11:53:31 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:53:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/20-miniapp-irc 11:54:32 Meeting: MiniApps WG Teleconference 11:54:37 present+ 11:54:42 scribe: xfq 11:54:49 rrsagent, make minutes 11:54:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/20-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:54:52 rrsagent, make log public 11:54:54 rrsagent, make minutes 11:54:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/20-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 11:58:58 present+ edmond_c_liang 11:59:06 present+ wenli_zhang 12:00:37 present+ tengyuan 12:00:39 present+ zitao 12:02:39 present+ canfeng 12:03:01 martin has joined #miniapp 12:03:10 present+ martin 12:06:14 wenli: from last month's discussion we agreed to use web for ui components 12:06:22 ... any update? 12:06:46 zitao: this is work from the CG 12:06:53 ... it's the WG meeting now 12:07:28 wenli: ok 12:11:15 @@white paper@@ 12:12:05 present+ yanyumeng, dan 12:12:22 zitao: @@ 12:12:25 ... it's just early work 12:12:36 ... would like to invite the WG to review this part 12:12:57 s/@@white paper@@/xfq: There is a draft in Tencent docs [sharing screen]. I'll do a pull request with the changes proposed. 12:13:49 dan: i added some core features 12:14:02 s/zitao: @@/zitao: [Presenting the new changes on the comparison between PWA and MiniApps] 12:15:21 scribe+ martin 12:15:47 xfq: Do you want to review this now? 12:16:21 dan: Later. We can use the comments on the document. 12:17:28 ... [Overview of authentication, authorization and audit review] 12:18:03 canfeng: super app vs. user agent 12:18:34 martin: user agent is defined in packaging 12:19:06 s/canfeng: super app vs. user agent/canfeng: We need to use the same terms. Like 'user agent' instead of 'super app' 12:20:12 canfeng: Good to have this comparison, because we usually have problems to explain the difference. 12:20:29 ... I'll read it after the call. 12:21:11 zitao: Please colleagues, help us review this part (PWA Vs MiniApp). 12:21:52 dan: A suggestion: we need a brief conclusion about why not using PWA 12:22:06 ... Still no conclusion. 12:22:47 zitao: We are only listing the scenarios, we are not recommending non using PWA. 12:23:08 ... So there will be some cases for each technology. 12:23:11 present+ Yulu_Chao 12:23:58 canfeng: [Comments on the Widget part] 12:24:44 ... Section is short, so please share your comments. 12:25:39 ... When we can have it? 12:26:19 xfq: There is no PR ready. We need another topic in today's meeting because the group needs to agree on this publication. 12:26:19 present+ qing 12:26:39 ... We can discuss it in the widget item, later 12:27:07 ... An Qing is in the call, would you introduce the changes in lifecycle? 12:27:35 anqing: No big changes from last time, when I presented it. 12:28:49 zitao: martin added parts for manifest, packaging, ui components 12:28:59 martin: very brief, a couple of paragraphs 12:30:16 xfq: How we should proceed? 12:30:33 ... Should we move the document to github? 12:30:54 dan: Comments on the Tencent document are okay. 12:31:14 zitao: I agree, we can have one-two weeks of review. 12:31:52 xfq: So we will have more time to read/comment on the document before the call next month. 12:32:02 ... Comments? 12:32:31 ... We skipped the lifecycle spec 12:33:15 anqing: No updates. Just considering the 'privacy consideration' section, but still working on it. 12:33:23 xfq: Timeline for this? 12:33:37 anqing: Maybe next month. 12:34:09 ... We received comments on some specifications. 12:34:42 xfq: We can ask TAG review at any time on the current specs. 12:35:38 wenli: packaging 12:36:06 martin: we need to include at least an a11y section 12:36:11 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-packaging/pull/44 12:37:02 martin: working on security and privacy sections 12:39:16 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 12:39:30 martin: if you agree we can merge this PR 12:39:38 ... any comments? 12:40:12 zitao: thank you, martin 12:40:22 ... most documents need to have these sections 12:41:54 martin: for the next meeting i'll provide the privacy and security sections 12:42:41 xfq: if there's no objection we can merge this PR 12:42:45 wenli: addressing 12:42:50 dan: no update 12:42:55 ... any comments? 12:43:12 qing: for me https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-addressing/pull/4 looks good 12:43:20 ... we can ask TAG review 12:43:28 zitao: i have reviewed this last month 12:43:36 ... this is clear enough 12:43:41 ... i agree we can merge it 12:46:43 xfq: We can publish a Draft CG Note and ask for TAG review 12:46:53 ... We should convert it to a WG Note 12:47:15 ... If no objections, I can start the process after the meeting 12:47:30 ... thanks for your great work. 12:48:35 item: Widget Requirements 12:49:02 xfq: 1. Should we merge the PR? 12:49:59 s/merge the PR?/merge the explainer's PR? 12:50:25 ... 2. Should we publish the Widget spec as WG Note? 12:53:26 dan: Addressing sample code needs updateing 12:53:30 canfeng: will do 12:55:41 martin: manifest 12:55:54 ... working on privacy and security 12:56:02 ... will send a PR in this or next week 12:56:21 ... for the wide review 12:56:51 ... i will open a new issue about how to deal different domains 12:59:43 xfq: i see martin added an a11y section 12:59:46 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/pull/37 13:01:16 +1 to approve the PR for template 13:01:41 topic: AOB 13:01:53 xfq: Next meeting? 13:02:08 ... 24th Feb (12.00 UTC)? 13:02:18 zitao: ok 13:02:23 anqing: ok 13:02:26 dan: ok 13:02:42 xfq: 24th Feb (12.00 UTC) 13:02:56 zitao: Happy lunar new year! 13:03:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/20-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 13:20:14 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 14:31:34 Zakim has left #miniapp