Automotive Working Group Teleconference

14 December 2021


Carine, Erik, Gunnar, Isaac, MagnusG, Peter, Ted, Ulf
Peter, Ted

Meeting minutes

BP and RPC call schedule

Ted: people regularly on Best Practices call agree to cancel those calls and fold topics as they arise in the regular WG calls
… RPC ramping up, more on COVESA side so Gunnar will create a weekly Zoom for it. I will cancel both WebEx

Optional server capabilities


Ulf: I addressed comments raised earlier and see Erik's feedback
… we decided HTTP should be mandatory and which filters are expected/required
… as subscriptions are WS, that should be mandatory as well

Erik: subscriptions could be done over WS or MQTT so I guess it is more that you support one or the other

Ulf: or we could say WS should be mandatory, it was in VISS version 1

Ted: agree we need a mandatory protocol to get server capabilities and WS was part of v1 but why is HTTP mandatory?

Ulf: that was just my proposal in PR, it is the most widely deployed and known protocol

Erik: I understand the desire to have at least one protocol to find capabilities but it is possible for a client to test the protocols at known ports to find out

Ulf: agree that is possible

Peter: I don't have a strong opinion but it seems natural to have HTTP as mandatory in addition to WS

Ulf: I share that view
… unless there is pushback, that is what I will proceed with

Ted: no strong opinion either

Ulf presents latest version with points raised before (full names instead of abbreviations from Peter and include mandatory in capabilites, not just optional from Gunnar)

Ulf: I noticed the response wasn't clear so made clear we are using the same syntax as we do for signals
… I should perhaps add anchors to sections for features

Ted: agree that is convenient for the reader

Ulf: I"ll add and then ask you to merge the PR
… no other issues nor PR are open
… with no open issues we are feature complete. in the New Year want a fuller review and suggest moving on in the REC process

Ted: and encourage the implementers we know about to provide feedback

Ulf: we can also start collecting input for features on a v3

<ted> Next meeting: 4 January 2022

Happy Holidays!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Found 'Next meeting:' not followed by a URL: '4 January 2022'.