14:14:44 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 14:14:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/14-personalization-irc 14:14:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:14:46 Zakim has joined #personalization 14:14:48 Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference 14:14:48 Date: 14 February 2022 14:14:55 agenda? 14:15:18 chair: sharon 14:15:37 agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status (Follow-up on i18n issue #144) 14:16:19 agenda+ Defining short names for the modules 14:16:38 agenda+ Planning COGA January meeting on Our Other Two Modules 14:16:42 agenda 14:16:48 agenda? 14:57:29 janina has joined #personalization 14:57:44 agenda? 14:57:55 present+ 15:01:11 CharlesL has joined #personalization 15:01:29 mike_beganyi has joined #personalization 15:01:35 present+ 15:01:51 regrets: becky_Gibson, Lisa_Seeman 15:02:07 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #personalization 15:02:11 present+ 15:05:09 scribe+ 15:06:31 zakim, next item 15:06:31 agendum 1 -- Content Module Implementations Status (Follow-up on i18n issue #144) -- taken up [from sharon] 15:06:55 Lionel_Wolberger: I don't have an update 15:08:29 sharon: Sent out a link to the symbols that shows the symbols that goes with each of the words. on a planning call the symbols mapped out with what was in the recipe, not sure if Matt was going to check with Steve on the question of if the symbols switched. I know they follow the Right to Left to Hebrew if the symbols flipped. 15:08:51 Janina: also to add CSS boxes around them as well. 15:09:07 sharon: we may need to pick this up next week when Matt is here. 15:09:16 Zakim, next item 15:09:16 agendum 2 -- Defining short names for the modules -- taken up [from sharon] 15:12:04 Janina: call with WAI and Judy Brewer, we could invite you Sharon and Lionel_Wolberger to also attend potentially. discuss whats being published what might affect accessibility / what information goes up where, and one activity and what EOWG gets involved on branding new technology etc. When Matt and I mentioned our naming conversation and everyone was interested in that, and was invited to the Education/Outreach WG meeting on 15:12:04 Friday. 15:13:13 …, there might be curb cut opportunity here, they want to "steep" but asked good questions and they got what we were talking about, and metadata at the element level. 15:14:07 …, 1. working with us to come up with a good name (role off the tip of your tongue). (they named "ARIA") 15:14:48 …, Personalizable vs. Personalized 15:14:54 PAd 15:15:47 …, all invited to invite their call, on Fridays 9AM Eastern 15:16:07 …, details to follow on list. 15:16:45 q? 15:16:47 q+ 15:17:11 ack Lionel_Wolberger 15:17:11 …, only the left side of the : is what they are interested in. 15:17:30 Lionel_Wolberger: do we need to attend this meeting. 15:17:57 …, PAL - Personalization Adaptation Language perhaps. 15:18:35 …, if it needs to be webbie could be WebPal 15:18:54 janina: I will communicate it back to them as a possible option. 15:19:30 sharon: how does this work do they come with multiple names or something? 15:19:55 janina: Judy can overrule so there will be some finality. 15:20:46 zakim, next item 15:20:46 agendum 3 -- Planning COGA January meeting on Our Other Two Modules -- taken up [from sharon] 15:21:44 janina: we don't want to go back to COGA until we get this resolved. 15:22:11 Lionel_Wolberger: left/right of the symbols is there any way to make progress on that? 15:22:46 Sharon: I thought Matt was going to discuss with Steve, and add a boarder 15:23:16 …, the email you got Lionel_Wolberger had boarders which shows the point 15:23:29 janina: especially when learning. 15:24:09 Due to something urgent that has cropped up, I will be late to this call; apologies. I'll be able to make the planning call in its entirety. I haven't yet got any further updates on the rendering, but I am still expecting to sort out the borders for the symbols very shortly, and I'll email the list when that's done so that you can all see it. Sorry this is a bit later than planned, but I do expect it within a couple [CUT] 15:24:53 s/Due/Matthew: Due/ 15:26:27 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2022Feb/0012.html 15:26:39 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #personalization 15:26:49 q? 15:26:52 present+ 15:27:54 agenda? 15:29:09 Matthew_Atkinson: Sorry for being late, I still am working on drawing the boxes just haven't gotten to it yet, so that will go to the list when done. 15:31:25 rrsagent, make logs public 15:31:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:31:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/14-personalization-minutes.html CharlesL 15:52:11 lisas_ has joined #personalization 15:52:46 lisas__ has joined #personalization 16:58:32 stevelee has joined #personalization