15:52:39 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:52:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-pbgsc-irc 15:52:41 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:52:42 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 15:53:04 present: Wolfgang, Ralph 15:53:36 wolfgang has joined #pbgsc 15:59:32 present+ Cristina 15:59:36 present+ 15:59:49 present+ Tzviya 15:59:57 present+ Avneesh 16:00:17 present+ wolfgang 16:01:02 present+ Zheng, George, Ivan 16:01:02 mateus has joined #pbgsc 16:01:02 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 16:01:12 present+ 16:01:19 present+ WendyReid 16:02:00 present+ Liisa 16:02:34 GeorgeK has joined #pbgsc 16:02:48 present+ 16:03:14 zakim, next item 16:03:14 agendum 1 -- Welcome Wolfgang to the Committee -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:03:27 chair: Tzviya 16:04:15 Tzviya: Wolfgang will be joining Mateus and Zheng to co-chair the Publishing CG 16:04:43 Wolfgang: my focus is on XML and XML technology, in particular conversions using XSLT, etc. 16:04:54 ... I am co-author of the IDPF glossaries spec 16:05:05 ... happy to assist and chair the CG 16:05:18 ... I use XML every day 16:05:25 ... even a bit of XProc 16:05:31 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 16:05:33 ... my main tool is XSLT 16:05:40 ... I use a lot of XQuery too 16:06:20 Tzviya: great that you're joining us 16:06:25 zakim, next item 16:06:25 agendum 2 -- Report on the planned BG Commmunity Day event -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:06:39 Tzviya: we'd like to hear more about the plans 16:06:51 Liisa: we're doing 2 90-minute sessions on February 1 16:07:04 ... extending each of our regular sessions by 30 minutes 16:07:21 Cristina: we will invite the CEO of @@ ; a platform for delivering digital comics and manga 16:07:30 ... digital comics is moving in Italy and elsewhere 16:07:41 ... there is a European project on digital comics 16:07:57 ... I will contact someone from Japan to speak on that as well 16:08:06 zheng_xu__ has joined #pbgsc 16:08:11 ... it is one of the fastest-growing markets in publishing, particularly in trade 16:08:23 present+ 16:08:25 Liisa: we're also working on pulling togther some panel discussion on education 16:08:29 ... working on finalizing speakers 16:08:32 q+ 16:08:47 ... and looking to have an open dialog on other topics, with some breakouts 16:08:51 ... welcome ideas on topics 16:08:52 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:09:03 Bill: does "education" refer to higher ed, k12, or both? 16:09:07 q+ to ask when agenda will be available 16:09:16 ack me 16:09:16 tzviya, you wanted to ask when agenda will be available 16:09:17 Liisa: what's happened in the last 2 years; where is the business going? 16:09:23 Cristina has joined #pbgsc 16:09:41 present+ 16:09:56 Tzivya: Karen Myers asked if an agenda could be published asap, even a draft, so she can recruit more participants 16:10:03 Liisa: we'd like to record the session 16:10:17 ... not the breakout roons 16:10:21 s/ns/ms/ 16:10:54 ... hoping for 3-4 breakouts 16:10:56 present+ 16:10:57 q+ 16:11:02 ... want one of us in each breakout to facilitiate 16:11:06 q+ 16:11:08 present+ 16:11:34 ... hoping to let people choose which breakout they attend 16:11:34 ack GeorgeK 16:11:36 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:11:58 George: the global certified accessible content that's hitting higher ed is beautiful stuff 16:12:06 ... I can reach out to Michael Johnson if you like 16:12:10 Liisa: that would be great 16:12:13 +1 to George 16:12:19 ack wendyreid 16:12:24 George: I'll give him some background and ask him to get in touch with Liisa directly 16:12:38 WendyR: in Zoom breakout rooms the captioning doesn't work 16:13:02 Tzviya: ideas for breakout topics? 16:13:37 ... breakouts tend to work out well when they follow up on the discussion that you just had 16:13:43 ... there's a lot of opinions on comics 16:13:55 ... perhaps breakouts following up on comics and textbooks 16:14:06 ack Ralph 16:14:06 ... if the presenters are talking about the technical parts 16:14:26 q+ 16:14:31 Ralph: +1 16:14:37 ack ge 16:14:47 George: we're about publishing, not just EPUB 16:15:05 ... there's the issue of journals, which are really important and many companies have 'download as EPUB' 16:15:13 ... I wonder if that area needs to be explored more 16:15:23 ... and a11y in journals is something that needs attention 16:15:34 q+ 16:15:55 Tzviya: [with Wiley hat] individual journal articles aren't very popular to users as EPUBs 16:16:20 ... maybe for a future Community Day we could invite someone from Atypon to talk about journal articles 16:16:33 ... most publishers make their journal articles available as HTML 16:16:52 ... best practices for HTML would be a good future discussion 