14:36:35 RRSAgent has joined #epub 14:36:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-epub-irc 14:36:37 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:36:39 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 14:36:50 meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 14:36:52 chair: dauwhe 14:43:38 ivan has joined #epub 14:43:58 zakim, start meeting 14:43:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:43:59 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:44:30 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2022-01-14: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Jan/0000.html 14:44:31 Chair: dauwhe 14:44:31 Date: 2022-01-14 14:44:31 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022Jan/0000.html 14:44:31 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 14:44:31 Regrets+ toshiaki 14:52:39 Karen has joined #epub 14:56:04 tzviya has joined #epub 14:58:47 present+ 14:58:51 present+ 14:59:00 present+ avneesh 14:59:12 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 14:59:24 MattChan has joined #epub 14:59:25 present+ 14:59:43 present+ george 14:59:51 Jen_G has joined #epub 14:59:54 avneeshsingh has joined #epub 14:59:59 Present+ 15:00:00 present+ 15:00:00 present+ 15:00:05 present+ tzviya 15:00:05 present+ rickj 15:00:07 present+ laura 15:00:08 Present+ 15:00:20 present+ wendyreid 15:00:41 GeorgeK has joined #epub 15:00:42 LauraB__ has joined #epub 15:00:57 present+ 15:01:20 present+ aimee 15:01:25 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:01:29 scribe+ 15:01:30 present+ 15:01:31 duga has joined #epub 15:01:33 present+ 15:01:38 present+ charles 15:01:40 present+ 15:01:40 present+ 15:01:43 rickj has joined #epub 15:01:52 present+ 15:02:06 present+ ben 15:02:15 present+ billk 15:03:35 present+ victoria_lee 15:04:04 CharlesL has joined #epub 15:04:13 dlazin has joined #epub 15:04:13 present+ 15:04:25 present+ dlazin 15:04:29 dauwhe: today we have 3 issues which were all filed by TAG, but all on the same theme of privacy and security 15:04:34 victoria has joined #epub 15:04:42 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 15:04:48 present+ 15:04:52 Topic: TAG's Privacy and Security comments 15:04:57 ... that was the main concern of PING of TAG, that we have not said much about the threat model involved in epub, about handling PII 15:05:02 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1957 15:05:05 ... our goal is to address these 15:05:12 TOPIC: TAG Review Issues 15:05:42 dauwhe: this first issue is about PII, could we do something to discourage collection of PII, can we recommend RS are clear with customers about what is being collected? 15:05:50 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/wiki/Privacy-and-Security-for-EPUB3 15:06:07 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #epub 15:06:10 ... wendyreid wrote a summary of the issues for us, and some of our possible responses 15:06:21 present+ 15:06:40 present+ 15:06:42 q+ 15:06:56 ... the industry has seemed to settle on policy of user agreements, but the general public is probably not aware of how much information in being collected in this process 15:07:03 ack ivan 15:07:07 q+ 15:07:47 ivan: just to make it clear from the w3c point of view is that we need to provide a section that documents problems and guidelines for what authors and RS should do to address the problems 15:08:06 ack wen 15:08:07 +1 Ivan 15:08:10 ... there is no requirement to change the spec 15:08:21 wendyreid: i can give us an overview 15:08:57 ... the way I have written this is that because we are talking about privacy and security, there are two parts to each of content authors and rs 15:09:14 ... for both security and privacy, i wanted to lay out our objectives 15:09:49 ... preserve confidentiality, content integrity, transparency 15:10:39 ... threat modelling for content: falsification of creator information, remote resources, etc. 15:11:05 q+ 15:11:39 ... recommendations (mostly around privacy aspect): protect users from threats, avoid collection of data, "content processors" should be careful 15:11:46 q? 15:12:21 ack dl 15:12:34 ... for RS threats and recommendations are also set out, with threats like rs spoofing 15:12:54 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1959 15:13:06 dlazin: from disclosure point of view, Apple now requires that apps have a user data collection "nutrition label" in the app store 15:13:41 ... not all rs are apps (i.e. some are stand alone devices), but this means that there are already some higher level requirements in many cases 15:13:59 ... but also, the most common RSes come pre-installed on device, not via app store 15:14:01 q+ 15:14:01 q+ 15:14:17 q+ 15:14:33 q- 15:14:39 wendyreid: other considerations like CCPA also come into play here, but these recommendations apply to 15:14:54 ack ric 15:15:04 dlazin: we could model our response based on apple's list of things they do with user data 15:15:24 rickj: the more specific we get with the current state of things, the more revs of this we will have to do 15:15:38 q+ 15:15:45 ack dug 15:15:53 ... so we should err on the side of common sense, and maybe reference other places that deal with this sort of thing, but not get too specific 15:16:09 q+ 15:16:23 duga: we should focus on epub, even though rs do lots of things that don't specifically have to do with epub format 15:16:53 ... odd for an epub format spec to try to tell rs what to do with other formats, or as a UA generally 15:17:17 PING Target Privacy Threat Model: https://w3cping.github.io/privacy-threat-model/ 15:17:38 ... also, the rs privacy policy doesn't apply to the publisher - e.g. if a publisher includes a tracking pixel, rs can't control that 15:18:05 dauwhe: the industry has gotten in trouble before - e.g. ADE sending unencrypted user information back to Adobe 15:18:27 ... i looked up the policies of a few major epub retailers 15:18:49 ... e.g. Apple says they anonymize everything, but Kobo doesn't 15:18:57 q+ 15:19:07 ack dauwhe 15:19:13 ack iv 15:19:14 ... so I'm a little less concerned with how other specs handle privacy, because there are specific user expectations about privacy when it comes to books 15:19:19 q+ 15:19:48 ivan: we have 2 specs, content and rs. And wendyreid separated the threat model into these 2 parts. 15:20:14 ... in the rs part, we already say things about origin and other security related policies, so we aren't complete silent 15:21:03 ... indeed there are areas where spec is silent, but the general expectations that a user should have over privacy are probably in scope 15:21:04 ack wen 15:21:11 https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webstorage.html#privacy 15:21:48 wendyreid: one thing that separates us from general web browser is that there are book related affordances that RS are expected to do for user, but some of these rely on collection of user data 15:22:00 ... but users don't think this way, they just expect that these features are there 15:22:16 ... e.g. collection of data for annotations, could syncing 15:22:38 ... so we would be doing our due diligence by providing some guidance to implementers 15:23:08 ... the reality is that these recommendations aren't normative anyway, but we are being good global citizens by doing so 15:23:13 ack ric 15:23:19 q+ 15:23:37 rickj: as a reminder, the epub marketplace is also the dominant format for education, an the customer is not the user. It's the institution. 15:23:57 q+ to say that epub is not that different from the web 15:23:58 ack geo 15:24:02 ... so we need to be careful when we say things that affect that use case 15:24:21 GeorgeK: there are also rs that track the individual student and how much time they spend reading, progress, etc. and report back 15:24:29 q+ 15:24:29 ... and many times teachers and parents can see that info 15:25:08 ack tz 15:25:08 tzviya, you wanted to say that epub is not that different from the web 15:25:11 ... i wonder if one of our suggestions would be to have the privacy policy available in a rs, e.g. in the help section, or if there is anything in the content that is phoning home, then it would be the publisher who informs people about that 15:25:30 present+ hadrien 15:25:59 tzviya: we need to keep in mind that we tend think of epubs as separate from the web, but there are a lot of websites that do similar things. We're not that different 15:26:38 ... but the "nutrition label" might solve the problem, by clarifying the user's position without scaring them 15:26:58 ... better than a user agreement, where user knows that they just have to click to agree or else the app won't work 15:28:11 ivan: UX people have come up with a vocab that describes the a11y issues that might be present in a given book, can we do something similar? 