Meeting minutes
<wolfgang> Agenda: 1. update of Task Forces (Accessibility, Documentation/MDN, ...)
<wolfgang> 2. Github Issues, esp. https://
<wolfgang> 3. AOB
<wolfgang> who is here?
wolfgang: hello and welcome to today's meeting
… first agenda item, update TF, start with a11y TF
<avneeshsingh> https://
avneeshsingh: we have been focusing on the task of identifying what is important aria roles which is required by aria wg
… we were approaching different web browser to support more dpub aria roles
… and need to convince more web browser the importantensy of dpub roles
<avneeshsingh> https://
avneeshsingh: I have provided the link to the spreasheet on google docs ^
… now it's open to review before end of this week
<avneeshsingh> https://
avneeshsingh: next action item for us is to present this large role group to aria wg
… they are also in the above spreadsheet
… we also needed to update a11y guide
… we will start biweekly call regarding to above
wolfgang: any questions regarding to this?
Bill_Kasdorf: thanks Avneesh and group for the important job
CharlesL1: we are also trying to get away from epub:type through this dpub aria work
… so that they can be adopted to other web publication as well
avneeshsingh: yes, that is also why dpub aria role is important
CharlesL1: and this work is to lay a foundation to let AT understand semantic of html/book and can implement accordingly
wolfgang: next agenda item, any update about documentation
tzviya: we had a few version of helping on this. I know Dan Lazin is working on this
mateus: I will reach out
wolfgang: any other update on TF? and sharing information?
… next move on to github issues
GitHub issue discussions
wendyreid: the FXL a11y had this idea in the ticket. we realized something we need some incubation.
… this is not about multiple rendition
… we want to come up a way that content creator could create an easy switchable way for the same book
… we currently have two proposal (in the issue) 1. have different stylesheet 2. provide a fallback
… so that FXL book could be easily switching between fixed layout and reflow
… so when user needed fxl to be reflow they can have option
… we are looking for ideas, opinions
wolfgang: in my opinion it could be very useful
mateus: we do plan to work with PBG to organize issues better way
… hope can use this issue as an example
… it would be great to see and POC on this
avneeshsingh: the use case for fxl book for a11y is to expose text
… one issue for low vision person is when change font size then the screen will be very difficult to zoom
… fxl book also have issue with alternative color about back and frontend color
… so it's not much issue with screen reader but it's more issue for low vision users
wendyreid: in fxl a11y TF we talked a lot about guideline we think it's challenge for low vision user for the content
… and if for dylexic user it usually can not change font now
CharlesL1: the font type is very important especially for open dyslexic user
… font is very important for each type of user not just because of dyslexic but other font as well
<mateus> zheng_xu: Reading systems have not implemented the option to change fonts, because of content layout and reflow problems. In the experiment I'm doing, I am allowing the user to change the font or other properties. We could also incubate this to see what solutions work better. We could see what happens when letting users change the font of the publication. I don't know if that will lead to switching fixed layout to reflowable. Fixed
<mateus> layout doesn't care about the reading flow in some sense, which leads to some difficulty.
hand over scribe to mateus
<avneeshsingh> Switching to other call. Thank you for putting accessibility update in front of agenda!
wendyreid: That is a big problem. We're trying to limit what we really change, because we know there are only so many ways publishers can work to change their epubs. We need to learn what it means for publishers to do more work, and what it takes to update flx publications to update them to also be reflowable—for example, can they add another stylesheet?
zheng_xu: Some reading systems in France have tried to convert flx ebooks to reflowable ebooks, but it sounds like they didn't work very well. One reason it it's difficult to make this switch... I was just thinking, maybe we can see if there is any way we can make flx more accessible for low-vision users.
… I am not sure if that is a solution, or if there is another way we can go. The solution wasn't popular for some reason.
mateus: can anyone please add more use case.
… please feel free to reach out to us
… we don't have template for use case yet
wolfgang: Anything else you would like to discuss today?
zheng_xu: This meeting is the first time we've used the W3C calendar. Next time we will use a recurring meeting, for every 2nd week of each month. Hopefully this will make it easier for people to arrange their schedules.
wolfgang: If you want to make a proposal or discuss anything else, this is the last call.
<wendyreid> https://
wendyreid: We have a meeting right after this with the new Interactive Media CG. They're trying to standardize interactive media. Originally they reached out to Sync Media, but we thought Publishing would also be interested. If anyone is available at noon Eastern, you should come. It's just an intro and will probably be fun, not very serious.
tzviya: It would be interesting to talk about mini smil. (Will sent a link.)
<tzviya> https://
zheng_xu: Can we also get more users, e.g. to help with low-vision use cases? For example, if we have use cases we want to incubate and test out, the CG can do that, but we do need real users to validate the incubation.
CharlesL: I'm part of the suite that George, Avneesh, and others are also involved in. One of the goals is to provide test files to validate different reading systems' functionality. As long as we can sideload into a system, we can run a test and let you know how it does.
wolfgang: Seems like there are no more topics. Let's adjourn, or we might see each other at the Interactive CG call. Bye!