WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

23 February 2022


brent, janina, Judy, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Kim_patch, MichaelC, shawn

Meeting minutes

Scribe, rssagent, any agenda additions? (Please put present+ in IRC)

Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts

js: SAUR soon, possibly second Wide Review

exploring joint pub with Timed Text WG

jb: how would comments be handled?

mc: we can figure it out

jb: Were redesigns announced? Were they supposed to be?

slh: they´re not ready to announce, but we will announce

bb: just finished designer curricula, on to next

Checking: New work under development? And status on cross-WAI review requests.


Questions on W3C LE

js: Léonie Watson requested to present AB thinking on LE

started with APA, they asked to include AG, so now it´s anycomers

it´s scheduled 9 March 2022 10:00 am Boston time

jb: just learned of this, find it unusual half of AB appears to be joining APA

for this meeting

appears to be targeting questions about WAI structure

for which there is background that appears not to have been considered

perhaps open to all groups? time slot maybe an issue

js: all I know is what they said, they want to introduce the plan and take questions

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask background needed? and to ask --- also EO vs. lean-mean-standards org

slh: news to me as well

if targeting WAI groups, could explore

this call slot is for facilitators, would general group participants be welcome?

issue related to EOWG is lean-mean-standards machine vs. including education and outreach. not sure when and how to present that to EOWG?

rbm: +1 to invite AG directly, with context since we didn´t prime them

js: looking for a faq for background

jb: formation of LE has mainly been in Advisory Board (AB) and W3C Management (W3M)

there may be a FAQ being prepared, don´t know of a location yet

js: the invite is structured around existence of an FAQ

otherwise we´ll have to restructure and give people background only at the meeting

jb: how was this coming to others?

bb: picked up from Janina´s message, started to wonder

also wonder how would impact EO ability to produce deliverables

need to figure out what should your WG AC reps know about?

jb: also staff

mc: this thing kinda snowballed from a simple thing

jb: helpful to know it started casually; should have raised radar when half of AB joining a WG call

because of overlap with other efforts, it could unintentionally disrupt

we´ll need to be careful of use of the public channel in discussion

we do need people to have the info, trying to keep things stable through the transition

js: reinforcing the FAQ need, and also we plan to collect questions in advance

<abstract transparency irony joke/>

jb: funding is complex, need to avoid misunderstandings

working a lot to keep consistent through the transition

do most groups want to join this?

bb: it is difficult without background

if the chairs are sent some info, they could provide background in a WG meeting

js: I can share the draft message, which has most of the content

Calendaring: A few quick follow-ups from last meeting's input on accessibility issues


jb: interesting discussion last time

also running into browser issues

please keep reporting, e.g., in github

any follow-ups to capture here?


TPAC: Having useful discussions with your groups about this? Virtual & hybrid hallways?

jb: how are discussions going?

jb: <asks scribe a question, who stops scribing a while to answer>

<shawn> shawn: something not right with this group. I think when adding people in DB, they are not getting added to e-mail, though I think e-mail should be DB-backed

jb: gonna talk to Ralph about that and other things soon

there´s a db-backed hack

<switch to Team jargon>

not scribed

<switch back to WAI jargon>

kp: <names/> examples of recent changes that didn´t work

jb: think there are separate related issues

will see if there is a better way to support wai-cc

kp: there seems to be one or more lists I´m not on that people think I´m on

jb: recent notice about hybrid meetings, did people pick that up?

js: saw it, didn´t prioritize

jb: axiom: APA thrives on intergroup contact

js: given

jb: this planning group is trying to figure out how to make that work well

across time zones, geography


we really want crosstalk among groups, APA is a perfect use case

js: sure; we´ve been burned in the past trying to accommodate everyone

jb: that sounds like relevant input to that meeting

js: examples of stuff we did at Fukuoka

jb: which groups have people wanting an in person component?

js: stronger yes than expected in APA and TFs

bb: EO 50 / 50

<shawn> EOWG survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/f2f2022/results#xcoming

would rather meet 1 day FtF than a 2-day virtual meeting

at TPAC we typically take the other day to join other groups

would probably continue that pattern

<shawn> MC: ARIA want ot meet in person. AG Chairs checking. AG Chairs feel strongly to meet. We expect hybrid. Enough to meet in perons, and some not in person.

jb: TFs?

kp: probably won´t

<back to DB systems issues/>

jb: suggest file to sysreq@w3.org, copy MichaelC and me

wonder if inviting a Systems person here to collect issues would be helpful?

<brent> Generally have access to all tools and resources when needed. Shawn helps when access is an issue.

<Ryladog> is TPAC still planned for 12-16 September in Vancouver?

COGA: Updated work statement


jb: further discussion, any update?

rbm: not right now

jb: is there a window for comment still?

rbm: very short window, before going to AG and APA for approval

Findability: Highlighting work done -- AUR series? EO docs?

jb: reviewing materials over the past year

wonder if there should a batched highlight on the AURs

slh: to start, set up an overview page for them

think we should do something quick and simple

then come back to easier to find etc.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say that's on my list


<shawn> MC: maybe under quick and simple - TR page tagging

<shawn> ... could request tag for -AURs

jb: re categorization, think separating AUR from Pronunciation / Personalization specs important

slh: long on the todo list to create a resource for WAI current work

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say what WAi's working on

<Ryladog> Do we have a sitemap (nightmare, I know)?

aiming for before CSUN this year

js: note only 3 - 4 are completed, others in development

slh: note Low Vision and Mobile have similar content not yet in the AUR format

js: what about accessibility of remote meetings

jb: +1, circle back

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/bk/bb/

Succeeded: s/@@/looking for a faq for background/

Succeeded: s/a concern EO has is on how exclusively focused on standardization the LE would be/issue related to EOWG is lean-mean-standards machine vs. including education and outreach. not sure when and how to present that to EOWG?

Succeeded: s/what/need to figure out what/

Succeeded: s/MC: I think this snowballed. Was little invite that grew to more//

Succeeded: i|zakim, next item|<crickets/>|

Succeeded: s/ though I think e-mail is DB-backed/ though I think e-mail should be DB-backed

Succeeded: s/@@/Ralph/

Succeeded: s/APA/ARIA/

Succeeded: s/@@/what about accessibility of remote meetings/

Maybe present: bb, jb, js, kp, mc, rbm, slh