14:46:19 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 14:46:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/10-i18n-irc 14:46:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:46:38 Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference 14:46:38 Date: 10 February 2022 14:46:41 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/5e4758ba-3e80-4e71-b333-5f2c4fd95abd/20220210T150000 14:46:41 clear agenda 14:46:41 agenda+ Agenda Review 14:46:41 agenda+ Action Items 14:46:44 agenda+ Info Share 14:46:46 agenda+ RADAR Review 14:46:48 agenda+ Review 'Pending' issues 14:46:51 agenda+ Explainer for TAG and ES-402 14:46:53 agenda+ AOB? 14:46:53 Chair: Addison Phillips 14:47:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/10-i18n-minutes.html addison 14:47:23 JcK has joined #i18n 14:55:48 r12a has joined #i18n 14:57:20 present+ 14:57:48 present+ Atsushi 15:00:08 najib has joined #i18n 15:01:00 present+ Eemeli 15:02:15 present+ Bert 15:02:41 present+ Richard 15:04:06 scribe+ 15:04:23 agenda? 15:04:40 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:04:40 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:04:58 zakim, take up agendum 2 15:04:58 agendum 2 -- Action Items -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:05:07 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open 15:05:32 action-925? 15:05:32 action-925 -- Addison Phillips to Update string-meta to include json-ld changes, etc. -- due 2020-07-09 -- OPEN 15:05:32 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/925 15:06:14 addison: Fixing links in string meta. Could merge soon. 15:06:42 https://github.com/w3c/string-meta/pull/56 15:07:13 ... building up in the pull request ^^, some edits that r12a and I reviewed. 15:07:13 present+ JcK 15:07:23 ... merge it after this call? 15:07:49 action: addison: ping felix 15:07:49 Created ACTION-1114 - Ping felix [on Addison Phillips - due 2022-02-17]. 15:08:11 action-1094? 15:08:11 action-1094 -- Addison Phillips to Start conversation with ecma-402 et al about webidl work -- due 2021-11-11 -- OPEN 15:08:11 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1094 15:08:32 addison: Getting closer. 15:08:43 action-1104? 15:08:43 action-1104 -- Addison Phillips to Respond to dom's thread after xfq forwards note -- due 2021-12-09 -- OPEN 15:08:43 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1104 15:09:07 r12a: plh asked me to connect Addison and Dom. 15:09:21 action-1109? 15:09:21 action-1109 -- Addison Phillips to Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting comment resolutions -- due 2022-01-27 -- OPEN 15:09:21 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1109 15:09:46 action-1113? 15:09:46 action-1113 -- Addison Phillips to Clean up linking on specdev -- due 2022-02-10 -- OPEN 15:09:46 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1113 15:10:02 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:10:02 agendum 3 -- Info Share -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:10:59 JcK: With new systems, if you say we should look at string meta explainer, where do I find it? 15:11:24 addison: I should have added the link... 15:11:42 JcK: And in the general case? 15:12:31 eemeli: I'm going to present in ECMA forum. 15:13:06 addison: Glad to see that. 15:13:23 zakim, take up agendum 4 15:13:23 agendum 4 -- RADAR Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:13:32 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1 15:13:38 i/eemeli/subtopic: ECMA 15:13:56 addison: New request for css-variables. Anybody? 15:14:38 addison: I'll take it myself. 15:15:21 addison: NAUR? 15:15:28 Bert: not yet 15:15:34 addison: font transfer? 15:15:53 atsushi: Can move to completed. 15:16:09 addison: Can you edit a comment to say there are ni issues? 15:16:56 addison: IMSC-HRM: I filed comments. 15:17:01 r1 15:17:06 s/r1// 15:18:42 addison: Anybody apart form Behdad we can talk to? 15:18:48 f/form/from/ 15:19:10 agenda? 15:19:19 zakim, take up agendum 5 15:19:19 agendum 5 -- Review 'Pending' issues -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:19:34 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Apending 15:20:47 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/607 15:21:02 addison: Starting from the oldest... 15:21:37 ... is this stale? I think they did some work on it. 15:21:56 r12a: Can't remember, but why don't we close it. 15:22:11 addison: Contact them? 15:22:14 action: addison: investigate input type=email status 15:22:14 Created ACTION-1115 - Investigate input type=email status [on Addison Phillips - due 2022-02-17]. 15:22:59 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1021 15:23:34 addison: Seems to have an issue already, so shouldn't be "pending". 15:23:46 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1358 15:24:36 addison: Not in the right repo? 15:24:52 r12a: I remember was looking for a place. 15:25:05 action: richard: follow up on issue 1358 15:25:05 Created ACTION-1116 - Follow up on issue 1358 [on Richard Ishida - due 2022-02-17]. 15:25:16 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1370 15:25:48 addison: Appears to have an issue, so not "pending" anymore. 