Voice Interaction

09 March 2022


bev, debbie, maarten, tobias

Meeting minutes


debbie shows introductory slides

<Bev_Corwin> Hello!

maarten: saw a transmodal demo

tobias: how does the Metaverse/AR relate to our group? would be interesting to consider

tobias: could add devices on the left to make more concrete

maarten: working in Dutch Language Voice Association
… working on open, inclusive and sovereign systems
… biggest challenge is how to get it on the agenda
… what can be done to make it relevant?
… voice is founding, finding its real purpose
… find themes that people care about, like VR, but have to be careful not to go too popular
… hard work needs some fluffiness, like 5 ways that voice will be amazing
… it's about coming up with messages that have a hook
… creating a content and broadcast plan
… enterprise use is growing, the architecture we're creating is crucial to enterprise situations
… coming up with stories that people like
… recruit ambassadors like Brett Kinsella, maaike Groenewege
… once a month we should be on VoiceBot
… a story might be how the Voice Interaction CG sees the Metaverse

tobias: what kinds of slides would be helpful -- use cases for voice interoperability
… timeline with our next steps with releases of specifications
… what are we looking for and how to join, a call to action
… try to activate inactive members
… survey members

maarten: Voice of Holland for visually impaired Dutch people
… it was important to have a clear problem
… describe the problem in concrete terms
… what if Alexa could communicate with Google Assistant?
… we need help, help us do this well
… how to activate inactive people? Do a check-in with members
… review meeting, just come by, you don't have to do anything

tobias: another slide could be about the differentiation and connection to other standards

maarten: friend worked on MIME standard
… interoperability of email standards
… include analogies to other standards
… "small pieces loosely joined" is the key to the success of the internet

tobias: hard to develop websites with versions of browsers

maarten: cooperate with OVON
… develop a German initiative would be an idea
… try to get a corporate partner

tobias: what would be a technical way of demoing the architecture we have

dirk: Fraunhofer is developing a German speech assistant
… interested in getting standards



dirk: if we want to be standard-conformant, they're asking what to do, but we don't have answers yet

maarten: try to get connected with Jovo
… the more co-owners of the solution the better

debbie: can you think of other names?

maarten: Europe is more standards-focused

tobias: run a webinar
… organize something more public-facing

maarten: Voice Lunch, choose a technical or high-level
… try to go outside the voice bubble
… how to combine this with SAFE

tobias: scaling framework

maarten: can come to another meeting, provide feedback
… if you have a deck


transmodal demo

maarten: pointing in AR
… how about the transmodal standard
… also look at non-voice channels

tobias: get publications to write about us

maarten: Wired would need the Metaverse angle
… things that you know or things that are totally out there

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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