11:02:28 RRSAgent has joined #wot-arch 11:02:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/03-wot-arch-irc 11:02:36 meeting: WoT Architecture 11:02:55 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally 11:03:18 ktoumura has joined #wot-arch 11:03:20 McCool has joined #wot-arch 11:03:51 dape has joined #wot-arch 11:04:05 present+ Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:05:02 zakim, who is on the call? 11:05:02 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:06:10 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 11:06:30 scribenick: kaz 11:06:36 topic: Agenda 11:07:01 cris has joined #wot-arch 11:07:02 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Architecture_Feb_3rd.2C_2022 11:07:08 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Architecture_Feb_3rd.2C_2022 Agenda for today 11:07:19 ml: (goes through the agenda) 11:07:24 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 11:08:16 topic: Minutes 11:08:31 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/01/27-wot-arch-minutes.html Jan-27 11:08:47 ml: (goes through the minutes) 11:09:18 approved 11:09:34 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 11:09:58 topic: Scalable Event Model 11:10:36 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1323 wot-thing-description issue 1323 - Missing event/notification affordance or operation 11:11:17 ml: (shows the diagram within the issue) 11:11:20 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1323#issuecomment-999053085 diagram 11:11:42 ml: a servient having two different roles 11:12:11 ... Consuming Thing and talking with another Thing 11:12:31 ... subscribe operation and unsubscribe operation 11:12:40 ... then notify operation 11:13:38 ... my idea is TD can describe all of them 11:14:08 ... TD has the Event affordance 11:16:04 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#eventaffordance Thing Description - EventAffordance 11:16:47 ml: (explains the vocabulary term there) 11:17:12 ... if we want to describe a Consumer 11:17:24 ... who receives the events 11:17:56 ... some backyard communication within the Consumer Servient 11:18:16 s/backyard/backward/ 11:18:33 q+ 11:18:34 q+ 11:18:52 mm: we have notification from the Thing 11:18:58 ... the Consumer responds 11:19:10 ml: yes 11:19:13 q+ 11:19:41 mm: not clear which side touches what 11:19:48 ... the diagram could be improved 11:20:53 ryuichi has joined #wot-arch 11:20:57 ... you want to describe the interaction here by TD 11:21:21 ... for example, the data payload and the data schema 11:21:37 s/interaction/metadata on the interaction/ 11:22:10 ... good to indicate where the related various pieces are 11:22:32 ml: there was a proposal by Ege below within the issue 11:23:23 mm: Sebastian mentioned the example was odd 11:23:26 ack d 11:23:33 q? 11:23:36 dp: don't want to argue the diagram itself 11:23:44 ... but what you were saying was 11:23:55 ... not just exposed side 11:24:06 ... so far don't understand it 11:24:25 ... I'm confused 11:24:40 ... seems to be trying to describe both the sides 11:24:54 ... we need to clarify what we want 11:24:57 q+ 11:25:12 ml: simple example here 11:25:19 ... is an intermediary 11:25:48 dp: we need to understand what is needed 11:26:26 ml: you may communicate additional data 11:26:40 ... my generic thinking is 11:27:05 ... if we can make this a generic model, the discussion would be easier 11:27:09 ack s 11:27:18 sk: looking at this diagram and the TD spec 11:27:33 ... adding statusresponse itself is fine 11:27:54 ... but everything you want to do can be done by TD already 11:28:13 ... so don't really understand what is needed here 11:28:30 ... what is the actual difference between the two example TD, for example? 11:29:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1323#issuecomment-1022288921 two TDs withing Lagally's comment 11:29:38 (FireAlarmButton and FireAlarmistner) 11:29:55 sk: why the second TD (FireAlarmListener) is needed? 11:30:03 ... how/who consumes it? 11:30:40 ml: (shoes a part of the first TD, FireAlarmButton) 11:30:46 ... getting understand your point 11:30:47 [[ 11:30:48 "type": "object", 11:30:48 "properties": { 11:30:48 ... 11:30:48 listener: uri, 11:30:49 ... 