20:02:53 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 20:02:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/08-immersive-web-irc 20:02:58 Zakim has joined #immersive-web 20:04:07 TomDeKoninck has joined #immersive-web 20:05:22 alcooper has joined #immersive-web 20:06:16 present+ 20:06:33 present+ 20:06:46 scribe: Leonard 20:06:52 present+ 20:07:24 bialpio has joined #immersive-web 20:08:16 It looks like /facetoface 20:08:34 AyseguL: F2F in San Francisco on April 21-22 - https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/177 20:08:39 q+ to mention t he community meetup 20:09:21 bajones has joined #Immersive-Web 20:09:29 laford has joined #immersive-web 20:09:29 ... attendance is limited, so please RSVP early if you are attending 20:09:59 ack ada 20:09:59 ada, you wanted to mention t he community meetup 20:10:00 Ada: Developer meetup about the same time. Looking for a venue (outside) 20:10:52 Yonet: Location is Reactor. Will provide online connection too. 20:10:53 agendum: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/177 20:12:05 agendum: https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/29 20:12:26 https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/29 20:12:29 i|It looks like /facetoface|topic: face-to-face meeting/ 20:13:09 s|agendum: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/177|f2f topics at https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/177| 20:13:18 s/agendum: /topic: / 20:13:19 q- 20:13:19 Rik: Browser will only provide hands. Will OpenXR provide joint info? Are there alignment problems ? 20:13:27 rrsagent, make log public 20:13:32 rrsagent, publish minutes 20:13:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/08-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 20:13:34 q+ 20:13:49 meeting: IWWG call 2022/March/08 20:13:57 Lachlan: Low res joint-less hands for Mixed Reality. 20:14:05 q+ to ask about pose detection 20:14:23 Nick-8thWall has joined #immersive-web 20:14:30 RafaelCintron has joined #immersive-web 20:14:32 ack bajones 20:14:35 q+ 20:14:36 Alex: Generic hand select uses OpenXR 20:14:39 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2022-03-08-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 20:15:06 rrsagent, publish minutes 20:15:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/08-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 20:15:42 ack ada 20:15:42 ada, you wanted to ask about pose detection 20:15:43 Brandon: Alex & Lachlan answered question. Everything seems acceptable. 20:16:06 Face to face meeting on April 21-22nd, San Francisco: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/49c83780-eb0d-4d0a-a619-4d8f0637f7dd 20:16:17 Ada: Does it have a "squeeze"? 20:18:05 q? 20:18:08 Lachlan: Depends on target mapping. 20:18:09 ack Nick-8thWall 20:18:27 alexturn has joined #immersive-web 20:18:56 Nick: Q to Rik: When does this (OpenXR) happen? 20:19:00 present+ 20:19:09 Rik: Need to change settings to enable OpenXR. 20:19:47 q+ 20:19:54 ack bajones 20:20:08 q+ to ask if enabling hand tracking would cause you to not enumerate an XRInputSource for hands 20:20:13 Brandon: Does it handle hand-off between controllers & hands? 20:20:14 Rik: Yes 20:20:36 Brandon: Any known issues (feature regressions) in the OpenXR path? 20:20:58 Rik: Some lingering (fatal) bugs. Current release is pretty stable 20:21:45 q? 20:21:50 ack alexturn 20:21:50 alexturn, you wanted to ask if enabling hand tracking would cause you to not enumerate an XRInputSource for hands 20:22:19 Alex: If hand tracking is enabled, does the user get hands + joints or just one. 20:22:32 Rik: Joints are extra data to go with hands 20:22:50 q? 20:24:05 Rik: Confirmed Aysegul will do testing. 20:24:09 Yonet: Agrees 20:24:20 topic: webxr-hand-input#112 add flag to relay validity of target ray space requested by cabanier 20:24:22 https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/112 20:24:23 rrsagent, publish minutes 20:24:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/08-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 20:25:15 q+ to ask about why since no system action happens 20:25:18 Rik: Previously discussed. Suggest postponement. This happens when the hands are "palms-up", which indicates a system gesture. 20:25:35 ack ada 20:25:35 ada, you wanted to ask about why since no system action happens 20:27:13 q+ to talk about still giving out target rays but capturing select 20:27:25 Ada: Discussion with Rik to determine about an unusual feature. Determined that it was a bug. Details to be provided. 20:27:27 ack alexturn 20:27:27 alexturn, you wanted to talk about still giving out target rays but capturing select 20:28:38 Alex: Expose the target ray, but with a flag indicating that it was a system gesture. 20:28:44 q? 20:29:16 Rik: Oculus does not pass out system gestures. 20:30:10 Rik: Confirmed information for #112 20:30:19 Ada: Recap of F2F in SF. 20:30:34 https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/177 20:31:06 ... Apr 21-22 (Th/Fr -- Earth Day!) Remote access will be provided 20:31:21 q? 20:31:25 q+ 20:31:35 Use /FaceToFace to put something on the discussion list 20:31:59 q+ 20:32:05 i|Ada: Recap of F2F in SF.|topic: administrivia#177 Face 2 face meeting in April in San Francisco 20:32:07 ... Add the reason to the tag so there is some understanding. See example in issue #177 20:32:07 ack yonet 20:32:32 Yonet & Ada: Tag needs to at the beginning of a line 20:32:56 ack cabanier 20:32:58 ... If it doesn't work, ping a Chair or Editor 20:33:10 Rik: Looking for signup page 20:33:19 Ada: Not yet, will make form for distribution 20:33:42 Yonet: All attendees must register before hand (Reactor's request) 20:34:00 ... Currently no testing requirements for entrance 20:34:28 q? 20:35:05 Nick: (to Ada) Maybe interest in WebXR Developer Meetup support from 8th Wall 20:35:29 Yonet: Requests inclusion for timezone purposes 20:40:59 rrsagent, publish minutes 20:40:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/08-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 20:53:06 Leonard has left #immersive-web 21:04:16 dino has joined #immersive-web