14:58:05 RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation 14:58:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/02-pronunciation-irc 14:58:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:58:10 Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference 14:58:10 Date: 02 February 2022 14:58:25 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 14:58:34 Agenda+ Action Items 14:58:40 Agenda+ Github Issues 14:58:45 Agenda+ Other Business 14:58:55 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/pronunciation/track/actions/open 14:59:00 Irfan has joined #pronunciation 14:59:04 agenda? 14:59:18 trackbot, start meeting 14:59:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:59:24 Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference 14:59:24 Date: 02 February 2022 14:59:24 present+ 14:59:36 present+ 14:59:38 agenda? 15:01:22 Alan_ has joined #pronunciation 15:01:27 Dee has joined #pronunciation 15:01:28 present+ 15:01:31 janina has joined #pronunciation 15:01:39 present+ 15:03:25 mhakkinen has joined #pronunciation 15:03:30 present+ 15:03:59 Sam has joined #pronunciation 15:04:13 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/110437/PronunciationNewTime 15:04:16 present+ 15:04:24 SteveNoble_ has joined #pronunciation 15:08:31 Please complete the survey for our new meeting time. 15:08:44 zakim, take up next item 15:08:44 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from PaulG] 15:09:58 mhakkinen: while at ATIA and doing our presentation I learned that college board will join W3C in the near future and officially join this TF 15:10:08 janina: awesome! 15:11:27 mhakkinen: and we may also be hearing from Sara Wood as an invited expert. She also presented at ATIA. 15:12:16 Irfan: While in Colorado, we met Patrick Sullivan who has inquired about joining the TF as an invited expert. 15:13:30 janina: Roy won't be around to advance those applications until he's back from vacation. 15:15:00 janina: TPAC dates have been published. It will be Sept 12-16 in Vanouver, BC (hybrid). 15:16:57 mhakkinen: my experience going to an in-person conference was underwhelming. The attendance wasn't great at ATIA. We had four participants in the meeting room and there was no equipment for streaming or recording. 15:17:11 mhakkinen: "not all the rooms were equipped" 15:17:46 mhakkinen: this information wasn't available to the speakers or the attendees. I did record it on my iPhone. 15:18:55 janina: re: TPAC it's purpose is for cross-group meetings to remove blockers. For instance, in this group if we're still discussing the ARIA proposal, we could have that conversation. 15:19:34 janina: sometimes we can also try to work through a lot of work of our own. 15:20:54 zakim, take up next item 15:20:54 agendum 2 -- Action Items -- taken up [from PaulG] 15:21:29 Irfan: I've completed the survey but I'm still working on the markdown page in Github 15:21:53 https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues/101 15:32:06 janina: isn't this just a way to deal with ambiguous language/content? 15:34:32 https://github.com/github/time-elements 15:38:26 zakim, take up next item 15:38:26 agendum 3 -- Github Issues -- taken up [from PaulG] 15:39:13 zakim, close this item 15:39:13 agendum 3 closed 15:39:14 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:39:14 4. Other Business [from PaulG] 15:39:15 zakim, take up next item 15:39:16 agendum 4 -- Other Business -- taken up [from PaulG] 15:39:59 SteveNoble_: I have been tasked with finding a research base to support SSML for comprehension. 15:40:26 SteveNoble_: if you have a TTS application and it has better pronunciation it increases user comprehension. 15:40:39 SteveNoble_: this is very different from assessment content. 15:41:00 SteveNoble_: if anyone is aware of scientific research like this please share. 15:41:31 mhakkinen: I would look forward to hearing from Sara Wood who has talked about the lack of research on TTS> 15:42:38 mhakkinen: attention demands may be higher when there's less than perfect speech 15:44:56 I would expect user familiarity and cognitive or neurological disability to have large effect on speed and comprehension. 15:47:20 janina: on list I've heard younger TTS users preferring a TTS engine over a voice actor. Which surprised me. I've always preferred a human reader. 15:49:14 https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-english-pinyin-dictionary.php?define=%E4%BA%91&limit=1000 15:49:22 https://www.trainchinese.com/v2/wordDetails.php?rAp=0&wordId=38970&tcLanguage=en 15:49:55 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calque 15:51:03 https://www.getblend.com/blog/calque-loan-translation/ 15:55:53 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:55:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:55:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/02-pronunciation-minutes.html PaulG 15:56:47 PaulG has left #pronunciation 17:00:51 janina has left #pronunciation