15:28:28 ... but most of the privacy issues are on the rs side rather than the content side, so it may not be that helpful 15:28:31 q? 15:28:38 ack ivan 15:28:39 ack iv 15:29:05 gpellegr_ has joined #epub 15:29:33 ivan: since wendyreid has already started, I think this text should become part of the spec 15:29:56 ... so next step should be to open a PR to incorporate it 15:30:03 zheng_xu has joined #epub 15:30:11 present+ 15:30:15 q+ 15:30:25 q+ 15:30:25 ... re. applications disclosing privacy features in general, maybe we should incorporate the labels that we want RS to provide 15:30:27 ack wen 15:30:51 wendyreid: I considered including specific examples of data collection behaviours, or how to communicate to users when these things happen 15:31:33 Hadrien has joined #epub 15:31:51 ... but I being specific might lead people to think that the examples constitute a closed list, when the recommendations are more like principles 15:31:56 present+ 15:32:00 ack dl 15:32:06 s/but I/but I thought that 15:32:18 dlazin: do we know what the TAG wants? or can we ask? 15:32:44 ... most specs don't touch this. Really we just want to satisfy them. 15:32:50 q+ 15:32:52 q+ 15:32:58 q+ 15:33:05 ack tz 15:33:19 ... can they give us an example of what other specs have done in response to similar concerns. Rather than producing something on our own and risking it not being what they want 15:33:25 q+ 15:33:57 tzviya: privacy is increasingly important now. We're not just doing this to check off the privacy review box 15:34:08 Examples for privacy section: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#privacy-considerations and for security section: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#security-considerations 15:34:16 ack iv 15:34:28 ivan: the DID spec recently addressed similar privacy concerns 15:34:51 ... i.e. what implementors should be aware of when they try to implement, what privacy pitfalls are they likely to encounter, etc. 15:35:10 ... we also went through a similar process with audiobooks and pub manifest 15:35:27 https://www.w3.org/TR/audiobooks/#security-privacy <-- quite minimal 15:35:43 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:35:48 https://www.w3.org/TR/pub-manifest/#security-privacy <-- more informative 15:35:51 ... i don't quite agree that we're just doing this to satisfy TAG 15:36:28 ack dau 15:36:29 dauwhe: I can reply in the issues with a link to the document that we already have? 15:36:31 ack ha 15:36:36 ivan: we'll let them know once we have a PR 15:37:08 q+ 15:37:19 Hadrien: we have very very different rs, and for some of them, the fact that rs need to be distributed already applies some requirements (e.g. apps distributed via app store) 15:37:26 ... similar thing will happen with Play store 15:37:56 ... but no analogy process on the web - maybe just a privacy section of the page 15:38:09 q? 15:38:20 ack t 15:38:22 ... we could have best practices section about what to disclose to users, but not sure we can go much further than that 15:38:47 q+ 15:39:00 ack iv 15:39:02 Web Authentication has several sections on privacy https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-privacy-considerations-authenticator, https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-privacy-considerations-client, https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#sctn-privacy-considerations-rp 15:39:15 tzviya: Web Auth has several sections on policy that might be similar to what we need 15:39:25 q+ 15:39:31 ivan: i wonder whether there are things specific to security that we need to call out 15:39:54 ... we know most of rs have been quite averse to using scripts, some don't allow it at all 15:39:59 ... mostly due to security concerns 15:40:18 ... so having a fairly good idea of why rs shouldn't allow scripts might be helpful 15:40:34 ack we 15:40:43 ... maybe say that content authors should really consider whether they need to include scripts in their content 15:41:34 q+ 15:41:41 q+ 15:41:42 wendyreid: i think the best we can do is identify some common threats that arise because of the way the spec is written, and the way content is likely to be written 15:42:18 q+ 15:42:18 ... in terms of recommendations, we could recommend virus checking as part of ingest, checking origin or links 15:42:36 ... security is tricky because we can make recommendations, but it will ultimately come down to the authors 15:43:00 dauwhe: one of the big problems with security is that Hachette might write the script, but then Google executes it, knowing nothing about it 15:43:11 ack dau 15:43:13 ack iv 15:43:40 ivan: you could say that a content creator on the web writes scripts, and then the browser has to execute it 15:43:55 ... but for ebooks, once you put something in content, those books won't be automatically updated 15:44:19 ... so a malicious script could stay other there for a very long time, whereas on a website, the content can be updated 15:44:53 ... the