14:51:22 RRSAgent has joined #pwe 14:51:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/01-pwe-irc 14:52:05 Chair: Tzviya 14:52:10 Meeting: PWe 14:52:14 s/PWe/PWE 14:52:22 Date: 2022-03-01 14:52:44 Agenda+ Housekeeping: clock change 14:52:44 Agenda+ Proposed Training (Wendy) [1] 14:52:44 Agenda+ TPAC Inclusion Fund (Liz) [2] 14:52:44 Agenda+ AOB 15:01:12 wendyreid has joined #pwe 15:01:56 sheila has joined #pwe 15:02:10 present+ 15:02:17 present+ 15:02:20 present+ 15:02:59 regrets+ ralph 15:03:56 Judy has joined #pwe 15:03:58 scribenick: 15:03:58 Jem has joined #pwe 15:04:01 scribenick: cwilso 15:04:12 present+ JaeunJemmaKu 15:04:53 Tzviya: housekeeping: timezone changes in the US before next meeting. We've generally kept this in sync with Europe/US, not UTC. 15:05:11 +1 keeping it as it is 15:05:21 +1 15:05:22 annette_g has joined #pwe 15:05:22 +1 to keeping it as is, conflicts with fewer meetings 15:05:56 ... resolved, keep this meeting at same relative time to US. 15:06:28 Barbara: the Media Entertainment group is this time slot, so if we can stagger that would be good. 15:07:09 zakim, take up next 15:07:09 agendum 1 -- Housekeeping: clock change -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:07:12 Tzviya: will see what we can do 15:07:15 zakim, take up next 15:07:15 agendum 1 was just opened, tzviya 15:07:22 zakim, close 1 15:07:22 I don't understand 'close 1', tzviya 15:07:29 ...zakim, close agenda 1 15:07:32 agenda? 15:07:33 zakim, close agenda 1 15:07:35 agendum 1, Housekeeping: clock change, closed 15:07:35 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:07:36 2. Proposed Training (Wendy) [from 1 via tzviya] 15:07:37 zakim, cloase agenda item1 15:07:37 I don't understand 'cloase agenda item1', Jem 15:07:40 zakim, take up agenda 2 15:07:40 agendum 2 -- Proposed Training (Wendy) -- taken up [from 1 via tzviya] 15:07:57 tzviya: wendy is looking for a little more feedback on this: 15:08:07 https://rak.app.box.com/s/mh0orlvf7ljv7h49g79ahzfil0y9zu3r 15:09:02 BarbH has joined #pwe 15:09:24 wendy: this is the outline; made some changes based on last meeting's feedback. Logistically: less than two hours. Instructive+collaborative. 15:09:50 ...will do a recording of the instructive section, followed by live collaborative 15:10:13 ...no minuting of collab/Q&A sections (may cover those topics in future sessions) 15:10:55 ...topics to cover: effective meeting facilitation, tipcs and tricks, CEPC, managing conflict, fostering discussion 15:12:44 ... open discussion of techniques for handling heated discussions, etc. 15:13:02 q+ to add coaching techniques 15:13:15 ack me 15:13:15 tzviya, you wanted to add coaching techniques 15:13:49 tzviya: this is really good, would it be good to add some coaching techniques? (e.g. saying "why") 15:14:23 ... any other thoughts? 15:15:12 Jemma: love this. Does this cover CG chairs as well as WG chairs? Does it include hands-on work/instruction? 15:15:52 Media and Entertainment IC is 21 March 2022 at 16:00 UTC. If we can avoid conflict? 15:16:00 wendy: I'll see if I can add that - hands-on discussion. 15:16:23 +Q 15:16:38 s/Media and Entertainment IC is 21 March 2022 at 16:00 UTC. If we can avoid conflict?// 15:16:49 may be case study discussion? 15:16:54 q+ 15:16:57 ack bar 15:17:02 q+ 15:18:03 barb: agenda is great. I'd like to see some stronger "inclusion and diversity is valued at W3C" messaging. We're not always crisp and clear about that. Is there a simple way to add that? 15:18:48 barb: yes. I haven't written the actual modules yet. This should be explicit, too. 15:18:49 ack sheila 15:19:49 http://www.dismantlingracism.org/uploads/4/3/5/7/43579015/okun_-_white_sup_culture.pdf 15:20:02 sheila: love the agenda. I've been working on inserting antidotes to white supremacy culture. 15:20:24 wendy: love it, will find a way to include. 15:20:54 tzviya: this is a great reference 15:20:54 I also love that it uses difference approach such as instructional, collaborative and so on. 15:20:54 +1 great resource 15:21:05 ack annette_g 15:21:23 annette: question and a comment. Is this meant to augment or replace the existing chairs training. 15:22:46 judy: the past chairs trainings have usually been run by PLH. There was one we started on the CEPC, with a plan to run several and record it. There was a meeting of PWE quite a few months ago where I re-raised that and was told we needed something fresh, so we've dropped that past training. 