12:01:42 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:01:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/10-wot-script-irc 12:01:55 meeting: WoT Scripting API 12:02:31 dape has joined #wot-script 12:02:42 Chair: Daniel 12:02:53 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Jan_Romann 12:03:48 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:03:52 chair: Daniel 12:05:10 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:05:21 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 12:05:50 cris has joined #wot-script 12:07:41 topic: previous minutes 12:07:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/12/13-wot-script-minutes.html 12:07:58 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:08:11 dp: there were two minor typos 12:10:15 kaz: fixed 12:10:16 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:10:41 zkis has joined #wot-script 12:11:16 i/there were/scribenick: cris/ 12:11:22 zkis: this time slot is a little bit difficult to me 12:11:36 dp: we could change it 12:12:08 zakim, who is on the call? 12:12:08 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Jan_Romann, Daniel_Peintner, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis 12:12:32 q+ 12:12:50 zkis: we could move the call between sec and discovery 12:12:55 q- 12:12:58 cris: it is ok for me 12:13:08 kaz: I have another meeting in that slot 12:13:18 dp: ok then 12:13:20 s/in that/at that/ 12:13:44 dp: let's discuss this offline first 12:13:56 topic: Issues 12:14:08 subtopic: issue 219 12:14:17 --> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/219 12:15:09 dp: we discussed about the convience of having readMultipleProperties operations in scripting 12:16:44 s|219|219 Issue 219 - Discussion about read- write-/multipleproperties| 12:16:50 s/-->/-> / 12:17:03 zoltan: we should support protocol features and simulate them when we can 12:17:43 s/and simulate/and not simulate 12:18:19 dp: I had an use case for retrieving only a small set of properties 12:18:34 ... not sure if there are other use cases 12:18:52 jan: yeah retrieve multiple sensor data might be another 12:19:23 ... the problem is that there's already an example about how to indicate which properties you are looking form 12:19:36 q+ 12:20:07 dp: the 12:20:25 s/the/the td spec might be a little bit not clear / 12:23:28 q+ 12:23:35 ack cris 12:25:53 cris_ has joined #wot-script 12:28:52 cris: it might be a non-issue right now 12:29:01 dp: there is no issue on the TD 12:29:50 cris: why do we have the issue open? 12:29:58 dp: we drop the operation a while ago 12:30:07 ... we are missing something 12:31:20 ... what is happing when we don't pass any property name? 12:32:01 jan: in the scripting API are we interating through the properties? 12:32:12 dp: no we retrive all with one request 12:32:57 zoltan: we want to give devs the opportunity to optimize network interaction 12:33:26 q? 12:33:37 ack JK 12:36:22 dp: what I think is missing is also a writeAll reference in WriteMultiple 12:37:15 zoltan: having writeAll in scripting API might be difficult cause we might need to check if the input contains really all the properties 12:40:00 ... we should pick a clear semantic in the TD spec 12:42:13 subtopic: issue 354 12:42:22 dp: any news about the conformance section? 12:42:29 kaz: I'm waiting 12:42:50 subtopic: issue 360 12:43:08 --> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/360 12:44:51 zoltan: Michael wants to move Interaction to the Architecture document 12:45:09 ... we use it as a colloquial term to refer to Interaction Affordance 12:45:21 i|any news|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/354 Issue 354 - Conformance section necessity| 12:45:31 i/-->/->/ 12:45:47 zoltan: probably we need more discussion with him 12:46:06 s/360/360 Issue 360 - Consider moving terminology definition to WoT Architecture/ 12:46:22 subtopic: issue 355 12:46:26 -> Rename Use Cases section, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/355 12:47:01 dp: long discussion, maybe we talked about renaming the Use Case section 12:47:40 ... Michael's opinion is that this section is conflicting with the Use Case document 12:48:39 ... we look at different options 12:48:48 ... but now I'm a little bit lost 12:49:07 jan: it doesn't seem to really conflict 12:49:31 zoltan: they are from different contexts 12:49:38 ... IMO is not a problem 12:49:38 q+ 12:49:52 ... if it might confuse people we can use Scripting Use Cases 12:50:30 dp: we resolved to put a text and link to the main document 12:50:48 kaz: I'm asking to Philipp about these issues, I'll ping him again 12:50:52 ... let's wait 12:50:57 s/Philipp/Phiippe/ 12:51:10 s/to // 12:51:19 subtopic: issue 361 12:51:21 -> Should we publish TS types also for ThingModel?, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/361 12:51:48 dp: we are publishing types for scripting api and td types 12:52:50 ... it is not real work from our side is just pushing the types to npm 12:53:11 ... at the moment we are ignoring TM completely in the APIs 12:53:11 ... any feedback 12:54:42 cris: I would appreciate to have the types 12:54:52 dp: I'm ok of having this 12:55:53 zoltan: we might need an explainer to clarify why we have this folder 12:56:04 ... it can be a md file 12:58:14 ... it should contain a developer friendly explanation about it 13:00:02 dp: please head over issue 352 if you have any idea about next charter topics 13:00:19 ... should I put TMs there? 13:01:17 [adjourned] 13:01:22 rrsagent, make log public 13:01:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/10-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 15:06:18 Zakim has left #wot-script