15 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/28 15:55:15 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2021Dec/0009.html 15:56:08 Michael: In December I proposed that we have a schema for the grammars in XML form 15:56:22 ... we should create and publish such a thing 15:56:30 ... that also allows extensibility 15:56:53 ... allow namespaced attributes 15:57:05 ... in a namespace not in ixml 15:57:12 ... and even namespaced elements 15:57:25 ... that may be a step too far for some. 15:57:50 John: Namespaced attributes matches xslt, foreign declarations allowed, not sure about elements. 15:58:03 .... Can we derive such a schema from ixml? 15:58:13 Michael: Yes 15:58:44 Steven: Sounds like a great topic for a paper 15:59:14 Michael: My code provides relaxng 15:59:19 ... still not perfect 15:59:40 ... requires some hand editing 15:59:59 John: Is there a tool we could make to provide a schema for the output from ixml? 16:00:08 Michael: Yes 16:00:24 Norm: Are we opposed to such a proposal? 16:00:27 [No] 16:01:00 ACTION: Michael to provide a schema for ixml in XML 16:01:00 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:01:37 Topic: Spec issue #26 - how is ambiguity defined? 16:01:37 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022Jan/0030.html 16:01:37 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/26 16:01:52 Norm: I started this... 16:02:36 ... I believe I have now concluded that even if all ambiguous parses produce the same XML it is still ambiguous. 16:02:41 Steven: Agree 16:03:42 Michael: We could create test cases. I would like to find wording that alerts users to the possibility that different processors may return different results. 16:04:57 Michael, for instance is "S: "a"*; "b"*. ambiguous on the empty string? 16:05:09 s/Michael,/Michael:/ 16:06:40 Michael: I would like to make flagging of ambiguitya SHOULD rather than a MUST 16:07:21 Tomos: I don't see the value of knowing something is ambiguous. 16:07:34 Bethan: I can think of lots of reasons why people would care. 16:08:03 Norm: We've agreed that it is a user option. 16:08:32 ... this satisfies the I don't care people. 16:09:07 ... a paragraph that calls out that ambiguity is differently spotted 16:10:05 Tomos: If something is ambiguous we shouldn't care which parse we get 16:10:23 Michael: No, for some it is important. 16:10:57 ... if we've got the wording that Norm mentioned, I'm happy. 16:11:16 ACTION: Steven observing that 'ambiguity' isn't precisely defined 16:11:16 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:12:00 Bethan: I think users should be able to say that they don't care about ambiguity, is different from an implementor saying that. 16:12:35 Norm: You won't pass the test suite if you don't report ambiguity 16:13:24 Tomos: One of the strengths of ixml is allowing ambiguous parses 16:13:51 Michael: Still, an ambiguous parse is almost always an error in the grammar. 16:14:16 Steven: And ambiguity slows parsing quite a lot. 16:14:43 Topic: Issue #50 Characters or octets? both? either? 16:14:43 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/50 16:15:09 Norm: The current spec is unclear about the input "string". 16:15:32 ... I would prefer not to say that the input has to be an stream of unicode. 16:16:06 ... I would also like to parse binary files possibly. 16:17:14 Michael: I'm nervous. My parser needs to be a sequence of unicode. I don't want to prevent binary parsing though. How gracefully can we say? Implementation defined? 16:17:33 NNorm: Maybe use "it may be able to process binary". 16:17:40 s/NN/N/ 16:17:57 John: Seems like a huge rabbit warrne. 16:18:19 Tomos: Be loose about what we accept? 16:18:42 Michael: WHich encoding? 16:18:48 Steven: We say UTF-8 16:18:53 s/WH/Wh/ 16:19:08 The string "utf" does not appear in the 2022-02-22 spec 16:19:34 Norm: No, there is no UTF in the spec 16:19:38 Steven: Oh! 16:20:23 ACTION: Steven to make it UTF-8 16:20:23 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:21:36 Norm: Do we do line ending normalisation? To deal with different line-ending styles? 16:22:22 Steven: YOu can write a grammar that accepts all possible line endings, so wwe should just leave it at that. 16:22:29 Norm: I can live with that. 16:22:42 s/YO/Yo/ 16:23:46 s/warrne/warren 16:24:18 Steven: Do we want to mention octets? 16:24:41 Michael: The more I think about it, the more I think we should say that the input stream is implementation defined. 16:25:10 Tomos: I think "may accept other forms" is best 16:26:46 ACTION: Steven to add MUST accept UTF-8, MAY accept other forms. 16:26:46 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:27:12 Topic: AOB 16:27:23 Steven: Next week pragmas, with an email discussion beforehand 16:28:25 Steven: Next week back to the normal time for USA 16:29:00 rrsagent, make minutes 16:29:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-ixml-minutes.html Steven 16:31:07 s/ambiguitya/ambiguity a 16:32:23 s/wwe/we 16:32:47 rrsagent, make minutes 16:32:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/22-ixml-minutes.html Steven 16:41:41 Steven, are you planning to do the rule change for the soon-to-be published new draft? 16:42:16 (By "rule change" I mean reinstating "." to namefollowers and requiring a space following the terminating full stop) 16:49:05 I can't remember how you mention someone in IRC. Very sad. /Steven perhaps? 16:49:09 No, @Steven perhaps? 16:49:11 Sigh. 16:51:37 Cheerio. 17:12:42 <`join_subline> `join_subline has joined #ixml