15:18:07 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 15:18:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/14-ixml-irc 15:18:15 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:18:23 Meeting: ixml Group Teleconference 15:18:37 Date: 14 December 2021 15:18:43 Chair: Steven 15:19:30 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2021Dec/0013 15:29:54 Tom has joined #ixml 15:30:52 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 15:32:20 dpawson has joined #ixml 15:33:39 Present: MSM, Norm, Tom, Dave Pawson, John Lumley 15:34:14 Tom: Prague is happening in June. 15:34:44 ... so do we continue to rush, or aim for June? 15:34:58 Steven: The point of doing it for Prague was so there was an audience 15:35:05 MSM: I would prefer to be ready before June 15:35:26 Norm: February seemed like rushing 15:35:36 Tom: Aim for April/May 15:36:29 Topic: Previous Actions 15:36:38 ACTION (2021-08-004): Steven to create list of existing requirements, 15:36:38 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:36:38 so that we can identify when a new one comes. 15:36:43 Steven: Done 15:36:50 ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal. 15:36:50 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:36:52 Done 15:37:40 MSM: Let us discuss later in the meeting, to see if we can endorse 15:37:52 ACTION (2021-10-001): Steven to draft a mediatypes proposal (see 15:37:52 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/6). 15:37:52 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:37:55 Steven: Continues 15:38:03 ACTION (2021-11-001): Norm to classify the error states in the spec, 15:38:03 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:38:03 as a first step towards standard error codes. (Discharged by 15:38:03 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2021Nov/0035.html ?) 15:38:06 Done 15:38:55 Topic: Status of implementations 15:39:36 Norm: I have modified PEP and successfully parsed an ixml grammar 15:40:01 ... It parses the ixnml grammar! 15:40:09 s/ixnml/ixml/ 15:40:22 github.com/xproc/pep 15:41:32 John: I managed to get a modified version of the ixml grammar working on Steven's server 15:41:43 ... with pragmas 15:42:19 ... I can then transform and serialise back into ixml, and goes through Steven's ixml processor. 15:42:40 ... Opens a need for taking the XML form of ixml 15:44:03 MSM: That's why there is prose in the pragma's proposal about XML form of pragmas 15:44:37 ndw has joined #ixml 15:45:56 Steven: I'm working on serialising to memory, so that you can parse straight from that. Adding XML would be the same process, using a different format, since the XML and the parse tree are essentially isomorphic. 15:46:26 norm has joined #ixml 15:47:31 Steven: The new version is running, is written in ABC< as a basis for a future C version 15:47:45 MSM: Stasis. Working on the test suite, but not on the ixml system 15:47:56 Tom: Likewise, no change this month. 15:48:07 Norm: What is the state of the test suite? 15:48:16 ... for use 15:48:45 MSM: I have a relaxing schema for a testsuite catalogue, it allows input and output to be inline or at a URL. 15:50:36 Steven: What should I do with my tests? 15:50:48 MSM: Put them on github, I will develop a catalogue for it 15:51:19 ... I do not regard what I'm doing as official, but we can use it as a basis 15:51:38 ACTION: Steve to add his tests to github 15:51:38 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:52:36 Steven: Are we expec ting to have implementations when we release? 15:52:38 [Yes] 15:52:55 MSM: a list of ongoing implementations and their characteristics 15:53:39 MSM: There's something on CPAN that might count 15:53:50 Tom: Honorable mention 15:54:13 MSM: as long as we can distinguish things that are trying to pass the testsuite 15:54:19 ... separately 15:56:01 Topic: Bug reports / change requests 15:57:32 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/12 15:57:35 Topic: Bugs - Strings proposal 15:57:35 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/12 15:58:40 Steven: It doesn't reduce functionality, it does improve diagnostics 15:58:44 RESOLVED 15:59:10 ACTION: Steven to add strings proposal to spec 15:59:10 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 15:59:23 Topic: Bugs - Character ranges 15:59:23 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/16 16:00:06 Topic: Bugs - Conformance issue: rule names and XML names 16:00:06 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/18 16:02:02 Steven: This is a static vs dynamic issue 16:03:34 a: @b; -"!", c. 16:03:34 b: c. 16:03:34 c: "d". 16:08:01 MSM: I could live with it either way. 16:09:43 ... "all names that are serialized must conform to an XML name" 16:10:05 ... plus implementations may warn statically if a name doesn't conform 16:10:17 Steven: Agreed? 16:10:21 [Yes] 16:10:26 [RESOLVED] 16:10:40 Topic: Bugs - Conformance issue: one rule per nonterminal 16:10:40 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/19 16:13:08 MSM: It doesn't cover the start rule, because it doesn't occur on any RHS 16:13:44 Steven: Ah, 16:15:37 MSM: "For every nonterminal occurring in the grammar, there must be exactly one rule in the grammar defining that nonterminal." 16:18:01 Dave: "Every nonterminal should be defined by a single rule". 16:18:45 MSM: replace should with must. 16:20:02 John: Modularity, libraries, may have unreachable rules. 16:20:20 Tom: Not a 1.0 featuer 16:20:27 s/uer/ure/ 16:22:32 Tom: Not sure we cover the start rule 16:22:49 MSM: The LHS name is a nonterminal; if we don't say that, we should. 16:23:43 Tom: I propose keeping both rules in this issue 16:26:42 MSM: I just looked at "nonterminal" in the spec. I thought "of course the name of a rule is a nonterminal". But the spec doesn't say that. So the redundancy of both rules may help. 16:27:04 Tom: Or us "nonterminal" instead of "name". 16:27:09 Tom: Leave both in. 16:27:35 ... use new wording though for the 1st 16:27:54 ACTION: Steven implement the resolution for issue 19. 16:27:54 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:28:21 Topic: AOB 16:28:35 Tom: Move pragmas and release schedule to top of next meeting 16:29:43 ... next meeting 11 Jan at 15:30 UTC 16:30:20 rrsagent, make minutes 16:30:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/14-ixml-minutes.html Steven 16:32:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:32:27 rrsagent, make minutes 16:32:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/14-ixml-minutes.html Steven 16:35:02 norm has left #ixml 16:36:30 s/ABC s/expec ting/expecting 16:42:26 ACTION: Steven implement resolution for issue 18 on XML names 16:42:26 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:42:52 s/Steve to/Steven to/ 16:42:55 rrsagent, make minutes 16:42:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/14-ixml-minutes.html Steven