12:59:05 RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg 12:59:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-dpvcg-irc 12:59:10 ScribeNick: harsh 12:59:13 Meeting: DPVCG Meeting Call 12:59:15 Chair: harsh 12:59:20 Date: 23 FEB 2022 12:59:28 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2022Feb/0005.html 12:59:53 Previous meeting's minutes -> https://www.w3.org/2022/02/16-dpvcg-minutes.html 13:02:34 Present: harsh, paul, beatriz, julian, jan 14:07:21 Topic: Important Concepts for DPV 14:07:36 Jurisdictions - country, laws, DPAs, adequacy decisions 14:07:57 ISO standards - numbers, relation to terms, terminology of ISO, mapping to DPV concepts 14:08:10 risks - known risks and vocabulary of common risks e.g. data corruption, data breach 14:08:33 fundamental rights - (only eu) to provide relevance to impact assessments 14:10:59 All of the above are proposed as extensions / modules to the DPV rather than including them in core DPV 14:11:21 Topic: Process for concept proposal and resolution 14:17:20 For above and other concepts that are to be proposed as a group / collection, these shall be done through the mailing list. 14:17:47 The proposal shall have a review timeline within which interested members will comment / discuss. 14:18:10 The meeting calls will discuss the final resolution of such discussions, including a venue to resolve disagreements if any. 14:18:30 This is for ensuring DPV progresses sufficiently well for its goal to reach v1.0 by September. 14:19:04 Topic: Categories of Documentation 14:25:30 There are 5 different types of documentation we have for DPV 14:32:09 1. Primer for explaining what the DPV is, an overview of its concepts, some brief examples 14:32:37 2. Technical Specification - detailing what concepts exist 14:32:54 3. Use-Cases - that define situations the DPV should be capable for representing 14:33:32 4. Examples - showing how to use DPV, with some use-cases being expressed as examples, or examples coming from elsewhere 14:33:47 5. Guides - explanations on how to use DPV in some context, how to apply DPV towards an application 14:33:55 Topic: Template for Use-Cases 14:37:03 Jan is providing a shared Google Docs for discussion of use-case templates in which use-cases are described. 14:37:16 The requirement is for them to be simple enough to express and link with concepts. 14:37:34 Existing use-case template is comprehensive and needs to be minimised https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/Template_for_use-cases 14:37:41 Topic: Next Meeting 14:38:00 We will meet again next week MAR-02 WED 13:00 WET / 14:00 CET 14:38:13 Discussion will be refinement of proposed concepts and pending proposals. 14:38:14 zakim, bye 14:38:14 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been harsh, paul, beatriz, julian, jan 14:38:14 Zakim has left #dpvcg 14:38:18 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 14:38:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-dpvcg-minutes.html harsh 14:38:22 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 14:38:39 rrsagent, bye 14:38:39 I see no action items