fact that the book becomes its own entity is a difference between book and website - might be worth pointing out, as a reason not to include scripts 15:45:06 q+ 15:45:11 Karen has joined #epub 15:45:19 ack ge 15:45:28 ... e.g. old versions of incorporated js libraries incorporated in ebooks 15:45:31 q+ 15:45:56 GeorgeK: what a user is reading is certainly private. Governments knowing what people are reading is something we should point out 15:46:12 ack ri 15:46:14 ... whether or not people are using assistive tech is also sensitive, we should call that out 15:46:50 rickj: perhaps we don't bifurcate by content and rs, but rather content creation and distribution channel 15:46:54 q? 15:47:00 ack ch 15:47:27 CharlesL: the other thing is that the content creator could have done everything right, and then someone in the middle injects malicious code into the epub and repacks it 15:47:40 ... right now we don't have anything to do with signing ebooks, etc. 15:47:47 q+ 15:47:52 ack ha 15:47:56 ... so it really falls onto whoever is ingesting this at the end to make sure the content is safe 15:48:14 Hadrien: the top reason why rs don't like js in content is that it can mess with what rs does 15:48:45 ... rs will most likely always inject js to get desired result, which js in content can mess up 15:48:56 q? 15:49:01 q+ 15:49:15 ack du 15:50:30 duga: we don't do js because of security, and because it's a pain. When a rs implements something in the webview they are limited in the resources they have available. But a browser operates at a higher level 15:51:34 ... in terms of serving content, when Hachette writes a book with a script, it's different whether that script is run via rs or via browser. When run via rs, the origin is Google. 15:51:48 q? 15:51:49 ... very different security and privacy model 15:51:57 q? 15:52:04 q? 15:52:08 q+ 15:52:18 ack iv 15:52:51 q+ 15:52:58 ivan: about signatures on epubs, there could be. Would it be a good thing to say in spec that we suggest that publishers make sure of signatures 15:53:33 ... of course, all the intermediates that modify content during ingestion will be against that, but there are all sorts of technology out there for providing signatures 15:53:39 ack zh 15:53:54 q+ 15:54:23 zheng_xu: i was talking in mini-app CG yesterday, and their zips have a signature 15:54:24 ack H 15:54:30 ... maybe we can incorporate something similar 15:54:47 Hadrien: we have signatures.xml in OPF, but how to use it was not defined 15:55:17 q+ 15:55:19 ivan: agree that some infrastructure is already there, but probably too early to try to standardize anything 15:55:25 +1 to looking into signing of the EPUB maybe a Community Group task to investigate? 15:55:43 ... but we can recommend that industry start to look into using it, which we might try to standardize in a future revision of epub 15:56:06 Hadrien: i think its more likely to happen if a major player in the industry starts requiring signatures - it's a chicken and egg situation 15:56:08 ack zh 15:56:59 zheng_xu: for epub nobody really understands how to use signature 15:57:07 q+ 15:57:10 ... once use cases are clearer, then we can start to standardize 15:57:52 should we be incubating signatures in the CG? 15:57:57 dauwhe: sounds like we have stuff to do 15:58:06 ... polish wendyreid's text and get it in PR 15:58:10 ... notify TAG re. same 15:58:20 ... research re. use cases of signing epubs 15:58:33 Bill_Kasdorf_: yes I feel like so 15:58:33 ... (alternatives to what we already have with XML signatures?) 15:58:55 ... and hopefully we can help wendyreid with PR 15:59:13 wendyreid: i think mgarrish is working on the PR piece, but we can help if he needs us to 15:59:27 dauwhe: okay, thanks everyone, we'll see you next week! 15:59:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:59:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-epub-minutes.html ivan 15:59:39 LauraB__ has left #epub 16:00:11 zakim, end meeting 16:00:11 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, dauwhe, avneesh, MasakazuKitahara, george, Jen_G, tzviya, avneeshsingh, rickj, laura, wendyreid, MattChan, aimee, GeorgeK, LauraB__, 16:00:14 ... charles, duga, gpellegrino, ben, billk, victoria_lee, CharlesL, dlazin, BenSchroeter, Bill_Kasdorf_, victoria, hadrien, zheng_xu 16:00:14 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:00:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/14-epub-minutes.html Zakim 16:00:17 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:00:21 Zakim has left #epub 16:00:35 rrsagent, bye 16:00:35 I see no action items