14:43:56 RRSAgent has joined #epub 14:43:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/11-epub-irc 14:43:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:43:59 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:44:04 github-bot, bye 14:44:04 github-bot has left #epub 14:44:23 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2022-03-11: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Mar/0004.html 14:44:24 Chair: dauwhe 14:44:24 Date: 2022-03-11 14:44:24 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Mar/0004.html 14:44:24 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 14:44:24 Regrets+ ToshiakiKoike, MasakazuKitahara 14:49:51 Regrets+ Wendy 14:58:26 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 14:58:42 present+ 14:59:18 present+ 14:59:27 MattChan has joined #epub 14:59:28 present+ avneesh 14:59:31 avneeshsingh has joined #epub 14:59:55 zheng_xu has joined #epub 14:59:57 present+ 15:00:11 present+ BenSchroeter 15:00:16 present+ MattChan 15:00:22 present+ tzviya 15:00:26 present+ rickj 15:00:37 present+ gregorio 15:00:45 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:01:14 present+ 15:01:15 present+ brady 15:01:29 present+ zheng_xu 15:01:32 rickj has joined #epub 15:01:35 present+ 15:01:37 duga has joined #epub 15:01:43 present+ 15:02:28 CharlesL has joined #epub 15:02:30 present+ charles 15:02:34 scribe+ 15:03:19 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1464 15:03:32 dauwhe: we have a small number of items on the agenda today, let's get started 15:03:34 topic: https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1464 15:03:44 ... given that CR is approaching we want to work through our remaining issues 15:03:46 Topic: What does it mean to support a foreign resource? 15:04:01 present+ billk 15:04:03 dauwhe: this is one we've discussed many times before, re. foreign resources and manifest fallbacks 15:04:26 mgarrish has joined #epub 15:04:29 ... as you remember I made a bunch of test books, putting weird MIME types in spine with HTML fallback to see what would happen in real RS 15:04:31 present+ 15:04:42 ... much to my surprise I have not yet found one where fallback is displayed to end user 15:05:00 ... question is how do we interpret these tests? What are RS expected to do in these circumstances? 15:05:24 q+ 15:05:27 ... one of the most straightforward examples is if I have JSON in spine with HTML fallback, pretty much every RS will display JSON in plain text the way a browser would 15:05:52 ... in some sense that's in keeping with HTML spec since that spec has instructions for how browsers should display all sorts of different MIME types 15:06:08 -> Dave's reference to HTML spec on xml and text https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1464#issuecomment-1018083509 15:06:20 ... similar thing might happen if you try to put XML in spine, where some RS will give you the browser style tree view 15:06:22 qq- 15:06:24 q- 15:06:29 present+ george 15:06:38 ... we have something of a conflict between spec and reality, so what do we do? (if anything) 15:06:40 Bill_Kasdorf__ has joined #epub 15:06:46 ... the idea of fallback is pretty woven through the spec 15:07:03 ... at least one RS will read the fallback chain, though unclear what it does with that data 15:07:15 q? 15:07:19 present+ JenG 15:07:19 q+ 15:07:23 ... so, is the test with JSON in spine (as described above) failing? 15:07:25 ack dug 15:07:25 GeorgeK has joined #epub 15:07:30 Jen_G has joined #epub 15:07:38 Present+ 15:07:40 present+ 15:07:58 duga: fallbacks are at the resource level, but you still have to use the resource correctly 15:08:00 present+ 15:08:16 ... a RS may well support JSON if read into a script, the test kind of misuses JSON 15:08:28 ... what happens if you reference an image from an audio resource? 15:08:44 ... you're still going to get weird rendering even if that image is cmt 15:08:53 ... we still require author to use resource in sensible way 15:09:11 dauwhe: say you are doing book about javascript and you want to hyperlink to JSON file 15:09:21 ... if you hyperlink to something it has to be in the spine, so it still has to work 15:09:45 duga: little weird to hyperlink to JSON in spine when author could style JSON text in their style to make it look correct visually 15:09:56 ... so i'm not sure what it means to support it 15:10:02 q+ 15:10:12 ... but i think it's valid to say that you've supported JSON if you just display to user 15:10:31 ack iv 15:10:40 dauwhe: we had once envisioned special purpose RS that could display docbook format, for example, but where same epub could still be displayed reasonably in non-speciality RS 15:10:59 For reference as a reading system, while we support scripting, we do not support manifest fallbacks. We only support xhtml in the spine. For example, if you want to show just an image at the content doc level in Bookshelf, you must wrap it in xhtml for us to be able to present it. 15:11:03 ivan: re. question about whether fallback should be used - strictly speaking, your test follows what the spec allows 15:11:26 ... but if nobody implements fallbacks, then it becomes an underimplemented