16:16:58 ack zh 16:17:12 George: publishers also offer download as PDF, so ... as EPUB should happen 16:17:26 Zheng: I can talk about conversion from HTML to EPUB as a use example 16:17:34 q+ 16:18:10 ... is there any common general use example that I can try out? 16:18:27 q+ 16:18:28 ... to demonstrate my conversion tool -- which is on GitHub 16:18:49 George: we'd be very interested in looking at that and see how well it conforms to the a11y specs 16:18:58 ack li 16:18:58 ... metadata might be hard 16:19:11 Zheng: yes; I'd like to look at that 16:19:51 Liisa: we'd wondered if there's room in the Community Day to understand more about news and newspapers and how people are dealing with that in their workflow, best practices, etc. 16:19:59 ... that might be a future Community Day 16:20:13 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:20:21 ... WaPo had been present in the BG but hasn't attended recently 16:20:21 q+ 16:20:34 Bill: look at PLOS; many journals are open access now 16:21:04 -> https://plos.org/ PLOS 16:21:21 ... another organization is Hyper@@; a news media SDO 16:21:33 ack me 16:21:37 ... I could provide many potential speakers for news if you wish 16:21:47 s/Hyper@@/IPTC 16:21:49 Tzivya: news is very different from [scholarly] journals 16:22:18 +1 to Tzviya 16:22:18 ... the way content is generated is very different 16:22:30 ... several of us know lots of people in each world 16:22:35 ... they're treated very differently 16:22:51 ... EPUB has not taken off in either of these and is not likely to 16:23:04 ... we can discuss if they are looking for further specifications 16:23:26 Liisa: Daihei has said that he's hearing in Japan that they are happy with EPUB and are looking for business opportunities in content 16:23:38 ... that's why they're trying to understand how all this other stuff happens 16:23:42 ... looking at workflows 16:23:46 The tool I mentioned to convert html to epub: https://github.com/gardenia-corp/wyse 16:23:49 present+ 16:23:55 ack Ralph 16:24:24 Tzviya: we have some interesting ideas for future seminars 16:24:31 zakim, next item 16:24:31 agendum 3 -- Community Group user stories -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:24:51 scribe+ 16:25:22 mateus: At the CG meeting this week, Zheng, Wolfgang and i introduced a new idea for collaborating 16:25:32 ... anyone who is documenting requirements for new publishing use cases 16:25:41 ... the BG could be one of those collaborations 16:25:52 ... one idea is to share a template that documents use cases 16:26:03 ... to do that, document requirements as user stories 16:26:20 ... so what we would like to do in the CG is to collect use cases as they come up 16:26:26 ... like when we learn of a new idea 16:26:36 ... when we file them, we do so using a common template 16:27:13 ... it's a statement that goes like "As a [user], I want to [something] so that [goal]" 16:27:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 16:27:39 ... an example "as an instructor, I want to annotate my text with my students, so I can drive engagement in my course" 16:27:48 ... unified language in the requirements 16:28:04 ... and in a way that avoids us jumping to a solution and instead focuses on the problems and centres the user 16:28:10 ... who will benefit 16:28:22 ... might help us target specific parts of the community better 16:28:38 ... we'd like to work with the BG on use cases we already know about 16:28:47 ... we'll document them in the CG GH as individual issues 16:28:59 ... beyond that, we can start identifiying how to dig into these issues 16:29:07 ... incubate, document more details, etc 16:29:34 mateus: Hopefully we can use this in our upcoming meetings 16:29:36 ack Ralph 16:29:39 Ralph: This is brilliant 16:29:51 ... it's important to teach W3C community how to do this kind of user story 16:29:59 ... too many of us go to solutions 16:30:08 ... kudos to the cg 16:30:14 https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/user-experience-mapping/9781787123502/92d21fe3-a741-49ff-8200-25abf18c98d0.xhtml 16:30:16 scribe+ 16:30:28 Tzviya: this is sometimes called the Connextra template ^^ 16:30:34 q+ 16:30:41 s/go to/instantly go to/ 16:30:49 q+ 16:30:52 ... we also give such examples from EPUB 16:31:12 ... "as a reader I'd like to be able to jump to chapter 7 so that ..." 16:31:22 ack li 16:31:28 ... that might be done by a ToC but we don't say "as a reader I want a Table of Contents" 16:31:56 Liisa: did Daihei reach out to schedule time next week for us to work through scheduling a joint CG+BG meeting and move forward on some of these cases? 16:31:58 ack ma 16:32:03 Mateus: not yet 16:32:11 ... but I have some availability next week 16:32:29 Liisa: noon ET on Wednesday? 