11:00:17 RRSAgent has joined #wot-ed 11:00:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-wot-ed-irc 11:00:29 meeting: WoT Editors 11:01:00 meeting: WoT Editors 11:01:16 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:01:35 McCool has joined #wot-ed 11:01:35 present+ Michael_McCool 11:01:40 present+ Michael_Lagally 11:01:43 mlagally has joined #wot-ed 11:02:32 topic: Minutes 11:02:44 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/02/01-wot-ed-minutes.html Feb-1 11:05:53 typo fixed 11:06:05 approved 11:06:14 present+ Ege_Korkan 11:06:19 Ege has joined #wot-ed 11:06:48 topic: Terminology 11:07:31 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery/#terminology Discovery spec - 3. Terminology 11:07:37 mm: ReSpec issues there 11:07:58 [[ 11:07:59 Found definition for "Thing Description", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:07:59 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:07:59 Occurred 1 times at: 11:07:59 element 11:08:00 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:08:02 Found definition for "Property", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:08:04 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:08:07 Occurred 1 times at: 11:08:09 element 11:08:11 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:08:13 Found definition for "Action", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:08:15 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:08:18 Occurred 1 times at: 11:08:20 element 11:08:22 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:08:26 Found definition for "Event", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:08:28 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:08:31 Occurred 1 times at: 11:08:33 element 11:08:35 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:08:37 Found definition for "Discovery", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:08:39 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:08:42 Occurred 1 times at: 11:08:44 element 11:08:46 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:08:48 Found definition for "Exploration", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:08:50 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:08:55 Occurred 1 times at: 11:08:57 element 11:08:59 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:09:01 Found definition for "Introduction", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:09:03 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:09:06 Occurred 1 times at: 11:09:08 element 11:09:10 (plugin: "core/linter-rules/no-unused-dfns") 11:09:12 Found definition for "TDD", but nothing links to it. This is usually a spec bug! 11:09:14 How to fix: Either remove the definition, or add a "lint-ignore" CSS class. If you meant to export it, add the export CSS. 11:09:17 Occurred 1 times at: 11:09:19 element 11:09:21 ]] 11:09:25 mm: need to look into the issues 11:09:31 kaz: they're basically just warnings. right? 11:09:35 mm: right 11:10:09 ... the Discovery spec itself is not wrong, I think 11:10:46 kaz: caused by "" tags 11:10:48 mm: right 11:12:46 kaz: technically, this issue can occur with not only Discovery but also Profile, Scripting, etc., too 11:13:00 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 11:13:52 ktoumura has joined #wot-ed 11:14:39 ml: we should have some specific notation when the specs have got stable 11:16:07 ... btw, have created an issue on wot-architecture 11:16:24 mlagally has joined #wot-ed 11:16:26 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/704 11:16:45 s/https/-> https/ 11:17:24 s/704/704 wot-architecture PR 704 - WIP: restructuring lifecycle/ 11:17:41 ml: will add that for the next Security call 11:18:39 kaz: btw, the terminology section of the Profile spec should also have a link back to the Architecture spec's terminology 11:18:43 ml: yes 11:18:50 ... will file an issue for that 11:19:11 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/165 11:19:53 ml: btw, is there a link from TD back to Architecture's terminology section? 11:19:57 kaz: yes, there is 11:22:16 ml: is there also ReSpec warning with TD too? 11:22:18 kaz: no 11:22:25 mm: let's look into the detail 11:22:42 topic: Schedule 11:23:29 mm: there is a gap within specs about what Consumer should do 11:23:35 ... comment from Ben too 11:23:56 q+ 11:24:01 ... need a new PR for Consumer processing 11:24:53 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/272 wot-discovery issue 272 - Consumer Process for Discovery 11:24:57 ack ml 11:26:13 mm: should look at the Architecture spec as well to see the consistency once the processing is clarified 11:27:07 ... Scripting describes algorithms 11:27:26 ... some behavior description within TD too 11:28:44 ml: one remaining question is Consumer Thing within the Architecture 11:31:42 mm: note that I don't think Consumers have to have TDs 11:32:33 kaz: which TFs should be involved? 11:32:56 ... in addition to Discovery TF? 11:33:00 q+ 11:33:35 ... starting with the Scripting TF? 11:33:37 mm: yes 11:34:13 ... if possible, during the Scripting call next Monday 11:35:02 kaz: should talk with the Architecture TF, shouldn't we? 11:35:06 mm: yeah 11:35:18 ... would look into the Architecture spec 11:35:29 q? 11:35:44 ack m 11:35:57 ml: would like to clarify the confusion 11:36:40 i/would/kaz: Lagally, do you want to have discussion during the Architecture call?/ 11:37:05 ... we should clarify what "Consumer" is 11:37:07 q+ 11:37:50 kaz: we should have discussion during the Architecture call then? 11:37:54 q? 11:37:56 ack m 11:38:45 mm: should consider for the next round, I think 11:45:17 kaz: based on the discussion so far, the current definition "Consumer is an entity that can process WoT Thing Descriptions" might be a bit vague 11:45:27 mm: we should be careful 11:48:45 kaz: so we should have discussion on this point (Consumer) during the Architecture call as well 11:48:51 ... as part of the terminology discussion 11:49:52 mm: need clear definition for Producer, Registerer, etc., too 11:50:54 kaz: we already have terminology as an agenda topic for Architecture. right? 11:50:56 ml: yes 11:51:25 q? 11:52:45 mm: having a separate term of "Software Thing" might make sense 11:53:01 ... to identify Physical Thing and Virtual Thing 11:53:16 ... maybe "Virtual" is not really correct here 11:53:32 q+ 11:53:40 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/696 11:53:55 ml: we should have discussion during the Architecture call based on the PR above 11:54:01 ack e 11:54:29 ek: this is good topic to discuss 11:54:50 ... e.g., a room including multiple devices within it 11:55:17 ml: collection of Things or composed Thing, etc.? 11:55:33 s/ml:/mm:/ 11:55:54 ... don't think the current definition for "Virtual Thing" itself is vague, though 11:56:25 ... need to identify necessary terms 11:56:42 kaz: ok 11:56:53 ... let's have more discussion during the Architecture call then 11:56:56 [adjourned] 11:57:00 rrsagent, make log public 11:57:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:57:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-wot-ed-minutes.html kaz 12:23:58 Ege_ has joined #wot-ed 14:02:51 Zakim has left #wot-ed