feature of epub, and a problem 15:11:35 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1464#issuecomment-1018083509 15:12:02 ... that said, I was intrigued by your comment back in January, because we rely on the HTML spec, and the HTML spec has statement of what to do with text files 15:12:31 q? 15:14:00 scribe+ 15:14:49 AUbbink_ has joined #epub 15:15:03 present+ 15:15:05 ivan: Reading systems rely of webview which per html display text files properly (per that spec) 15:15:11 q+ 15:15:14 q? 15:15:25 ack mg 15:15:25 ... we should liberalize the spec and not force removing a usable feature 15:15:42 mgarrish: Not sure if opening up the spine is a good idea now 15:16:02 ... We can just restrict to epubs for now, to avoid controversy 15:16:25 ... Don't really like fallbacks, we have kind of made a mess of the html model 15:16:40 q? 15:16:41 ... would love to get rid of it, but what happens to old content? 15:16:47 q+ 15:16:50 ack iv 15:17:20 ivan: We can make deprecated, or say it is underimplemented 15:17:22 q+ 15:17:34 ... But we can find a backwards compat way of specifying it 15:17:49 q+ 15:17:53 ack ri 15:18:01 dauwhe: Can we avoid throwing away the concept, but make it clear RSes will never show the fallbacks? 15:18:41 rickj: Is this a case for some standard language to say there are not two implementations and it is dangerous to use? 15:18:44 q? 15:18:48 q+ 15:19:00 ivan: Yes, underimplemented is our current term 15:19:03 q- 15:19:08 ack zh 15:19:33 q+ 15:19:37 zheng_xu: From implementor side, how to support foreign resources is passed of to web engine 15:19:39 zakim, what color is dauwhe's bikeshed? 15:19:39 I think Coral pink 15:20:03 ... But fallback is used in some case depending on region 15:20:47 q? 15:20:50 ... So some resource will work in RS, but not others and it can't be wrapped in xhtml. How should we do specify this? 15:21:27 ... A normal browser just downloads the resource, but a RS still needs to be able to turn pages 15:21:55 ack mg 15:22:35 mgarrish: If we put a big scary box in the manifest section it will help, but how do we tell people? 15:22:36 q+ 15:23:09 scribe+ 15:23:36 duga: we walks the fallback chain for something that should be displayed like html or svg 15:23:46 ... but we haven't actually tested it 15:23:55 ... we did add this intentionally 15:24:01 ... we might use it in a few other places 15:24:15 ... we have a list of what resources we expect at a particular point 15:24:22 ... and find one on the list 15:24:28 ... responding to Matt 15:24:49 ... if no one supports this, their epubs are going to be stupid :) 15:25:00 q? 15:25:03 ack dug 15:26:04 q+ 15:26:06 dauwhe: It has been common to wrap things in tags to make them bigger, but that isn't legal in epub 15:26:09 ack iv 15:26:32 ivan: What does html spec say about images like that? 15:27:02 ... that is, what to do when the link is an image? 15:27:04 q+ to mention iframes 15:27:27 https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#read-media 15:27:36 ivan: Whatever the html spec says is displayable, we should follow or at least allow 15:27:37 q+ 15:27:55 ack tz 15:27:55 tzviya, you wanted to mention iframes 15:28:32 tzviya: There is also linking with iframes that has been done in epub. It is clumsy, though, Agree with Ivan, we should allow what html allows 15:29:01 ack geo 15:29:08 dauwhe: [Reading processing model for non-html content] 15:29:37 q+ 15:29:44 GeorgeK: This was presented as an a11y issue, but don't see any real a11y benefits here 15:29:49 ack iv 15:29:54 ... So I am ok with getting rid of it 15:30:27 ivan: The big issue here is a .dmg or .exe file being linked 15:31:10 ... Maybe we need to make this much more explicit in the security section 15:31:12 q+ 15:31:23 ack du 15:31:25 ... This whole procedure seem obsolete 15:31:44 duga: I don't think that security statement makes sense 15:31:57 ... all that security stuff depends on manifest mime types, which would be false 15:32:09 ... you shouldn't trust the package here 15:32:14 ... we download all the resources 15:32:24 ... my android reader downloads everythign in the manifest 15:32:37 ... but then if you tell me I shouldn't download certain parts of the epub 15:32:50 .... I don't think that restriction makes a lot of sense 15:32:57 ... we shouldn't execute stray code from an epub 15:33:03 ... I'm hoping that's clear already 15:33:15 ... I don't see how we turn this into a security issue 15:33:57 q+ 15:33:58 dauwhe: There is a distinction between downloading as a RS, vs as an end user clicking on a navigation link that allows me to download 15:34:00 ack mg 15:34:29 mgarrish: Are we saying we should allow anything in the spine? 