11:58:34 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:58:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/13-miniapp-irc 11:58:54 Meeting: MiniApps CG Teleconference 11:58:59 present+ 11:59:15 present+ qing, tengyuan 11:59:33 present+ zhoubingqing 12:03:19 present+ jeff, martin 12:03:28 present+ zitao 12:04:13 martin has joined #miniapp 12:04:29 present+ Martin 12:04:50 xfq: @@ 12:05:38 present+ changhao_liang 12:06:14 s/xfq: @@/xfq: No chairs joined so I'll chair the session in the meanwhile. An Qing, any update on IoT? 12:06:43 qing: https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-iot/pull/4 12:07:00 [qing goes through the PR] 12:08:32 martin: these changes are more or less trivial 12:09:02 [martin describes the use cases] 12:09:51 qing: we can discuss whether we should standardize more APIs 12:10:48 xfq: If no objections, we can merge it after the call. 12:10:49 topic: epub 12:11:08 jeff: i work in the publishing CG as co-chair 12:11:30 ... last year i did some experiments to expand the epub scope 12:11:35 ... not just for ebooks 12:11:51 ... i did some experiemnts and think epub can do more stuff 12:12:13 [jeff shows his screen] 12:12:34 https://wysebee.com/ 12:12:54 jeff: i put some samples here 12:13:12 ... you can play around with it 12:13:31 present+ yanyumeng 12:13:39 present+ xiaoqian 12:14:25 https://wysebee.com/sandbox 12:14:32 jeff: this is a sandbox 12:15:08 ... you can package a website 12:15:19 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:15:36 rrsagent, make log public 12:15:41 rrsagent, make minutes 12:15:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/13-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:16:13 jeff: once you converted it you can try this sandbox 12:17:35 ... it's not like kindle or other RS 12:18:23 ... the miniapp packaging spec is very similar to epub 12:18:27 ... i was wondering if it's possible for us to work together 12:19:23 present+ dan 12:20:09 jeff: interested in how to package a miniapp in our system 12:20:23 ... interested in joining our cg meetings more frequently 12:20:30 q+ 12:21:04 ack next 12:21:08 martin: thank you 12:21:12 ... it's fantastic 12:21:15 ... i agree with you 12:21:24 ... i think we can explore collaboration 12:21:46 ... the miniapp manifest is more similar with web app manifest 12:22:02 ... differences in storing digital signatures 12:23:44 ... @@ 12:23:57 jeff: the manifest i'm using is json 12:24:05 ... i'm converting it from and to xml 12:24:57 ... @@ a11y 12:25:12 martin: i'll try to follow your work as well 12:25:16 ... thank you 12:26:01 zitao: i worked with martin on packaging 12:26:25 ... on tpac breakout session we showed a tool to do conversion of manifest 12:26:36 ... this year we're interersed in packaing conversion 12:26:58 ... if you're interesed you can join our work 12:27:28 jeff: yes 12:27:32 ... interested to join 12:28:17 ... it's a pwa 12:28:24 ... you can try it on you mobile phone 12:28:35 ... feel free to play around it 12:28:49 ... for miniapps i think the entry point is app.json 12:29:04 ... i wonder how to boost a miniapp in our platform 12:29:30 ... how can i define entry point of a miniapp in a generic way 12:29:52 martin: in the miniapp manifest we ahve a property like WAM 12:29:58 ... called 'pages' 12:31:42 xfq: Any other comment from the group? 12:32:10 ... Zhoudan joined. We have discussed the two first items in the agenda. 12:32:29 ... Do yo want to continue chairing? 12:33:49 topic: gap between MiniApp and web api 12:34:04 [martin shares his screen] 12:34:27 martin: we have discussed components and support of the DOM 12:34:37 ... today i want to talk about APIs 12:34:59 [martin shows an API list] 12:36:12 martin: some APIs have equivalent APIs in w3c standards 12:38:12 ... some APIs have equivalent proposed APIs 12:38:35 ... only a few aaditions 12:38:37 ... router 12:38:57 ... sms 12:39:14 ... wifi (to connect to specific networks) 12:39:35 ... it depends on the OS, maybe not required 12:40:19 ... new proposals for IoT interfaces 12:40:30 ... need to look at WoT work in case there's overlapping 12:40:44 ... these APIs are well-defined 12:41:07 s/these APIs/the Web APIs 12:41:32 ... we could define a miniamum set of recommended set of APIs 12:42:50 ... i'll share with you this document 12:43:13 ... could miniapps rely on the standard DOM and may have access to the standard APIs? 12:44:10 ... any comments? 12:45:05 jeff: i'm very interested 12:45:18 QingAn has joined #miniapp 12:45:22 ... if we can adopt whatwevet the browsers are aleready adopting 12:45:37 ... that would be great becase everything is standard 12:45:57 ... there are other things in miniapps like IoT 12:46:13 ... for the router 12:46:29 ... about web apps the router are mostly for the server 12:46:39 ... but the libs like react also have routers 12:47:30 q? 12:47:35 martin: will open an issue 12:48:38 xfq: AOB 12:48:56 .. Next meeting. What about Feb 17th? 12:49:09 +1 to me 12:49:33 xiaoqian_ has joined #miniapp 12:50:07 +1 12:50:59 xfq: So, confirmed next meeting 17th Feb 12:55:22 rrsagent, make minutes 12:55:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/13-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 12:58:40 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 13:49:18 xfq has joined #miniapp 15:11:03 Zakim has left #miniapp