13:46:39 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:46:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/15-rqtf-irc 13:46:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:46:41 Zakim has joined #rqtf 13:46:43 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:46:43 Date: 15 December 2021 13:46:57 chair: jasonjgw 13:47:04 present+ 13:47:08 zakim, clear agenda 13:47:08 agenda cleared 13:47:28 agenda+ Forthcoming publication of CAPTCHA Note. 13:47:28 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. 13:47:28 agenda+ Accessibility of remote Meetings. 13:47:28 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. 13:47:28 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:52:36 janina_ has joined #rqtf 13:52:54 agenda? 13:54:30 present+ 13:57:57 JPaton has joined #rqtf 14:00:39 Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf 14:02:02 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 14:02:21 present+ 14:02:24 zakim, next item 14:02:24 agendum 1 -- Forthcoming publication of CAPTCHA Note. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:02:35 scribe: SteveNoble 14:03:10 jasonjgw: Captcha note still on track for tomorrow 14:04:35 zakim, next item 14:04:35 agendum 2 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:05:30 jasonjgw: Josh has reformatted the bibliography 14:05:53 jasonjgw: We will still need to go back and alter the inline cotations 14:06:14 jasonjgw: Still working on some open issues 14:06:56 SN: No big things to add, but I've worked out how to navigate Github 14:07:03 SN: Thanks Jason for support 14:07:44 SN: Seems to be a sophisticated oven to make toast 14:07:55 JOC: Likes the image 14:08:20 SN: Am hoping to wrap up the writing on an issues - one from Nigel 14:08:41 Recommendations for UA/Authors on thresholds - hope to write that up shortly 14:08:49 The rest can wait till next year 14:09:06 JS: Can we publish in the new year? 14:09:10 SN: Definitely 14:09:39 Am working on wrapping up a project this week, then in Jan, I'll finish up the remaining issues 14:09:46 JW: Sounds goood 14:09:53 s/goood/good 14:10:06 JW: Any other comments? 14:10:19 JS: Happy to see this move along 14:10:31 zakim, next item 14:10:31 agendum 3 -- Accessibility of remote Meetings. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:11:20 jasonjgw: Remote meeting work is progressing - received one additional issue by email 14:11:46 jasonjgw: Also received input from COGA - lots of comments, but not in GitHub 14:12:17 jasonjgw: COGA comments are in a separate documents 14:12:49 scott: working through these comments 14:13:36 scott: Should we go over COGA comments? 14:13:53 jasonjgw: Anyone else read the commenst? 14:14:58 janina_: Not here. But we can wait for COGA to create issues in GitHub 14:16:41 scott: Would be happy to read through their document 14:17:10 scott: How do we get notice for issues? 14:17:46 janina_: GitHub has a method to subscribe to issues. Should be just a checkbox. 14:19:06 jasonjgw: Can help be adding comments once the issues are in GitHub 14:19:41 scott: I can look through the COGA document and pull out the issues 14:20:25 jasonjgw: Some of the issues may be easily resolved 14:22:03 jasonjgw: What about February for this? 14:22:16 scott: Sounds good 14:22:34 janina_: May need a second call for comments 14:24:36 zakim, next item 14:24:36 agendum 4 -- Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:25:05 jasonjgw: Comments have been submitted by COGA - rather extensive 14:26:26 q+ 14:26:29 jasonjgw: Anyone else look at these? 14:28:06 jasonjgw: A range of comments...but it will help to get into GitHub 14:28:40 q? 14:29:17 jasonjgw: May be a draft or two from final 14:30:30 ack me 14:31:03 Joshue108_: can look at the COGA documents and parse for GitHub 14:31:56 Joshue108_: Will need to wait to early next year 14:32:29 jasonjgw: Will be happy to comment on the issues and provide feedback 14:32:38 zakim, next item 14:32:38 agendum 5 -- Miscellaneous topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:33:26 present+ John_Paton 14:33:36 jasonjgw: Judy is looking into the flash mitigation issue, but nothing down yet 14:34:57 jasonjgw: Additional issues or comments? 14:35:10 Joshue108_: Where are the COGA issues? 14:35:43 jasonjgw: They linked to a document they created 14:36:59 jasonjgw: Thanks to all for the great work this year 14:37:41 Raja: This has been great to work with everyone 14:37:47 happy holidays Raja - great to have you on board 14:38:07 janina_: Next meeting is January 5 14:38:50 jasonjgw: We have been a productive team with lots of publications 14:39:15 Holiday wishes all around 14:39:22 zakim, bye 14:39:22 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina_, SteveNoble, John_Paton 14:39:22 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:39:37 rrsagent, make minutes 14:39:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/15-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw