Automotive Working Group Teleconference

04 January 2022


Ashish, Carine, Daniel, Glenn, Gunnar, MagnusG, Peter, Ted, Ulf
Peter, Ted

Meeting minutes

Advancing VISSv2

* Explainer

* Review

* Implementation experiences

* Publish WD snapshot

Ted: per Carine's suggestion, we hould create an Explainer
… landing page needs to emphasize CVII and that it is a joint effort with COVESA more
… it needs to understandable by a layperson, what problem[s] are we trying to solve?
… it can be short, in fact better if it is. Looking for volunteers

Peter volunteers to co-author with Ted

Ted: ask Adnan/Daniel to bring back his BMW colleagues for an update, learn from Bosch intention (+timeline) to implement

Daniel: various colleagues are still on holiday but can check with them

Ted: Carine, could you setup Echidna so we have a contemporary Working Draft that reflects latest Editor's Draft?

Carine: there are some some things we can do to automate publishing the pair together


Ulf: some minor stuff has come up from working on protobuf implementation
… for example error messages could arise instead of content and may confuse what request it is with
… worth adding subscription id to error message to know which it belongs with
… we have examples on most filtering alternatives but were missing one for range so added
… some minor cleanup on terms
… we allowed for an empty string in request in the Core document whereas now we require a value

[range example]

Ted: Wonsuk has been very helpful on editorial suggestions so perhaps tag him as a reviewer. I can also handle the merge

Business Group and other news

Ted: no progress on Best practices draft, still on me
… anything from VSSo side? we have clarification from W3C's lawyer, encouraging us to publish VSSo as a Business Group report to have clear IP. we can publish a FPWD in the WG at the same time

Daniel: we should coordinate on slack and can be ready by next week

VSS et al uptake

Industry Trends and Uptake

* VSS in the cloud

* EV startups in addition to traditional OEM

* Improve communications

Gunnar: yeah that we were creating benchmarks for AAOS

Ted makes case for promoting the activity with our respective communications teams

Glenn: we can perhaps work on a draft and share with this group, what is the next step?

Gunnar: our marketing team has encouraged participants to take an active role in promoting and would welcome that
… we can include Brandy and Matt from our side and welcome W3C involvement

Ted: COVESA+W3C has focused more on traditional OEM and we should also be working to bring in the EV startups into the conversation

Peter: I have some good connections at Rivian, former Volvo guys, and heard a rumor that they're using VSS

Ted: yes, please
… and makes sense since AWS is going VSS

Peter: I've been using an EV for the last couple weeks and can attest to need to align on data around charging

Gunnar: a great example

Peter: I don't see any other alternatives to VSS

Ted: nearby I learned thanks to Daniel's encouragement that Inago (sp?) has implemented VSS/VISS and presumably will VSSo for AV AI in Project Arrow, an EV/AV startup effort. They want to bring their work to this group and open source portions

Gunnar: getting these types of companies into the conversation would be helpful
… we come across companies starting to use VSS etc after the fact
… I still want to align more with Sensoris

Daniel: no more contact on my side with Sensoris
… agree collaboration with them would make sense, it would be an investment on time

Glenn: appreciate the discussion, wanted to also bring up the cloud providers and assume OEM would want to see VSS taken up there more

Gunnar: fully agree

Ted: that was part of AWS announcement, MS perhaps with software defined vehicle with Bosch and others, DTDL..?
… we are running out of time but related to going after the cloud guys for VSS in the cloud they are also the companies behind the biggest voice engines being used in vehicles, we want them using VSS descriptions (in native languages) where possible imho

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/guysk/guys/

Succeeded: s/@@report/we have clarification from W3C's lawyer, encouraging us to publish VSSo as a Business Group report to have clear IP. we can publish a FPWD in the WG at the same time/

Succeeded: s/@@Inago/Ted: nearby I learned thanks to Daniel's encouragement that Inago (sp?) has implemented VSS/VISS and presumably will VSSo for AV AI in Project Arrow, an EV/AV startup effort. They want to bring their work to this group and open source portions/

Succeeded: s/@@EV startups/COVESA+W3C has focused more on traditional OEM and we should also be working to bring in the EV startups into the conversation/

Succeeded: s/@@voice_brief_history/… we are running out of time but related to going after the cloud guys for VSS in the cloud they are also the companies behind the biggest voice engines being used in vehicles, we want them using VSS descriptions (in native languages) where possible imho/

Succeeded: s|create an -> https://tag.w3.org/explainers/ Explainer and perhaps update -> W3C Auto page https://www.w3.org/auto/ after|create an -> https://tag.w3.org/explainers/ Explainer|