15:55:58 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:55:58 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/11-pbgsc-irc 15:56:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:56:02 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 15:57:08 tzviya has joined #pbgsc 15:57:16 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2022Feb/0000.html 15:57:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 14 January 16:01:16 Ralph_ has joined #pbgsc 16:01:51 present+ Mateus 16:02:15 present+ Avneesh 16:02:20 mateus has joined #pbgsc 16:02:30 present+ Daihei 16:02:42 present+ 16:03:19 present+ WendyReid, Liisa 16:03:53 regrets+ BIll, Zheng 16:03:57 regrets+ 16:04:21 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:04:26 present+ 16:04:43 topic: Summary of joint meeting with the Interactive Media CG 16:05:29 Wendy: we met with this newly-formed CG, the Publishing CG, and some of the Synchronized Media CG 16:05:40 ... Adam is leading the charge in the IM CG 16:05:47 ... they're starting with use cases 16:06:11 ... the core idea is a markup language to link together media files to stream sequentially or jointly 16:06:33 ... there's interest in interactive videos; e.g. choose your adventure, educational scenarios 16:06:48 ... it's meant for media in general; EPUB, SMIL, ... are part of this ecosystem 16:07:00 ... it's still up in the air as to what they're aiming at 16:07:07 ... it's an interesting idea 16:07:17 ... TBD how much we might get involved 16:07:27 Tzviya: sounds like there's a lot of existing technology 16:07:36 ... I hope they're considering what exists already 16:07:49 Wendy: yes; there is awareness of TTML, SMIL, etc. 16:08:05 ... once they have more use cases it should be clear what is happening 16:08:19 Minutes from the meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/02/09-interactive-media-minutes.html 16:08:46 Ralph: is there a Publishing issue that this group might be enticed to consider? 16:09:03 Wendy: there's some talk about interactive fiction, which could be cool for future iterations 16:09:22 ... but it's too early to know what they might want to achieve 16:09:41 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 16:10:36 q+ 16:10:42 Ralph: maybe we have a use case that we would want to toss on their pile and see how much interest generates 16:10:47 present+ 16:10:50 q+ to ask if this id RPG 16:10:53 ack liisamk 16:11:05 Wendy: we don't yet have a technical problem that we can see them addressing 16:11:24 Liisa: back in 2012 there was conversation about building something in EPUB with some JS and FXL that had interactivity 16:11:35 ... PRH did some children's books with animation 16:11:55 ... we built out some of this in EPUB, only one reader could deal with it 16:12:08 present+ wolfgang 16:12:15 ... 10 years later no one has implemented it due to concerns over JS 16:12:39 ... and the limited local storage in reading systems for being able to keep things like responses to quizzes 16:12:57 ... people are reluctant to go back to that until there is more interest in the market 16:13:11 q+ 16:13:20 ... publishers would like to see something come from the other direction and solve technical challenges 16:13:32 Tzviya: the concept of enhanced ebooks is separate 16:13:48 ... I'm trying to understand what this CG is actually after? 16:14:13 ack tz 16:14:13 tzviya, you wanted to ask if this id RPG 16:14:16 ack ma 16:14:24 ... what are the high demands from the marketplace? 16:14:43 Mateus: my publishing background has a lot of connections with education technology 16:15:07 ... there are many serious hardware constraints, boundaries around scripting, what compromised we're able to make on privacy and security 16:15:31 ... for publishers that control their own browser-based platform, we've been able so far to achieve what we want 16:15:47 ... we can use EPUB as a shelf for our textbooks; browsers do what we want 16:16:03 ... what we're missing is not the publishing spec but a standard for the interactive content 16:16:14 ... not how it gets integrated into the EPUB; we have technologies for that 16:16:30 ... but how do we build all our interactive widgets in a standardized way 16:16:35 ... analytics, ... 16:16:45 ... we use Pub Manifest to establish an internal structure 16:16:52 +1 16:16:56 +1 16:17:04 ... maybe we can see what happens at this fringe and document how to do it 16:17:35 ack ra 16:17:35 Ralph_, you wanted to thank Liisa 16:17:37 ... we're deep into this world and are working on providing more interactivity to students in a low-stake way 16:18:23 s/we're/Norton is/ 16:19:02 Tzviya: using something like the Manifest to make it possible to do "web publications"; making complex content available to users in a browser interface 16:19:03 q+ 16:19:13 ... this is both necessary for education and not yet standardized 16:19:26 ack wendyreid 16:19:29 ... we can think about this as a possible future direction 16:19:31 +1 16:20:00 Wendy: there's definitely some energy in a number of places on building out data structures for content creators and user agents 16:20:34 ... linear content, multiple pathways, layered video (fg/bg) 16:20:45 ... this is an area we might want to lean on a bit more 16:21:11 ... digital publications are probably heading there; looking more at bringing multiple media together on their particular technology stack 16:21:30 topic: Takeaways from Conference day 16:22:36 Liisa: scheduling conference days is always a challenge 16:22:54 ... it took a long time firming up presenters, making sure we have enough content 16:23:07 ... the agenda came out late but we ended up with more content than we could handle 16:23:11 ... it was well-received 16:23:22 ... the comics and manga in Europe presentation was appreciated 16:23:35 .... Daihei and Beth's presentation comparing Europe, Japan, and the US was great 16:24:06 ... Daihei's team did an amazing job of taking the content from the first session and the previously-submitted content and translating it to Japanese 16:24:22 ... we were able to use the video of Luc's presentation 16:24:30 ... Daihei's team transcribed the whole video 16:24:42 ... I was able to present Japanese slides! 16:24:52 ... it worked out well, though a little crowded for time 16:25:35 ... there were a lot of questions from the Japanese participants on how some of the manga content with violence and sex was handled in other parts of the world 16:25:48 ... I was exhausted by the end of the day 16:25:58 q+ to make a few suggestions 16:26:01 ... the plan was to do this in April with a focus on education 16:26:35 ... it would be good if we can get things out earlier 16:26:49 Daihei: there were 17 attendees for the North American session 16:27:21 ... many people were praising the information 16:27:31 ... a couple of key takeaways: 16:27:41 ... it is getting to be two major issues that we need to tackle: 16:28:00 ... piracy, especially in Japan, is getting overwhelming 16:28:23 ... @@ is consuming 30% of the digital publishing market in Japan 16:28:40 ... $4.1B in 2021, likely $5B in 2022 16:28:45 ... 80% is digital manga 16:28:56 ... 12% from literary / non-fiction 16:29:36 ... the report I got from the industry organizations is estimating almost $4.1B in piracy 16:30:21 ... so the piracy figure, which is just manga, shows there is lots of room for growth 16:30:47 ... digital publishing based on EPUB is a profitable business and gaining audience 16:30:59 ... piracy is also a business 16:31:11 ... the issue is how to deal with piracy 16:31:34 ... another issue is, outside EPUB there are other formats: a major one is WebTunes 16:31:40 ... vertical scrolling comics is huge 16:31:56 ... coming from Korea but expanding world-wide 16:32:11 ... we may need to look into vertical scrolling, not only in EPUB but also in other web-based formats 16:32:36 ... movies, TV drama, music, all going to streaming; we may need to look into more streaming services for digital pubs 16:32:46 q? 16:32:47 ... maybe streaming can help with the piracy issue 16:33:03 ... people asked me if EPUB is a suitable format for streaming 16:33:11 ... we need to look into these 16:33:31 ... in April we can look into educational publishing 16:33:40 tzviya, you wanted to make a few suggestions 16:33:52 Tzviya: if we do these too often we'll get lower attendance 16:34:01 ... people are tired of on-line conferences 16:34:11 ... maybe do them once a quarter 16:34:40 ... since the whole idea is to get community engagement, I suggest reducing the number of speakers for the 90 minutes 16:35:03 ... maybe at most 3 speakers; allow a maximum of 60 minutes for the speakers 16:35:48 zheng_xu_ has joined #pbgsc 16:35:52 ... in another successful style the organizer does a dry-run beforehand and prepares some questions to get the audience started 16:36:10 present+ 16:36:22 ... a presenter can address a question as "I've heard people ask ..." and that gets the ball rolling to get engagement 16:36:23 q+ 16:36:29 ack dai 16:36:47 Daihei: I appreciate that advice 16:37:02 ... a number of people came back to me and said that they wanted to talk more than the 90 minutes 16:37:10 ... they wanted more time to ask questions 16:37:25 ... it's a matter of what is satisfactory to the audience 16:37:37 ... and whether the discussion can support the business 16:38:00 ... for the NA/Japan session I did not hear any complaints about the length of the meeting 16:38:01 q+ 16:38:14 ack liisamk 16:38:14 Tzviya: just make sure to leave more time for questions 16:38:21 ... many people can't stay later 16:38:32 Liisa: I appreciate the advice for April 16:38:48 ... this time we were in a tough spot in not having confirmation from some of the speakers even up to a day before 16:39:04 ... and one of the speakers had to drop out at the last minute 16:39:15 Tzviya: just trying to give constructive feedback 16:39:20 q+ 16:39:31 Liisa: should we try for April or wait to May? 16:39:39 ... right now quarterly puts us on odd dates 16:39:52 ack we 16:39:59 Tzviya: OK to push it off; no one says we have to have a conference day in April 16:40:09 Wendy: the chairs get to pick the schedule that works for you 16:40:14 s/we have/we do not have 16:40:38 ... pick what works for you and the presenters 16:41:09 Liisa: we did our best and it worked out better than we'd worried the day before 16:41:29 s/presenters/presenters; be kind to yourselves 16:41:48 q+ 16:41:49 Daihei: we'd like to make this work for the members and Publishing@W3C 16:41:56 ... people are paying attention and want to hear more 16:42:04 ... but it does require a lot of coordination 16:42:27 ... my folk transcribed and translated the video in a few hours 16:42:36 incredible! 