18:11:47 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 18:11:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-waicc-irc 18:11:49 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:11:52 agenda? 18:11:52 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 18:11:52 Date: 23 February 2022 18:11:59 clear agenda 19:00:32 agenda+ Scribe, rssagent, any agenda additions? (Please put present+ in IRC) 19:00:32 agenda+ Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 19:00:32 agenda+ Checking: New work under development? And status on cross-WAI review requests. 19:00:32 agenda+ Questions on W3C LE 19:00:33 agenda+ Calendaring: A few quick follow-ups from last meeting's input on accessibility issues 19:00:33 agenda+ TPAC: Having useful discussions with your groups about this? Virtual & hybrid hallways? 19:00:35 agenda+ COGA: Updated work statement 19:00:36 agenda+ Findability: Highlighting work done -- AUR series? EO docs? 19:00:40 shawn has joined #waicc 19:00:51 brent has joined #waicc 19:00:59 zakim, who is on the phone? 19:00:59 Present: janina, tzviya, LisaSeemanKest, stevelee, George, Judy, Katie_Haritos-Shea, James, Matthew_Atkinson, brent, Sharron, Kim_patch, Ralph, Rachael 19:01:03 present: 19:01:08 present+ shawn 19:01:11 agenda? 19:01:45 Kim_patch has joined #waicc 19:02:51 janina has joined #waicc 19:04:49 zakim, pick a victim 19:04:49 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose shawn 19:04:52 present+ 19:04:58 present+ 19:05:01 zakim, pick a victim 19:05:01 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Judy 19:05:05 zakim, pick a victim 19:05:05 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose shawn 19:05:08 zakim, pick a victim 19:05:08 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose shawn 19:05:41 scribe: MichaelC 19:05:55 zakim, next item 19:05:55 agendum 1 -- Scribe, rssagent, any agenda additions? (Please put present+ in IRC) -- taken up [from Judy] 19:06:15 zakim, close this item 19:06:15 agendum 1 closed 19:06:15 present+ 19:06:16 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:06:16 2. Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts [from Judy] 19:06:16 present+ 19:06:16 zakim, next item 19:06:17 agendum 2 -- Updates: publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from Judy] 19:07:03 js: SAUR soon, possibly second Wide Review 19:07:13 exploring joint pub with Timed Text WG 19:08:48 jb: how would comments be handled? 19:08:54 mc: we can figure it out 19:09:53 jb: Were redesigns announced? Were they supposed to be? 19:10:06 slh: they´re not ready to announce, but we will announce 19:10:25 Ryladog has joined #waicc 19:10:39 bk: just finished designer curricula, on to next 19:10:41 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 19:10:43 zakim, next item 19:10:43 agendum 3 -- Checking: New work under development? And status on cross-WAI review requests. -- taken up [from Judy] 19:11:12 s/bk/bb/ 19:11:23 19:11:28 zakim, next item 19:11:28 agendum 3 was just opened, MichaelC 19:11:32 zakim, close this item 19:11:32 agendum 3 closed 19:11:33 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:11:33 4. Questions on W3C LE [from Judy] 19:11:35 zakim, next item 19:11:35 agendum 4 -- Questions on W3C LE -- taken up [from Judy] 19:12:30 js: Léonie Watson requested to present AB thinking on LE 19:13:01 started with APA, they asked to include AG, so now it´s anycomers 19:13:18 it´s scheduled 9 March 2022 10:00 am Boston time 19:13:20 q+ to ask background needed? 