15:26:52 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1371 15:27:22 addison: Does have an issue as well. 15:27:41 r12a: But not an i18n label on that issue. 15:28:09 ... So we should ask plh why that repo is not enabled for i18n labels. 15:28:21 action: richard: contact plh to add horizontal review labels et al in a11y-discov-vocab 15:28:22 Created ACTION-1117 - Contact plh to add horizontal review labels et al in a11y-discov-vocab [on Richard Ishida - due 2022-02-17]. 15:29:38 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1411 15:30:35 r12a: Looks like one we didn't send yet. 15:30:53 addison: Objection to sending the comment? 15:31:11 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1412 15:31:19 r12a: If we know there is something else going on, we should maybe mention that to them. 15:31:44 related issue to #1411? -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/93 15:32:23 addison: If only there were a message format in JS that was localizable... 15:33:02 ... Send this? 15:33:09 r12a: Yes. 15:33:29 atsushi: I wonder if @@ 15:34:02 addison: Also related to next issue. 15:34:31 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1413 15:35:49 addison: Send this? 15:35:52 total dictionaly is defined as PaymentItem which has DOMString as label: https://w3c.github.io/payment-request/#dom-paymentitem 15:35:58 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1418 15:36:28 addison: I will send the issues to payment. 15:37:31 r12a: This (#1418) was raised by the w3cbot. 15:38:04 ... Just remove the "pending" label. 15:38:59 addison: There was a comment from Travis, but not sure he is right. 15:39:23 ... Fuqiao not here today, but shall we ask him to follow up? 15:39:38 action: xfq: follow up on https://github.com/WICG/canvas-formatted-text/issues/36 (ask addison for details) 15:39:39 Created ACTION-1118 - Follow up on https://github.com/wicg/canvas-formatted-text/issues/36 (ask addison for details) [on Fuqiao Xue - due 2022-02-17]. 15:39:54 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1428 15:40:02 s/@@/label 'total' is not defined in SRC spec but something other/ 15:40:34 addison: Just remove "pending"? 15:40:37 r12a: yes 15:40:41 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1445 15:41:27 addison: Same status as one before: it has an issue. I'll remove "pending". 15:42:12 action: richard: issue 1445 links to wrong spec, talk to plh about it 15:42:12 Created ACTION-1119 - Issue 1445 links to wrong spec, talk to plh about it [on Richard Ishida - due 2022-02-17]. 15:42:26 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1458 15:43:19 addison: I reacted to that one, so we can remove "pending". 15:43:27 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1462 15:44:42 r12a: I wasn't sure what the commenter was asking for. Probably just wait, remove the labels and track it as normal. 15:44:53 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1463 15:45:21 s/commenter/commenter on 1462/7587/ 15:45:50 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1464 15:46:31 r12a: Same as previous one. 15:46:55 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/1413 15:46:56 atsushi: about #1413 15:47:13 ... no, #1412 15:48:21 addison: The comment is that there is a label, in English, without metadata. 15:49:22 ... or should we just deprectae this comment (on payment-confirmation) and work on payment-request instead? 15:49:37 s/deprectae/deprecate/ 15:49:54 ... Do you want to suggest some wording? 15:50:03 atsushi: No. 15:50:41 r12a: Going back to the element 15:51:13 ... Fantasai and Florian are working on i18n stuff 15:51:28 ... They may have to deal with this. 15:52:01 addison: I heard that all browsers support ruby, so the fallback to plaintext not needed. And can style with CSS. 15:52:56 r12a: I'm not intervening until those guys come with something. 15:53:21 zakim, take up agtendum 6 15:53:21 I don't understand 'take up agtendum 6', addison 15:53:26 https://github.com/aphillips/i18n-discuss/blob/gh-pages/explainers/string-meta-explainer.md 15:53:43 zakim, take up agendum 6 15:53:43 agendum 6 -- Explainer for TAG and ES-402 -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:54:21 addison: I welcome contributions. I added the comments we made last time. 15:55:01 r12a: How much are you still going to change it? So I don't read it too early. 15:55:26 addison: Let's target next Thursday, so Thursday in 2 weeks we can discuss. 15:56:47 Discussion about readability of agenda in calendar. 15:58:01 r12a: Maybe put the non-ordinary items at the top... 15:58:17 addison: I'll make it useful and beautiful :-) 15:58:48 zakim, take up agendum 7 15:58:48 agendum 7 -- AOB? -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:59:07 No other business. 15:59:24 Zakim, end meeting 15:59:24 As of this point the attendees have been Addison, Atsushi, JcK, Richard, Bert, David, Erik, Nordin, Eemeli 15:59:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:59:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/10-i18n-minutes.html Zakim 15:59:29 I am happy to have been of service, Bert; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:59:33 Zakim has left #i18n 15:59:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/10-i18n-minutes.html addison