16:42:49 ... I think we did a good job 16:42:58 ack li 16:43:20 Liisa: after education, the only other request for a topic we have is NFTs 16:43:34 ... we have people with some very interesting use cases in Europe 16:43:50 Tzviya: it's important to entertain things that are in scope for W3C 16:43:52 I like talk about NFT 16:44:10 ... I'm pretty certain that there would be objections to Rec-track work on NFTs 16:44:12 s/I like talk about NFT/I like to hear about NFT/ 16:44:28 ack r 16:45:47 Ralph: just because a topic might be out of scope for W3C Rec track work shouldn't stop the BG from organizing a session to learn about it 16:46:09 Daihei: it's worthwhile to share information about other things that are challenges to publishers 16:46:42 q+ 16:46:45 Tzviya: there's a lot of confusion about what NFTs are; I'd suggest starting with an explanation of that 16:46:51 topic: Update on BG/CG joint meeting 16:47:02 ack mateus 16:47:36 Mateus: we've been communicating by email; it's difficult to find a time and date that works 16:48:00 ... we need to get an agenda in place 16:48:13 ... I'll be optimistic and say that mid-March may work for all of us 16:48:30 Wolfgang: Zheng and I have started to develop a template for use cases 16:48:36 ... we've written an explainer 16:49:18 Ralph has joined #pbgsc 16:49:54 regrets- Zheng 16:49:54 present+ Zheng 16:50:28 Wolfgang: the template has a recommended format 16:51:03 ... to be precise about the roles, what position you have in the ecosystem 16:51:34 ... be specific and not have global statements about the goal 16:51:45 ... which role in publishing requires what functionality and what is meant by that 16:52:10 ... e.g. people say "I want a big battery for my electric car" but really they want to be able to drive a long distance 16:52:50 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/pull/25 16:52:57 q? 16:53:02 Tzviya: maybe move the sample text to the top and the directions below so people who don't need the directions can just fill-in the text 16:53:06 q+ 16:53:11 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 16:53:17 ack liisamk 16:53:21 q+ 16:53:26 present+ 16:53:39 Liisa: this is really good for forward-thinking and trying to come up with something that doesn't currently exist 16:53:58 ... how do we deal with things that are currently issues or that people don't know are currently issues? 16:54:41 ... e.g. dealing with complicated tables and controlling column widths but not realizing that there is a fine line of what you can control across various reading systems that won't be chewed up in production systems 16:54:51 Tzviya: you've explained an implementation 16:55:05 ... "as a reader on a mobile reader, I would like to be able to view large tables" 16:55:27 ... you know the problems in implementation; you have additional information about how RS behave 16:55:39 ... you can add notes to that effect 16:55:54 .. .but the user description is "I like to see the full width of the table" 16:56:04 ... or "I want to be able to view the table" 16:56:17 ... we're just defining the problem in the use case and not the solution 16:56:27 ack zh 16:56:34 ... we're writing about the specifications and not necessarily the implementations 16:56:48 Zheng: the use cases are not only for future needs 16:56:56 ... we can create use cases for current needs 16:57:17 ... the format can work for both 16:57:25 ... try it out 16:57:38 ... I just found out some interesting things about media overlay; I might try that first 16:57:47 Tzviya: it's mean to be a low barrier for documentation 16:58:23 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34786/tpac2022-fall-meetings/ 17:00:14 topic: Heads-up on TPAC survey 17:00:48 Ralph: please have conversations in your groups and give us your best guesses as to whether you might have critical mass for an in-person component along with remote participation 17:00:59 ... we need to make a go/no-go decision the first week of April 17:01:15 ... we know you won't have perfect information; please give us the best you can 17:02:01 ... we're unlikely to be able to accomodate CGs but if there's a lot of interest in in-person I'd still like to know 17:02:05 [adjourned] 17:02:10 zakim, end meeting 17:02:10 As of this point the attendees have been Mateus, Avneesh, Daihei, WendyReid, Liisa, liisamk, wolfgang, zheng_xu_, avneeshsingh 17:02:12 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:02:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/11-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 17:02:15 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:02:19 Zakim has left #pbgsc 17:07:51 present+ Tzviya, Ralph 17:07:54 chair: Tzviya 17:08:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/11-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph