13:43:12 RRSAgent has joined #pwg 13:43:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/19-pwg-irc 13:43:20 tzviya has joined #pwg 13:43:57 rrsagent, set draft public 13:43:57 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set draft public', ivan. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:45:01 rrsagent, set log public 13:45:24 Meeting: Audiobooks WG Telco 13:45:32 chair: wendy, tzviya 13:46:05 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/1e1799a6-f588-4e61-badf-2f595f0cb2ec 13:46:15 regrets: tzviya 13:46:42 date: 2022-01-19 13:57:43 present+ 13:59:23 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 13:59:33 present+ 13:59:39 present+ 13:59:57 present+ george 14:00:58 Andreas has joined #pwg 14:01:04 laurent_ has joined #pwg 14:01:42 GeorgeK has joined #pwg 14:01:52 present+ 14:02:22 Lars has joined #pwg 14:02:34 present+ lars 14:03:23 present+ andreas 14:03:50 Wazzup people? :) 14:04:29 present+ laurent_ 14:07:08 scribe+ george 14:07:13 scribe: Georgek 14:08:39 wendy: Two goals, maintenance ten issues and feature requests 14:09:24 After a year, it is worth talking about the issues. 14:09:29 q+ 14:09:44 https://github.com/w3c/audiobooks/issues/110 14:09:45 issue 110 14:11:11 Ivan: we can update the spec, because these changes are not significant. Feature requests we need to determine how significant they are and this could mean a revision of the specification. 14:11:35 It is important to remember this process. 14:11:55 Issue 110: duration 14:13:50 Andreas: duration is unclear because of fragments and total resource requirement. 14:13:59 q+ 14:15:27 Ivan: We did not realize that the media URL can giv a duration. What the issue suggests is wrong. and we need to clarify in the spec. 14:17:18 ack ivan 14:17:27 Lars:Unclear what the fragment identifiefier is intended to do and will make the spec fragile. 14:18:45 Wendy: If you need to use frag ids use it in the navigation and not in the total duration. 14:19:28 Ivan: this is a restriction on the audio book spec. 14:20:10 If we make a change, we need to test to make it part of the rec. It should be labeled as errata. 14:22:40 Proposed: Change Reading Order section to clarify that the url: MUST NOT contain fragment identifiers, and the duration should be of the entirety of the audio file, in the audiobooks document 14:22:52 +1 14:22:55 +1 14:22:56 +1 14:23:00 +1 14:23:14 RESOLVED: Change Reading Order section to clarify that the url: MUST NOT contain fragment identifiers, and the duration should be of the entirety of the audio file, in the audiobooks document 14:23:52 https://github.com/w3c/audiobooks/issues/108 14:24:00 Wendy Resolved: will make the change in the editors version 14:24:05 Issue 108: 14:25:32 Lars: We want the sum of the audio filesto be equal to the entire audio book. 14:26:10 this is needed to support streaming. We don't want to download everything to get this information. 14:29:22 You need to easily determine where you want to go in the entire book. 14:30:12 A reading system must be able to jump to a specific location in a specific track, when the user opens an audiobook and wants to start from the position he has left during a previous section. For that the duration of an item in the reading order must be mandatory. 14:30:42 s/section/session 14:31:53 Proposed: In the audiobooks document, elevate the requirement for reading order item level duration to a MUST 14:31:58 +1 14:31:59 +1 14:32:04 +1 14:32:06 +1 14:32:10 RESOLVED: In the audiobooks document, elevate the requirement for reading order item level duration to a MUST 14:32:40 Wendy: Resolved:Wendy will make change in editorial spec. 14:33:38 @bigbluehat I plan to bring up some web annotations a little later, if there is time, just so you know ;) 14:33:54 Ivan: The two enhancements are fairly significant and we should check with Tzviya and Matt if we should republish the spec. This requires testing. 14:34:25 We need to make it highly visable to implementers. 14:35:16 Wendy: This came from implementars and we need to find a way to get it in front of implementars. 14:36:08 Wendy: This covers what I really wanted to address. 14:37:30 Ivan: the differences in the editors spec have to be tracked. It is not the normal editing, and more needs to be done to track changes. 14:38:34 Topic: future request issues 14:39:07 Wendy: if any of the other issue need to be added, it could trigger a charter revision. 14:39:22 See list of issues from the agenda. 14:39:59 q+ 14:40:09 These are all open issues and we don't know if they are important and needed. 14:40:59 Lars: Now that we have resolved the above two issues, it resolves the other requests. 14:42:02 Now that we have a range we can trust, it makes it easy to do deep linking. 14:42:38 We can also do annotations that are anchored to an image or a range. 14:43:05 ack ivan 14:43:12 We should add package level support for fragments. 14:44:49 Ivan: two items of requiring TOC should be considered as a must. 14:46:45 We need to clarify if we are identifying fragments in the media type or in the zip container. 14:48:33 A discussion about CFI and how we specify the location. We need to go into this in more detail. 14:48:41 We need to check into this. 14:49:20 EPUB CFI is noted in Web Annotations spec. 14:50:09 Wendy: we have open issues that needs to be discussed. We need more implementers input and do more research. 14:51:03 Ivan We will need to ask about the possible need to recharter. We should check with Tzviya. 14:51:57 We put forward a PR for republishing and see what feedback we get. 14:52:27 I am confident we can do it as a rec update, but not sure. 14:52:58 Ivan, Wendy, and Tzviya will get together. 14:53:50 Wendy will make edits and put out a PR. 14:54:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:54:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/19-pwg-minutes.html ivan 15:40:24 GeorgeK_ has joined #pwg 17:02:10 Zakim has left #pwg