19:59:49 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 19:59:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/26-webauthn-irc 19:59:52 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:59:53 Meeting: Web Authentication WG 20:01:39 present+ 20:01:47 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2022Jan/0120.html 20:02:07 matthewmiller has joined #webauthn 20:03:10 chair: Nadalin, Fontana 20:03:42 present+ Nadalin, Fontana, AGL, DavidTurner, Elundberg, Jpascoe, KenBuchanan, MatthewMiller, RaeRivera, TimCappalli 20:04:16 Tony: Charter? 20:04:20 wseltzer: No update 20:04:25 Tony: Open PRs 20:04:36 ... 1693 20:04:48 elundberg: should be straightforward 20:05:04 tara has joined #webauthn 20:05:04 ... think we can merge 20:05:31 JohnBradley: Looks good 20:05:34 agl: Fine 20:05:40 Tony: Merge 20:05:45 Tony: 1663 20:05:56 jfontana has joined #webauthn 20:06:03 agl: can't land it yet 20:06:32 regrets+ JeffH 20:07:04 present+ MartinKreichgauer, NickSteele, RanjivaPrasad, TaraWhalen, WernerBruinings 20:07:19 nsteele has joined #webauthn 20:07:25 present+ 20:07:32 matthewmiller: many people's mental model differed from the spec 20:07:46 ... PassKeys are elevating that discussion 20:08:13 ... uncertainty when DevicePubKey might be supported in clients 20:08:48 tim: original poster has accepted the conclusion elsewhere 20:09:34 ... that the spec can't force support 20:10:43 johnbradley: This WG can't do much about the underlying question 20:11:30 ... SPWG certification, or vendor conversation 20:12:52 matthewmiller: is it true that spec has never enforced single-device credential? 20:13:12 nsteele: spec makes no statements about it, It talks only about WebAuthn API 20:13:49 johnbradley: out of scope for WebAuthn; might fit in FIDO specs, where there are privacy principles that private key will never leave authenticator boundary 20:14:09 ... and could be unclear what the "authenticator boundary" is for software authenticators 20:14:47 elundberg: never in normative language in WebAuthn 20:15:04 ... unenforceable but for RPs enforcing attestation requirements 20:15:40 johnbradley: it's outside webauthn 20:18:15 matthewmiller: might we consider adding something in security considerations abuot how the cloud sync model affects security model? 20:18:24 ... help correct the mental modeling 20:18:35 johnbradley: the whitepaper and FAQ intended to do that 20:19:05 tim: not limited to cloud, also peer-to-peer sync 20:20:00 johnbradley: don't know we want to get into all the possibilities 20:20:35 ... concentrate WebAuthn spec on the client-RP connection 20:21:29 matthewmiller: issues 1691, 1692 20:21:41 ... should webauthn expose when used, not block 20:22:20 tim: use cases highlighted there: credential is enrolled; platform configured to allow backup; credential capable of being backed up, not yet backed up 20:22:35 ... RP could be instructed to guide user through flow 20:22:59 johnbradley: RP could reject, ask for Device Pub Key in next request 20:24:57 agl: DPK support and flags would launch concurrently with any launch of syncable platform authenticators 20:25:15 akshay: same from Microsoft 20:26:01 Tony: so, 1663 20:26:29 johnbradley: keep the extension, close the issue 1691 20:27:19 Tony: 1576 ongoing 20:27:26 JeffH: keep it open 20:27:31 Tony: 1425 20:27:39 elundberg: keep it open 20:28:58 Tony: Invited Expert application. Any objection? 20:29:15 ... hearing none, approved 20:31:43 PR 1690 20:32:06 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1690 being discussed 20:32:46 agl: looks like spam 20:32:50 Tony: close it 20:33:21 Tony: Untriaged issues 20:33:23 ... 1692 20:34:05 Akshay: related to backup, sync. What are the possible states 20:34:19 agl: modulo structure (flags/extension), looks great 20:34:34 akshay: thinking flags 20:34:45 ... expect to have a more concrete proposal 20:35:30 Tony: we closed 1691 20:36:09 JeffH: should explain: any enforcement of "must support device pub key extension" would be a certification regime, not this WG 20:38:27 Tony: 1681 20:38:51 jeffh: close with "What Ian says should work" 20:39:54 Tony: Any other issues? 20:41:08 johnbradley: Where are on KDF extension? 20:41:16 Akshay: Awaiting charter 20:41:59 johnbradley: we can create the PR and wait to merge 20:42:36 akshay: will do 20:43:03 Tony: Other issues 20:43:12 nsteele: 1683 20:43:42 matthewmiller: working on it with Nick 20:43:56 Tony: You can create the PR 20:50:35 matthewmiller: Can we talk about a potential meeting? 20:50:50 [discussion of possible venues, including alongside RSA or IIW] 20:51:07 Tony: Let's look for potential host alongside RSA 20:51:52 [RSA scheduled June 6-9, SF] 20:52:19 [note that any venue will have vaccination requirements] 20:53:02 Tony: I'll also support meeting at TPAC 20:53:09 [adjourned] 20:53:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:53:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/26-webauthn-minutes.html wseltzer 23:34:20 Zakim has left #webauthn