19:14:01 jb: just learned of this, find it unusual half of AB appears to be joining APA 19:14:11 for this meeting 19:14:31 appears to be targeting questions about WAI structure 19:14:33 q+ to ask --- also EO vs. lean-mean-standards org 19:14:46 for which there is background that appears not to have been considered 19:15:14 perhaps open to all groups? time slot maybe an issue 19:15:41 js: all I know is what they said, they want to introduce the plan and take questions 19:15:51 ack me 19:15:51 shawn, you wanted to ask background needed? and to ask --- also EO vs. lean-mean-standards org 19:15:54 q+ Rachael 19:16:10 slh: news to me as well 19:16:39 if targeting WAI groups, could explore 19:16:56 this call slot is for facilitators, would general group participants be welcome? 19:17:37 a concern EO has is on how exclusively focused on standardization the LE would be 19:18:09 rbm: +1 to invite AG directly, with context since we didn´t prime them 19:19:03 js: @@ 19:19:41 jb: formation of LE has mainly been in Advisory Board (AB) and W3C Management (W3M) 19:20:02 s/@@/looking for a faq for background/ 19:20:13 s/a concern EO has is on how exclusively focused on standardization the LE would be/issue related to EOWG is lean-mean-standards machine vs. including education and outreach. not sure when and how to present that to EOWG? 19:20:25 there may be a FAQ being prepared, don´t know of a location yet 19:21:02 js: the invite is structured around existence of an FAQ 19:21:24 otherwise we´ll have to restructure and give people background only at the meeting 19:21:39 q+ 19:21:58 jb: how was this coming to others? 19:22:21 bb: picked up from Janina´s message, started to wonder 19:23:22 also wonder how would impact EO ability to produce deliverables 19:23:46 what should your WG AC reps know about? 19:24:05 s/what/need to figure out what/ 19:24:15 jb: also staff 19:25:29 mc: this thing kinda snowballed from a simple thing 19:25:30 MC: I think this snowballed. Was little invite that grew to more 19:25:37 s/MC: I think this snowballed. Was little invite that grew to more// 19:25:59 jb: helpful to know it started casually; should have raised radar when half of AB joining a WG call 19:26:35 because of overlap with other efforts, it could unintentionally disrupt 19:27:18 we´ll need to be careful of use of the public channel in discussion 19:27:24 ack me 19:27:25 ack r 19:28:07 we do need people to have the info, trying to keep things stable through the transition 19:28:44 js: reinforcing the FAQ need, and also we plan to collect questions in advance 19:29:43 19:30:05 jb: funding is complex, need to avoid misunderstandings 19:30:19 working a lot to keep consistent through the transition 19:30:42 do most groups want to join this? 19:30:50 bb: it is difficult without background 19:31:09 if the chairs are sent some info, they could provide background in a WG meeting 19:31:32 js: I can share the draft message, which has most of the content 19:32:32 zakim, next item 19:32:32 agendum 5 -- Calendaring: A few quick follow-ups from last meeting's input on accessibility issues -- taken up [from Judy] 19:33:40 https://www.w3.org/2022/02/09-waicc-minutes#t01 19:33:56 jb: interesting discussion last time 19:34:02 also running into browser issues 19:34:14 please keep reporting, e.g., in github 19:34:31 any follow-ups to capture here? 19:34:49 zakim, next item 19:34:49 agendum 6 -- TPAC: Having useful discussions with your groups about this? Virtual & hybrid hallways? -- taken up [from Judy] 19:35:24 i|zakim, next item|| 19:35:36 jb: how are discussions going? 19:36:27 q+ 19:37:09 ack shawn 19:37:26 jb: 19:37:35 ... 19:37:52 shawn: something not right with this group. I think when adding people in DB, they are not getting added to e-mail, though I think e-mail is DB-backed 19:38:15 jb: gonna talk to @@ about that and other things soon 19:38:20 there´s a db-backed hack 19:38:33 19:38:58 not scribed 19:39:09 19:39:11 s/ though I think e-mail is DB-backed/ though I think e-mail should be DB-backed 19:39:37 kp: examples of recent changes that didn´t work 19:40:10 jb: think there are separate related issues 19:40:44 s/@@/Ralph/ 19:40:54 will see if there is a better way to support wai-cc 19:41:55 kp: there seems to be one or more lists I´m not on that people think I´m on 19:42:14 jb: recent notice about hybrid meetings, did people pick that up? 19:42:18 js: saw it, didn´t prioritize 19:42:45 jb: axiom: APA thrives on intergroup contact 19:42:48 js: given 19:43:13 jb: this planning group is trying to figure out how to make that work well 19:43:22 across time zones, geography 19:43:24 etc. 19:43:40 we really want crosstalk among groups, APA is a perfect use case 19:44:19 js: sure; we´ve been burned in the past trying to accommodate everyone 19:44:32 jb: that sounds like relevant input to that meeting 19:44:42 agenda? 