11:30:53 } 11:30:55 } 11:30:57 ]] 11:31:11 sk: you have to provide information using a "Form" 11:31:30 q? 11:31:34 ... but the content of TD should be the same with the data you provided 11:31:50 ... expressing what the Thing should do for you 11:32:27 ml: data vs dataResponse 11:32:39 sk: you should define the expected Action here 11:33:06 ... the question is what would be the value of the information here? 11:33:37 zakim, who is on the call? 11:33:37 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Sebastian_Kaebisch 11:33:59 sk: you have to set up a new Thing for the Consumer side 11:34:29 ... if the Consumer thinks the original Thing can't fit its usage, the Consumer needs another Thing 11:35:04 ... you can only communicate with the Thing already defined on the Thing side 11:35:34 ... so I don't understand what is needed here... 11:35:55 ml: we should see what can be done/implemented during Plugfests 11:36:15 ... not suggesting we should standardize this approach right away 11:37:00 ... we can have a workaround, but having this kind of additional mechanism would make things easier 11:37:24 ... I can come up with some implementation for the Plugfest 11:37:43 sk: the question is that we need to freeze the normative features for TD 1.1 11:38:10 ... I believe what you want to do can be done by the current TD 1.1 11:38:33 ... we need to finalize the spec shortly 11:38:41 ... and we've already started the wide reviews 11:38:58 ml: I know 11:39:08 ... please see the PRs here 11:39:37 q? 11:39:49 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1329 PR 1329 - Event consumer: Alternative 1 - event operation 11:40:05 sk: that PR is for additional "datarsponse" field 11:40:14 q+ 11:40:14 ... and I'm OK with the addition itself 11:40:46 ... but we don't need Consumer TD 11:40:55 s/TD/TDs/ 11:41:04 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/1329/21ce84a...6a563db.html#eventaffordance diff 11:41:15 ck k 11:41:18 s/ck k/ 11:41:20 ack k 11:44:05 kaz: TD should concentrate on the generic data model for WoT 11:44:45 ... and this kind of detailed event handling mechanism should be done as part of the possible management Thing and the processing model for that 11:45:20 ml: if we strike out the "Application" part from the diagram, probably the story would become easier 11:45:55 ... we just need the "Consumed Thing" on the Consumer side 11:46:07 ... and the "Exposed Thing" on the Thing side 11:46:19 ack c 11:46:33 ca: the problem here is 11:46:39 ... the diagram is quite generic 11:46:46 ... every thing event can be mapped here 11:47:11 ... we can describe it successfully using the current TD already 11:47:28 ... the diagram shows too tight coupling 11:47:46 ... having two TDs working together itself would make sense 11:47:54 ... but not sure how to handle them 11:48:00 q? 11:48:09 ml: think about the telemetry example 11:48:20 ... Thing talking with a cloud service 11:49:38 ca: I've looked at Ege's comment about that point 11:49:53 ... we should concentrate on that use case then 11:50:02 ... and think about what is really needed 11:50:09 q? 11:50:19 sk: any reference for that? 11:50:29 ml: need to search for the resource... 11:50:55 ack m 11:51:03 mm: we should discuss the next steps given the time 11:51:39 ... introducing an additional feature 11:51:49 ... but are we OK with the gap for the use case? 11:52:17 ml: let's assume we have data and dataresponse 11:52:27 mm: I'm OK with having dataresponse itself 11:53:16 ... would suggest we focus on event handling caused by the change 11:53:25 ml: ok 11:54:44 kaz: are we OK with accepting PR 1329 then? 11:54:53 mm: except additional notify 11:55:16 ml: I'll work on the change and remove the additional "notify" then 11:55:27 ... would that be acceptable? 11:55:39 sk: I'm OK with "dataresponse" 11:55:48 ml: will create another PR for that then 11:56:24 proposal: Lagally to create an updated PR for dataresponse without notify 11:56:49 proposal: Lagally to create an updated PR for dataresponse without notify (can be included in the 2nd WD if possible) 11:56:59 resolution: Lagally to create an updated PR for dataresponse without notify (can be included in the 2nd WD if possible) 11:57:13 topic: PR 702 11:58:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/702 wot-architecture PR 702 - regenerate assertions 11:58:20 (no objections; merged) 11:59:41 mm: please create a test directory for that 11:59:49 ml: would defer it 12:00:09 I need to move to another meeting 12:00:12 bye 12:00:41 ... would like to discuss it next week 12:00:59 [adjourned] 12:01:06 rrsagent, make log public 12:01:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:01:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/03-wot-arch-minutes.html kaz