16:32:43 Mateus: unfortunately that doesn't work for me 16:32:55 q+ 16:32:56 ... as Ralph noted, not everyone is used to this way of framing problems 16:33:28 ... there's definitely some back-and-forth in writing user stories and I don't view that as a problem 16:33:48 ... the CG is happy to help people write stories in this way 16:34:01 ack me 16:34:08 ... and we're planning to write some of the EPUB examples as user stories to help people get used to thinking in this way 16:34:09 +1 to Mateus 16:34:50 Tzviya: and others of us can help in directing the conversation to the actual problem to solve rather than a particular solution 16:34:56 q+ 16:35:00 ... and "user" can be "machine" too; a reading system 16:35:03 ack liisamk 16:35:16 Liisa: this gets me back to something we talked about here several months ago 16:35:39 ... I'm still seeing questions out there questions on what is good a11y for EPUBs on very specific content scanearios 16:35:45 ... and not having a place for a broad dialog 16:35:58 ... e.g. we made some changes to the way we deal with indices 16:36:19 q+ 16:36:20 ... we noticed that sometimes an index entry goes to a [foot|end] note 16:36:31 q+ 16:36:36 ... we wondered what is the right thing for a11y; what is the right place to go? 16:36:37 ack me 16:36:43 ... we need a place to have that discussion 16:36:53 Tzviya: it's fine to have that discussion in the BG 16:37:01 ... we haven't had a place to discuss best practices 16:37:21 ... best practices might be different for different cases 16:37:33 ... I'm not sure I want to commit to writing best practices 16:37:44 q+ 16:37:55 ... but DPUB-ARIA is taking up some work on how to use ARIA properly 16:38:00 ack zheng_xu__ 16:38:05 ... how to tag an endnote properly with ARIA may take years 16:38:15 Zheng: that's a good example to define a use case 16:38:28 ... I'm happy to help transforming that into a use case 16:38:39 s/DPUB-ARIA is taking up some work on how to use ARIA properly/ARIA APG will add examples from DPUB-ARIA 16:38:46 ... it would be a good start to write it down as a story 16:38:50 ... in this kind of format 16:39:00 ack we 16:39:02 ... and document it as a GitHub issue 16:39:24 WendyR: this sounds like something that is in the realm of the CG A11y task force 16:39:36 ... we're doing some similar work in the FXL TF, but only for fixed layout 16:39:50 q+ 16:39:52 ... we've put together some use cases for the different types of fixed layout 16:39:55 ack ge 16:40:00 ... it sounds like a fun CG project 16:40:11 George: having a user story around the index issue I think would be great 16:40:28 ... I would imagine that comments added for a11y would add more detail to the use case 16:40:40 ... no only do you want to get there but you want to get back to where you left off reading 16:40:49 ... I'm not seeing that in most reading systems now 16:41:00 ... how do I go back; breadcrumbs or history 16:41:02 q+ to mention making these user stories accessible 16:41:09 q+ 16:41:13 ... one use case could spawn more use cases and all usually have an a11y componet 16:41:14 ack avneeshsingh 16:41:19 q+ 16:41:38 Avneesh: George is on target; we have to be sure that the use cases work for people with disabilities 16:42:27 ... our thinking is that the Publishing CG is a good place for a broader discussion on prioritizing dpub-aria work 16:42:42 ... @@ doesn't work because of screen reader buffering issues 16:42:54 ack me 16:42:54 tzviya, you wanted to mention making these user stories accessible 16:42:54 ... there are technical issues that don't allow us to achieve what we want 16:43:15 Tzviya: I attended some a11y training that talks about building a11y into the template 16:43:26 ... I can try to incorporate what I learned into writing those templates 16:43:28 ack liisamk 16:44:06 Liisa: maybe this opens an opportunity for us; what PRH considers best practice might not be what others consider best practice, even though both are accessible 16:44:27 ... maybe there's an opportunity to share what people think they have solved and what problems they are running into 16:44:51 q+ 16:44:53 ... do you push forward with what you think are good practices despite it not always working in all reading systems 16:45:10 ack ge 16:45:34 George: thinking of some things I want to see in digital publishing; I could spend a half day filling out templates 16:46:02 ... I wonder if there are already use cases documented that people could review to avoid duplication 16:46:10 q+ 16:46:17 huge pile of web publications use cases 16:46:23 ack Zhe 16:46:32 Zheng: good point 16:46:48 ... we can check out how to group the user stories 16:47:08 ... the CG meeting this week was trying to talk about user stories 16:47:19 ... a next step coudl be to look at how to group them 16:47:38 ... to define user stories in a format more efficiently and reduce duplication 16:47:58 Ralph: As I said at the start, I'm