19:45:18 js: examples of stuff we did at Fukuoka 19:45:48 jb: which groups have people wanting an in person component? 19:45:57 js: stronger yes than expected in APA and TFs 19:46:15 bb: EO 50 / 50 19:46:23 EOWG survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/f2f2022/results#xcoming 19:46:35 q+ 19:46:52 would rather meet 1 day FtF than a 2-day virtual meeting 19:47:03 at TPAC we typically take the other day to join other groups 19:47:13 would probably continue that pattern 19:48:18 MC: APA want ot meet in person. AG Chairs checking. AG Chairs feel strongly to meet. We expect hybrid. Enough to meet in perons, and some not in person. 19:48:31 s/APA/ARIA/ 19:48:35 jb: TFs? 19:49:46 kp: probably won´t 19:50:03 19:50:23 jb: suggest file to sysreq@w3.org, copy MichaelC and me 19:50:49 wonder if inviting a Systems person here to collect issues would be helpful? 19:50:51 Generally have access to all tools and resources when needed. Shawn helps when access is an issue. 19:50:56 is TPAC still planned for 12-16 September in Vancouver? 19:51:02 ack me 19:51:02 ack m 19:51:09 zakim, next item 19:51:09 agendum 7 -- COGA: Updated work statement -- taken up [from Judy] 19:51:31 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m7-BSm9IFWN9tszIf24oVnFRpq-4n27CKCiXXxMqaYs/edit#heading=h.jjvpg48our9q 19:51:59 jb: further discussion, any update? 19:52:07 rbm: not right now 19:52:30 jb: is there a window for comment still? 19:52:42 rbm: very short window, before going to AG and APA for approval 19:53:19 zakim, next itme 19:53:19 I don't understand 'next itme', MichaelC 19:53:21 zakim, next item 19:53:21 agendum 8 -- Findability: Highlighting work done -- AUR series? EO docs? -- taken up [from Judy] 19:53:54 jb: reviewing materials over the past year 19:54:00 q+ to say that's on my list 19:54:09 wonder if there should a batched highlight on the AURs 19:54:15 q+ 19:54:48 slh: to start, set up an overview page for them 19:55:16 think we should do something quick and simple 19:55:23 then come back to easier to find etc. 19:55:24 ack me 19:55:24 shawn, you wanted to say that's on my list 19:55:25 q+ 19:55:32 ack m 19:55:41 https://www.w3.org/TR/?tag=accessibility 19:55:44 MC: maybe under quick and simple - TR page tagging 19:55:55 ... could request tag for -AURs 19:56:14 ack me 19:56:15 ack j 19:57:10 jb: re categorization, think separating AUR from Pronunciation / Personalization specs important 19:57:18 q+ to say what WAi's working on 19:57:39 q+ 19:57:52 slh: long on the todo list to create a resource for WAI current work 19:57:53 ack s 19:57:53 shawn, you wanted to say what WAi's working on 19:58:05 Do we have a sitemap (nightmare, I know)? 19:58:05 aiming for before CSUN this year 19:58:55 ack sh 19:58:56 ack j 19:59:35 js: note only 3 - 4 are completed, others in development 20:00:47 slh: note Low Vision and Mobile have similar content not yet in the AUR format 20:01:30 agenda? 20:01:30 js: @@ 20:01:37 jb: +1, circle back 20:01:42 zakim, close this item 20:01:42 agendum 8 closed 20:01:43 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 20:01:51 present+ 20:01:57 s/@@/what about accessibility of remote meetings/ 20:02:40 rrsagent, make minutes 20:02:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-waicc-minutes.html MichaelC 20:09:59 janina has left #waicc