15:23:44 tzviya: this is a first step at replacing this. 15:23:50 +100 15:23:55 q? 15:24:39 annette: this reads like a really nice presentation. What I'm missing is the detail of "how do you start up Zakim," , setting agenda in advance, etc. 15:24:47 q+ 15:24:50 q+ 15:25:23 ...we should be clear about what we're proposing here. 15:25:39 ack cw 15:25:53 scribe+ 15:25:54 https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/IRC.md 15:26:04 cwilso: I put together some details for the Immersive Web chairs when they began 15:26:13 ... see ^ 15:26:19 ... refers to the Guide, which has more detail 15:26:41 https://www.w3.org/Guide/ 15:26:44 aria onboarding issue I worked on - https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1401 15:26:47 ... I'll also note that there's more variation among groups of late 15:26:52 ... in tooling 15:27:02 ack je 15:27:03 scribe+ 15:27:10 tzviya: added a link to the Guid ^ 15:27:19 s/Guid/Guide/ 15:27:20 jemma: I also created an onboarding document for the ARIA WG. 15:27:57 ...it might be good to separate these resources into one pile 15:29:23 +1 15:29:41 wendy: Yes; I need to re-organize the prerecorded sessions vs Q&A/collaborative sessions. 15:30:05 ... will probably record these as small chunks, rather than one long recording 15:30:09 q? 15:30:53 tzviya: judy referred to another session Jory Burson did on conflict resolution/de-escalation, maybe a slide or two from that would go well here. 15:31:09 jemma: I love the Guide for Busy Peope 15:31:14 s/Peope/People 15:31:16 https://github.com/w3c/wg-effectiveness/blob/main/process.md 15:32:19 q+ 15:32:19 I'd be happy to help, as needed 15:32:19 tzviya: we should talk about timelines if Wendy is ready 15:32:23 I'm happy to help 15:32:32 ack ws 15:32:42 q+ 15:32:52 wseltzer: terrific work, happy to help 15:33:23 q- 15:33:29 agenda? 15:33:34 tzviya: tpac inclusion 15:33:41 zakim, close agenda 2 15:33:41 agendum 2, Proposed Training (Wendy), closed 15:33:42 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:33:42 3. TPAC Inclusion Fund (Liz) [from 2 via tzviya] 15:33:46 zakim, take up next 15:33:46 agendum 3 -- TPAC Inclusion Fund (Liz) -- taken up [from 2] 15:34:00 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/174 15:34:43 q+ 15:34:47 ack ws 15:35:22 wseltzer: wasn't at the Chairs meeting this morning; not clear if hybrid meeting or purely virtual 15:35:38 here is the communication we wrote for last year https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/TPACDiversityFundProposalComms.md#tpac-fellows-stipend 15:35:50 ...in whatever form TPAC takes, we'd like to help inclusion 15:36:10 ...as we know more about what the meeting will look like, we can figure out what kind of outreach to have. 15:36:18 +q 15:36:54 ack je 15:38:05 jemma: we will need to clarify the goals of the fund to make sure we're getting appropriate requests. 15:38:33 tzviya: AC meeting is coming up in just a few weeks, so it would be good to get a call out then. 15:39:02 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/main/TPACDiversityFundProposalComms.md#tpac-fellows-stipend 15:39:19 q+ 15:39:33 q- 15:39:55 +Q 15:40:10 ack bar 15:40:54 barb: what was the AC/TAG's feedback on the funds? 15:41:44 tzviya: in the years that we're remote, people are pleased we're doing it, but there's not that much advocacy. 15:41:52 ...positive feeling. 15:41:56 +1 15:42:41 barb: inclusion and diversity only came up in the W3C's strategic update in the context of accessibility 15:42:47 q+ 15:43:01 ....it seems we need to get Jeff (and the AC) more on board... 15:43:06 ack ws 15:43:09 q+ 15:43:36 wseltzer: thank you for mentioning while we're planning/closing in on the AC meeting. We should highlight that commitment. 15:43:37 +1 15:43:42 q- 15:43:59 barb: happy to help 15:44:48 tzviya: it's important to follow through , not just talk 15:44:56 barb: need to give tools to be successful. 15:45:41 agenda? 15:45:42 zakim, agenda? 15:45:43 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 15:45:43 3. TPAC Inclusion Fund (Liz) [from 2 via tzviya] 15:45:43 4. AOB [from tzviya] 15:45:50 zakim, close agenda 3 15:45:50 agendum 3, TPAC Inclusion Fund (Liz), closed 15:45:51 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:45:51 4. AOB [from tzviya] 15:45:55 zakim, take up agenda 4 15:45:55 agendum 4 -- AOB -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:46:00 https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1SWwhv3kShOx4_pEv0N4gw 15:46:06 tzviya: upcoming bystander training 15:46:28 ... this is an excellent training I recommend, for free 15:46:33 q? 15:46:57 Thank you for the recommendation 15:47:02 wendy: +1 this is an excellent training. It's also occasionally offered in French. 15:47:21 +1 that StandUp training is great 15:47:33 tzviya: adjourned 15:47:40 RRSagent, make minutes 15:47:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/01-pwe-minutes.html cwilso 15:47:45 RRSagent, make log public 15:47:46 rrsagent, make logs public