15:34:57 dauwhe: I don't think we are talking about opening the spine 15:35:01 ivan: I agree 15:35:23 dauwhe: But we still have the existing epubs that have fallbacks 15:36:06 q+ 15:36:08 ack iv 15:36:31 ivan: We may have to separate two situations. Let's put the spine aside for now 15:36:55 q+ 15:36:55 ... the other use case is an element linked to a json file, what should the RS do? 15:37:08 ... I think we should just refer to the html spec in that case 15:37:36 ... The only reason we keep the fallback is for core media in the spine 15:37:45 ... Since there is existing content 15:38:08 ack mg 15:38:11 ... We may end up with it being under implented when we exit CR 15:38:34 mgarrish: These aren't different cases - if it is linked to it must be in the spine 15:38:53 ivan: What if it is outside the epub? 15:39:06 mgarrish: In that case it opens in a new browser context 15:39:36 dauwhe: Say you click on that image that isn't in the spine, then we have all the nav issues (how do you go forward, bookmark, etc) 15:40:11 mgarrish: We have looked at pop out content, but have never gotten that far with it 15:40:27 ivan: Why does it have to be in the spine? 15:40:42 mgarrish: To avoid the nav issues 15:41:05 ... Once it is loaded in the viewport, there has to be a position in the spine so the RS can handle it 15:41:13 Karen has joined #epub 15:41:18 q+ 15:41:28 ack du 15:41:40 duga: this is related to linear=no 15:41:50 ivan: it's in the spine but linear is no 15:42:09 duga: it has to be in the spine to link to it 15:42:58 q+ 15:43:04 ack tz 15:43:21 tzviya: We have had this conversation after about every rev of the spec 15:43:55 ... and we end up saying we can't rewrite browser contexts, and this conversation has to be about RSes and not content 15:44:09 q+ 15:44:12 ack ch 15:44:13 ... So it is more about RS paging and the concept of a page, and not content 15:44:29 q+ 15:44:30 CharlesL: One thing a browser has is a back button 15:44:53 ... Also solves multiple references to a single place 15:44:57 q? 15:44:59 +1 to CharlesL 15:45:03 ... All problems are solved by the back button 15:45:03 ack zh 15:45:30 zheng_xu: We have a back button, but then there is still the issue with bookmarks 15:45:57 dauwhe: History and html (ie back buttons) is really complex 15:46:04 q+ 15:46:38 ack mg 15:46:40 zheng_xu: for this issue is the question how we can write a test? 15:47:01 mgarrish: Maybe there is some discussion to resurrect about the target of an 15:47:16 ... So you could do this without having it in the spine 15:48:01 dauwhe: I don't really know what epub without fallbacks looks like 15:48:05 q+ 15:48:32 ... might need something that says a fallback is not likely to be presented 15:48:34 ack iv 15:48:39 +1 to dauwhe 15:48:46 ivan: we must solve this before cr 15:48:55 q+ 15:49:20 ... We need to say what happens to text 15:49:31 dauwhe: RSes understand JSON 15:49:34 ack du 15:50:42 duga: from a CR perspective a test for this is JSON in the spine, saying that if you see this means the RS supports JSON 15:51:02 dauwhe: And that is basically the test I made 15:51:41 duga: we are trying to define support, when the reading system should define it 15:51:49 dauwhe: Agree 15:52:15 ivan: We don't want to say RSes should support types html says they should 15:52:17 q+ 15:52:20 ack du 15:52:32 duga: it's up to the RS to decide if they're gonna use a fallback 15:52:37 q+ 15:53:02 ... if you put JSON in you're supposed to put in a fallback. The RS chooses. 15:53:15 ack iv 15:53:23 dauwhe: And no RSes would display the fallback 15:53:53 ivan: Isn't it correct that all RSes that are newer and rely on browser cores would display json correctly 15:54:20 ... We are saying for epub content to be correct you must put a fallback even though RSes don't need that 15:54:22 q+ 15:54:26 ack du 15:54:32 zakim, close queue 15:54:32 ok, dauwhe, the speaker queue is closed 15:54:47 duga: fallbacks are not just because RSs cant display something 15:55:03 ... we did this because we need a11y info 15:55:22 ... we could display an image in the spine, no problem. But there's no a11y and no styling. 15:55:50 ... it may look great somewhere and looks terrible somewhere else 15:56:02 q+ 15:57:14 ... let's have authors style things, rather than chasing reading systems 15:57:20 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qer78BUDpaDb_nav_wuhjeyjMD8Fk7UiakoP2sBf5jc/edit#gid=0 15:57:30 dauwhe: Want time to disucss CR 15:57:33 Topic: CR Review 15:57:46 ... We have a lot of specs - we need people to review them all 15:58:09 ... This is too big a job for one person, so we made a sign up sheet 15:58:18 ... we need volunteers 15:58:33 q+ 15:58:37 ack iv 15:58:38 ... After people volunteer we will just assign people 15:58:41 zakim, open queue 15:58:41 ok, dauwhe, the speaker queue is open 15:59:11 ivan: If you review and find problems, it would help if you submit github PR instead of telling us what to change 15:59:36 ... if you can't then of course report it anyway! 16:00:10 CharlesL has left #epub 16:00:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/11-epub-minutes.html ivan 16:01:06 zakim, end meeting 16:01:06 As of this point the attendees have been dauwhe, ivan, avneesh, avneeshsingh, BenSchroeter, MattChan, tzviya, rickj, gregorio, gpellegrino, brady, zheng_xu, duga, charles, billk, 16:01:09 ... mgarrish, george, JenG, Jen_G, Bill_Kasdorf__, GeorgeK, AUbbink_ 16:01:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:01:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/11-epub-minutes.html Zakim 16:01:11 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:01:12 rrsagent, bye 16:01:12 I see no action items