23:56:00 RRSAgent has joined #epub 23:56:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/17-epub-irc 23:56:02 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:56:03 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 23:56:12 meeting: EPUB3 WG Telco 23:56:31 date: 2022-03-17 23:56:35 chair: wendyreid 23:59:18 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 23:59:30 present+ 23:59:47 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 23:59:54 present+ 23:59:58 MattChan has joined #epub 00:00:19 present+ 00:00:20 present+ 00:00:37 duga has joined #epub 00:00:43 present+ 00:01:00 present+ 00:02:32 scribe+ 00:02:50 TOPIC: Media Overlay Semantics 00:02:51 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/2066 00:03:15 q+ 00:03:19 MURATA has joined #epub 00:03:22 wendyreid: you may have noticed a flurry of new issues logged due to people reviewing spec 00:03:47 q- 00:03:49 ... we have a normative statement that MO SHOULD use semantics when appropriate, and we do not clarify what we mean by semantics, or what semantics to use 00:04:00 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/2089 00:04:04 ... mgarrish has discussed with danielwreck and marissa, and put to gether a PR 00:04:19 ... to clean up the language in that section, particularly dropping SHOULD to MAY 00:04:35 ... we can't drop the statement altogether, but SHOULD is a little strong in this case 00:04:50 ... and to specify that we are talking about footnote, endnote, page break 00:05:12 ... now we have something that could technically be tested (although it is not a required feature, we are discouraging use of epub:type) 00:05:14 +present 00:05:23 s/to gether/together 00:05:42 wendyreid: there is also a small addition to the RS spec to make similar clarifications there 00:05:48 ... questions? 00:06:02 MURATA: this changes both Core and RS, right? 00:06:04 wendyreid: yes 00:06:30 ... the change to RS is barely a change, it keeps the normative statements but offers a little more information about what the RS should be doing 00:06:50 MURATA: mgarrish dropped one bullet in EPUB 33 core? 00:07:21 wendyreid: he changed one SHOULD to MAY, and both escapability and skippability are better defined. It should be in the PR 00:07:31 MURATA: seems sensible, but I haven't reviewed the details 00:08:21 wendyreid: to clarify, he dropped the SHOULD, and made the following statement a MAY 00:09:10 MURATA: no objections, but 4 reviewers have proof read the proposed change? 00:09:14 wendyreid: yes 00:09:48 ... I didn't know there was a going to be a PR in time for the meeting today, mgarrish was ahead of schedule 00:10:05 ... we will have to close this issue soon (within the next week or so) so if you have an interest in this please review the PR 00:10:16 TOPIC: Document Review 00:10:17 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qer78BUDpaDb_nav_wuhjeyjMD8Fk7UiakoP2sBf5jc/edit#gid=0 00:10:42 wendyreid: in prep for going to CR we are looking to get various members of the CR to review sections of the documents 00:10:51 ... you need to check for clarity, spelling errors, grammer, etc. 00:11:08 ... mgarrish, Ivan, etc. have touched the document, but its always good to have more eyes on the document 00:11:23 ... so please volunteer to take sections. Some sections are shorter than others. 00:11:32 ... let's share the load and get through this as quickly as possible 00:12:06 ... I know not everything is completely comfortable in English, but this is a good opportunity to judge whether we are using clear language 00:12:07 q+ 00:12:09 +q 00:12:10 ... it should be understandable 00:12:11 q+ 00:12:16 ack duga 00:12:29 duga: what is our timeline? I am around next week, followed by 2 weeks of vacation 00:12:38 wendyreid: okay, then before you leave please? 00:12:56 duga: okay, well, sooner rather than later then 00:13:22 wendyreid: i think there is a publication moratorium early April, so we were hoping to hit end of Mar 00:13:41 ... not sure why there is a moratorium, maybe there is an AC meeting or something 00:13:43 ack MURATA 00:14:17 MURATA: the JP DAISY consortium has already passed an earlier version of epub a11y, but it should not be difficult for us to review the a11y 1.1 doc 00:14:31 ... JP DAISY will review that entire spec 00:14:36 ack shiestyle 00:14:46 shiestyle: I will translate for JP members 00:14:49 wendyreid: thank you 00:14:58 shiestyle: [in Japanese] 00:16:39 JDC will raise issues. Both editorial and technical. 00:16:49 ... I have explained that it will help to review, whether you are strong in english or not 00:17:02 wendyreid: if you claim a section, please place your name in the doc in the agenda 00:17:14 TOPIC: AOB? 00:17:38 wendyreid: okay, thank you all for attending, we will see you all soon! 00:18:00 zakim, end meeting 00:18:00 As of this point the attendees have been MasakazuKitahara, toshiakikoike, shiestyle, wendyreid, duga, MattChan, present 00:18:02 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 00:18:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/17-epub-minutes.html Zakim 00:18:05 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 00:18:09 Zakim has left #epub 00:18:16 rrsagent, make logs public 00:18:30 rrsagent, bye 00:18:30 I see no action items