WoT Testfest/Plugfest - Day 3

16 March 2022


Andrea_Cimmino, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Fady_Salama, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Fady, McCool
acimmino_, dape, mlagally

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Mar-16

<kaz> (approved)


mccool reviews several PR recently merged about implementations

PR 247

<kaz> PR 247 - add TD with profile term #247

PR 248

mccool reviews PR #247

about profile term in TD

<kaz> (merged)

PR 248

<kaz> PR 248 - profile compliant WebThings (properties)

the PR # 248 is merged

script for validating TDs

validating TDs may need for each assertion a test

assertions in TDs

McCool: in the intel-nodejs-camera.csv I removed last column and sorted the assertions

different runs may generate a different order though, it would be good to have a common sorting

NOTE: Ege said actually the template was sorted.

PR #249 now is closed

<kaz> PR 249 - Renaming Oracle TD endings

Ege: will create new PR

implementation description

Ege: was writing implementation description. Where does it go to?

McCool: Architecture ?

Ege: I suggest to clean issues also.. we have out-dated ones from previous TestFests

Fady: Will do that

McCool: Tomorrow we can look at issues we can close
… e.g., Issue #141

McCool: Does assertion tester support TMs ?

Ege: Almost, pending PR

McCool: After cleaning-up archive we can close some issues
… suggest to wait till Fady finishes the work with the archive
… maybe adding label "propose closing"

Fady: Okay, will do

McCool: Can also use again Issue Tracker to capture PlugFest results

<kaz> Issue 160 - Update assertion tester

McCool: Suggest to close Issue#160
… any further discussions for testing ?
… none -> suggest to close early and restart with PF call on time

<kaz> [Testing part adjourned]



(some updates to the proposed terms in Architecture/README.md)

<kaz> 2022.03.Online/Architecture

McCool: let's use these to be consistent


(resolving merge conflict in #251

Lagally: the first device is online, not yet added to "active.csv"

Lagally: I believe many TDs are already profile compliant, if they had the profile identifier. Challenge is how to validate them
… note that you do not have to implement all profile features to be profile compliant

McCool: let me regenerate the assertions, there are 49 of them

(generates template.csv)

Lagally: we could ask other contributors to manually check the profile assertions

McCool: probably Ben's TDs should be treated with priority

Lagally: These are not TDs at this point

<McCool_> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2022.03.Online/TD/WebThings/actions-events-thing.json

Cristiano: WebThings TDs may be a bit tricky, not sure about a real consumer implementation

McCool: if I use node-wot and poke these interactions, will it work?

Cristiano: WebSocket will likely not work

.ML: are these online

McCool: all are localhost, not running at this point
… we could check all non-behavioral assertions

Cristiano: let me check if I can set up sth.

Retail use cases

McCool: I worked with the MQTT Shelly sensor, some findings
… I have it running, several MQTT devices, 3 categories
… some interesting questions about keep-alive, multiple protocols (CoAP, MQTT, HTTP)
… device gets alive for a few mins, goes to sleep afterwards
… shelly uses also JSON-RPC 2.0, we may look into this in the future

<Ege> just found it, quite big indeed: https://twitter.com/RapidQuakeAlert/status/1504104251529781250

<Ege> stay safe!

* stay safe Japanese members *
… they are using a HTTP variant

Cristiano: were you able to trigger actions from MQTT?
… it depends on vendors of how it is supported

McCool: (shows details on the Tempest Weather System and Victron Energy)
… need to check keep-alive behavior
… I will describe in the scenarios.md
… I got ~20 devices

Lagally: are there any devices / events exposed on the Internet?

McCool: I can install Mosquitto and write TDs to expose these devices

Ege: You could also open a port in your router, I could connect to your MQTT broker

McCool: There are some security issues, none of the devices support security
… Simplest would be to temporarily redirect them to VLAN

Cristiano: This would be very beneficial

McCool: Shelly has WebHooks for actions, Cloud API

<McCool_> https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/

McCool: it has a device description, includes location, other metadata

<McCool_> https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen1/#shelly-door-window-1-2-settings

McCool: actions are implemented as WebHooks

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).