glad you're taking this approach 16:48:04 q+ 16:48:04 q+ 16:48:05 ... what is your dream of how this will ramp up? 16:48:13 Ralph: what is your dream about how this will ramp up? 16:48:37 Mateus: my dream is that we have every idea, every problem that publishing is trying to solve with digital publishing technology and standards document in this form 16:48:55 ... so we're really understanding use cases from a very practical perspective 16:49:13 ... one of our challenges is that we know what we'd like to do but we haven't had a shared language to communicate 16:49:34 ... once we have a shared way of documenting use cases it will become clear who can help us evolve them further 16:49:59 ... if we have a user story documented, regardless of what solution(s) come forward, it will help us know who can help us 16:50:15 ... e.g. the A11y TF might be the best place to move a particular use case for discussion 16:50:24 ... at the least it will stimulate conversation, as it did here 16:50:41 Wolfgang: my dream is to start with the customer 16:51:05 ... we started working with design thinking, taking hours to talk with customers -- what are your needs? what do you wish to get? 16:51:09 +1 16:51:13 ... get more customer/user-centric 16:51:16 +1 to wolfgang!! 16:51:17 +1 16:51:18 q+ 16:51:33 ... our customers don't think in terms of spec and programming; they think in terms of issues 16:51:39 ... we should do our best to cater for them 16:51:50 ... after that we work on finding solutions 16:51:56 +1 16:51:57 ack av 16:52:14 Avneesh: it's fairly good to have user stories and customers there 16:52:24 q+ 16:52:28 ... but the structure of W3C doesn't involve users so much; we talk about browser engines, developers, ... 16:52:43 ack wendyreid 16:52:49 ... are we expecting the Publishing CG to have more engagement with users or that the publishers will represent the users? 16:52:56 WendyR: Avneesh is not wrong 16:53:16 ... I 100% agree 16:53:27 ... we use "user" a lot but almost never involve users in spec writing 16:53:45 q+ to ask if BG can involve users 16:53:49 ... part of this is that we do not have access to users; we don't have a user advocacy group 16:53:59 ... I'd love to start this 16:54:42 ... I'd love to try, and encourage others to try, to see how much user request information I can filter from my own daily contact with people who read books 16:54:59 ... most platforms have information about what users are asking for and what frustrations they have 16:55:01 q+ 16:55:25 ... a lot of comments we get are specific; "I don't like your login page", others are very general "I don't like this book" 16:55:36 ... I'd love to see how we might share some of that information 16:56:02 ack tz 16:56:02 tzviya, you wanted to ask if BG can involve users 16:56:07 q+ 16:56:17 Tzviya: thanks for raising this point, Avneesh 16:56:23 .. this template is still excellent 16:56:33 ... I'm hoping the BG has more access to users 16:56:44 ... some of the BG and WG participants have closer access to users 16:57:18 ack zhe 16:57:19 ... I hear from customers that 2FA gets in their way all the time 16:57:27 ... it would be valuable to document that 16:58:00 Zheng: how we define a story; "as a reader ..." or "as a publisher ..." or "as a content creator ..." 16:58:12 ... the different roles can be expressed in different user stories 16:58:44 ack ivan 16:58:45 ... if we can define "user" as "who needs a feature", that helps to get things clear 16:59:09 Ivan: I am a little worried that we will get lots of use cases and to make some manageable recommendation out of that is not an easy task to do 16:59:19 ... many groups have done this in various use cases in the past 16:59:27 -> Web Publications Use Cases and Requirements https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/NOTE-pwp-ucr-20190813/ 16:59:44 ... it's complicated to distill from them some tangible directions 17:00:04 ... years ago we attempted to try to find a structure to distill information out of use cases 17:00:30 ... we might be looking for something more elaborate than the use cases in ^^ 17:00:56 ... we have to keep in mind how to get a manageable collection of things 17:01:08 Tzviya: in the ^^ document each use case is very compllicated 17:01:23 ... we can break them down into simpler stories 17:01:36 [adjourned] 17:01:41 zakim, end meeting 17:01:41 As of this point the attendees have been Wolfgang, Ralph, Cristina, wendyreid, Tzviya, Avneesh, Zheng, George, Ivan, avneeshsingh, Liisa, GeorgeK, zheng_xu__, mateus, Bill_Kasdorf, 17:01:44 ... dauwhe 17:01:44 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:01:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 17:01:47 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:01:51 Zakim has left #pbgsc 17:39:46 rrsagent, bye 17:39:46 I see no action items