WoT Architecture

27 January 2022


Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Jan-20

Lagally: noticed a few things, font on point 0 is strange
… and a typo, Editors spelling

<kaz> (fixed)

Lagally: hearing no objections, minutes approved

publication timeline

Lagally: let's confirm current plan
… Feb 4 is next week's call
… normative sections; is an issue for that, by next week
… also normative feature freeze

McCool: would be helpful to have an updated list of assertions

McCool: want to make sure that if we wanted to move an assertion it was done

Kaz: need to check document level consistency first, and then assertions
… document consistency is Feb 4

McCool: what does document consistency entail?
… I assume is also means checking terminology, etc.
… basically I'm saying a more detailed checklist would be helpful

Lagally: ok, let's create an issue
… to review document consistency
… verifying terminology
… checking text
… in normative chapters
… verifying assertions are fit for purpose
… proposing additional normative text if required

McCool: if someone notices an issue, please create a PR to fix it so we can resolve it next week

McCool: should we separate internal and inter- document consistency?

Lagally: that work has been ongoing for a while

McCool: not saying we do the work next week, just that we check it has been done and confirm it

Lagally: will assign all task force leads

Lagally: please review entire doc, not just a few sections... looking for consistency problems

McCool: I assume we will also be suppressing empty sections, editor's comments, etc?

Lagally: depends on the case

McCool: ok, then let's flag issues in such sections if we see them, e.g. normative text inside an editor's comment


PR 603

<kaz> PR 603 - WIP: Define and Discuss "Hubs"

Lagally: what about hubs PR?

McCool: still needs to be finished, is important, but is not normative

PR 658

<kaz> Improve section structure

Lagally: ok, PR #658
… Improve Section Structure
… fixed a missing closing tag, and also fixed a reference to use cases that used a fixed section number
… changed name of "System Components" to "System Concepts"
… and 6.9, System Integration, is a subsection

McCool: also cross-domain collab very similar, makes sense to have these be siblings

Lagally: propose merging

McCool: concur

Lagally: merged

Lagally: pr #665
… placeholder section on orchestration

<kaz> i|p #665|subtopic: PR 665|

McCool: not sure it belongs under digital twins

<kaz> i|p #665|PR 665 - placeholder section on orchestration|

McCool: but think we can put it in for now, and reorganize later

PR 667

<kaz> PR 667 - adding placeholder section for virtual things

McCool: pr #667
… virtual things

McCool: are we sure it doesn't appear somewhere else?

McCool: definition is also a little odd, just components, not other things we have discussed, eg. room

Ege: composition mechanism deals with rooms, etc.

<kaz> Virtual device

<kaz> Digital twin

McCool: agree we need a more detailed description of this concept

Kaz: are some wikipedia entries for this term also we should look at

Sebastian: want to mention we have a definition of virtual thing, since arch 1.1

Lagally: so you're saying we have a definition and should not touch it

Sebastian: so why are we bringing this up now?

McCool: I think the problem is we just don't have enough discussion of its purpose

McCool: is it like a "virtual class" (no affordances) or a non-physical service (e.g. a simulation)

Lagally: placeholder section only for now

McCool: agree we should add the section, then capture input in the issue, have a consensus, then add content

PR 668

<kaz> PR 668 - remove remove-arch-op-wellknown-compare assertion

Lagally: PR #668

Lagally: merged

Lagally: pr #669

<kaz> i|PR #669|subtopic: PR 669|

Lagally: Producer

<kaz> i|PR #669|PR 669 - Producer definition|

McCool: note "Exposer" has been used before, and is more consistent
… but I think Producer sounds better

McCool: just noting it is inconsistent, not suggesting we change it

Kaz: right now Producer is used just once
… but Expose verbs are used a lot more

McCool: suggesting we allow both Exposer and Producer as synonyms

Kaz: Producer implies generation as well

McCool: right, Exposer does not imply generation, and there cases where the Thing exposing a TD is not generating it
… e.g. a proxy

Lagally: also note that events also use the verb producer

McCool: maybe we should hold off on this PR until we gather more input

Lagally: proposed text also have "specific" thing
… also "create"

McCool: perhaps "create" should be "makes available", since again, it may not "generate" it
… case of the proxy again, or even just a database
… e.g. a database

PR 677

<kaz> PR 677 - removing table 1

Lagally: pr #677

Lagally: removing table 1, we discussed this at length already

Lagally: conflicts, can we agree to merge it?

McCool: concur

Lagally: seems to be no objections

PR 679

<kaz> PR 679 - Update Security and Privacy Considerations

Lagally: pr #679

McCool: a draft

Lagally: but may be good to merge so people know about the issue

McCool: ok, then I'll work on a separate PR with actual new considerations

Issue 678

<kaz> Issue 678 - Fix Respec errors

Lagally: issue #678

Lagally: respec errors, please volunteer to clean up if you can

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).