WoT Scripting API

28 February 2022


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis

Meeting minutes

previous minutes

<dape> Feb-21

no objections

minutes approved

quick updates

Daniel: on the main call it was asked when Scripting TF will update the spec

Daniel: it depends on the other publications; TD is stable, others maybe not

<cris> +1

Daniel: we could wait a few weeks that the dependent specs are updated

Daniel: currently the main dependency is Discovery


PR 386

<dape> PR 386 - refactor: remove obsolete package-lock.json files in sub-directories

Daniel: there is a stalled PR (dependent on discovery) and the obsolete package lock (link above)


issue 376

<dape> 376 - Check alignments with Architecture

Daniel: the discussion converged on text aligned with the conformance classes

Daniel: any objections?

Daniel: will prepare the PR for Architecture

issue 384

<dape> Issue 384 - Align discovery and scripting

Daniel: there is a related PR in Discovery

Cristiano: establish minimal requirement for client in order to be able to discover
… now it includes HTTPS

Daniel: the work should continue beyond HTTP
… in Scripting we'll have the same restriction

Cristiano: yes, the discovery conformance class must implement HTTPS

Zoltan: it doesn't change the API shape, but it has to be clear in the spec, for implementations

Daniel: there was also a pagination that only worked in HTTP
… was that the reason why HTTP is mandatory?

Zoltan: did they study the CoAP discovery, e.g. in OCF - that is a very clear mechanism

Cristiano: yes, it was considered

Daniel: do we know when they plan to converge on this?

Cristiano: the deadline is close, but is not known (it's being shifted)

Zoltan: this is not a strong dependency for Scripting, only for implementations (node-wot)

Cristiano: there is the issue why Scripting allows using the Fetch API

Zoltan: Scripting discovery API may use also other architectural solutions for discovery than the one described in the Discovery spec

Conformance section necessity

<dape> Issue 354 - Conformance section necessity

Daniel: the chairs need to send an email to the AC reps participating in the WG

<dape> https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-wot-minutes.html#t05

Daniel: since Notes are not covered by W3C patent policy, so it needs to be agree within the WG

Kaz: we need to think about how to deal with normative sections in Notes, but we might also put the Scripting API back to the REC track in the next charter

Daniel: one doesn't exclude the other in my opinion

Zoltan: the point was that ML didn't consider this side-agreement a clean solution
… it would be cleaner to be regulated by the W3C process

Kaz: let's check with the chairs about the progress

Daniel: OK, so let's keep this open

New op values (queryaction and cancelaction)

<dape> Issue 335 - New op values (queryaction and cancelaction)

Daniel: in the TD spec the PR was merged which introduced the new op values

<dape> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1208/files

Daniel: we might need to change the API, e.g. invokeAction()

Cristiano: we can query only one instance of an action

Daniel: my assumption was that we need to know the action instance in order to be able to later interact with it
… so we cannot just add 2 new methods like queryAction() and cancelAction()

Cristiano: so we need to change the return value

Zoltan: can we identify action instances on the wire (i.e. protocol binding dependent)?

Daniel: that was my assumption

Cristiano: it's quite difficult to specify an algorithm to handle action instances
… if the TD doesn't define this well

Daniel: we need to check if it's not well defined

Cristiano: in the last plugfest we experimented with this

Cristiano: if an invokeAction() returns a JSON, how can we fake that as a control object?
… it will be complex

Zoltan: we can define an action control object that has a callback (event) for completion, returning InteractionOutput, and one method for querying

Cristiano: what if different things will return different results for the same action?

Zoltan: I still think we could do a control object that will work
… I could draft a few alternatives in the issue, and when we have consensus, we can decide and make a PR

Daniel: yes, and as CA mentioned, we should check the TD spec completeness as well

Daniel: we can also query (and cancel?) all actions

Cristiano: the feature is in risk because no implementations yet

Daniel: sooner or later there will be implementations, even for Profiles
… but if no one implements these, then it's out of the game

Cristiano: the Things gateway implements this on protocol level

Zoltan: I think it would make even more sense to support cancel all actions, than query all actions
… we need to wait until this is clarified, since it will change the API shape

Daniel: I will take a look at that

Daniel: Ben had a use case for querying all actions

Zoltan: looks like network optimization, makes sense

Daniel: we need to adjourn


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).