13:58:13 RRSAgent has joined #silver-protocols 13:58:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/10-silver-protocols-irc 13:58:27 zakim, start this meeting 13:58:27 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:58:28 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), JF 13:58:44 meeting: Protocols Sub Group - Dec 10, 2021 13:59:11 Agenda+ Continue brainstorming the protocols that we believe would be applicable 13:59:24 Agenda+ Other Business 13:59:34 Agenda+ Be Done 13:59:36 Present+ 14:00:06 https://jamboard.google.com/d/1U17jOitr4CyCrmaQtv6KU93thhHLzSVQAHUqb9HUDeE/viewer?f=0 14:00:35 ShawnT has joined #silver-protocols 14:07:41 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/bfc72cd9-fdfc-4847-826a-01afb9e3f5e7/20211105T090000 14:07:53 jeanne has joined #silver-protocols 14:07:58 https://jamboard.google.com/d/1U17jOitr4CyCrmaQtv6KU93thhHLzSVQAHUqb9HUDeE/viewer?f=0 14:08:00 agenda? 14:08:51 Present+ 14:09:13 scribe: jeanne 14:09:44 Mary_Jo_Mueller has joined #silver-protocols 14:09:54 regrets: Chuck 14:10:19 present+ 14:14:18 q+ 14:14:28 present+ 14:14:45 present+ 14:15:08 JG: Does plain language apply internationally? 14:15:29 JS: The group is working on that, there are international resources for plain language. 14:15:58 q+ to say that MC didn't recommend Content Usable 14:16:37 Jaunita_George has joined #silver-protocols 14:16:41 Present+ 14:17:12 q+ 14:17:19 ack je 14:17:19 jeanne, you wanted to say that MC didn't recommend Content Usable 14:17:39 JS: I think we need to start with something simpler than Content Usable 14:17:51 JF: I still think that we need measurable. 14:18:34 JF: I think Content Usable is the ideal content 14:18:59 q+ to suggest we start with ARIA Authoring guide 14:19:21 +1 on jeanne 14:20:32 +1 - that's a great one 14:20:38 ack shaw 14:21:54 JG: Can we have technology specific guidelines? 14:22:16 ST: I think we should have a protocol for validating for HTML 14:22:30 https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/mobile/ 14:22:47 JS: WHy don't we make a list of propotols and then debate pros and cons. 14:22:54 Q? 14:22:57 Q+ 14:23:01 ack je 14:23:01 jeanne, you wanted to suggest we start with ARIA Authoring guide 14:23:39 JG: Mobile Accessibility at W3C as a protocol 14:24:00 q+ to say what about BBC Mobile Accessibility? 14:24:16 I like the idea of creating a list of protocols now, can we start a Google docs or sheets? 14:24:48 +1 to using Google docs 14:24:54 JF: IS that a protocol? We want something to that you know it when you see it. 14:24:56 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JK1UMfSDh0-dVEDuj5xswRU4XwlP50iuTSz8l1VFf-A/edit#heading=h.vbejvwdjmm97 14:25:18 JS: Google doc with some prior meeting work on brainstorming protocols 14:25:26 ack jf 14:26:51 JS: let's brainstorm protocols and add them to the list from the prior meeting 14:28:11 q+ defining protocol before making a list 14:28:22 JG: Are protocols normative? 14:28:32 JS: Let's defer that discussion 14:28:49 JF: I don't think they can be normative because they aren't measurable 14:29:08 q+ to defining protocol before making a list 14:29:22 ack jea 14:29:22 jeanne, you wanted to say what about BBC Mobile Accessibility? 14:29:25 ack shaw 14:29:25 ShawnT, you wanted to defining protocol before making a list 14:29:42 https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_en/301500_301599/301549/03.02.01_60/en_301549v030201p.pdf 14:29:55 ST: I want to define protocols first, instead of making a list and then defining 14:31:46 JF: the decision tree for alt text is a good example of a protocol 14:32:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/non-web-ict/ 14:33:10 JG: What about Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services? 14:33:20 MJM: That's a standard, not a protocol 14:33:32 ... it includes WCAG 14:34:01 JF: It's mostly measurable 14:34:16 MJM: In the video ICT capabilities 14:34:57 JF: the section on captioning position has no measurable requirements 14:36:16 ... If it cannot be measured against a benchmark, then it should be a protocol. 14:38:08 Poll: A defining feature of a protocol is that it cannot be consistently measured against a benchmark, but it can use a benchmark as a reference 14:38:16 +1 14:38:28 +1 14:39:31 JS: I don't understand "it can use a benchmark as a reference" 14:39:48 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/ 14:39:59 JF: In content usable, there are 8 outcomes 14:39:59 New Poll: A defining feature of a protocol is that it cannot be consistently measured against a benchmark 14:40:04 +1 14:40:07 +1 14:40:30 Jennifer has joined #silver-protocols 14:40:34 present+ 14:40:44 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#objective-1-help-users-understand-what-things-are-and-how-to-use-them 14:41:13 ST: Will people understand what a benchmark is? 14:41:31 JF: The Content Usable objectives are a benchmark 14:42:59 JF: What about "outcome"? 14:43:17 MJM: It could be confusing with normative Outcomes in WCAG3 14:44:18 ... when people come to the documentation and resources, will they understand what they have to do and what they don't? It coiuld muddy the water. 14:45:06 JG: Can we use "result"? 14:45:26 A defining feature of a protocol is that it cannot be consistently measured against an (outcome | result) 14:46:00 MJM: an expected result 14:46:14 JF: It has to be a reaction that meets our expectation 14:46:41 perhaps "desired result"? 14:48:39 JSt: A list of questions to ask oneself while they are working. People - devs - often complain that Outcomes are subjective. One auditor gives one answer, and one gives another. 14:48:48 +1 Jennifer 14:49:21 Q+ 14:49:22 ... there are questions you can ask to clarify the experience of what people with disabilitiess need. 14:49:45 ack JF 14:51:32 JSt: We have to figure out how we experts make decisions so that can be documented and passed on to others 14:52:09 ... we should send a survey out to our broader community to ask: What are the questions you ask yourself to make sure it is accessible. 14:52:24 JF: It's too broad, we need to chop it into smaller pieces. 14:52:37 q+ 14:55:22 ST: in COGA we are looking at tools of how the Content Usable Outcomes can be met 14:55:39 Q+ 14:55:44 ack s 14:55:45 q+ to say that there are volunteers who are testing experts to help make them testable 14:56:06 ST: I am reaching out to colleagues on how to test them 14:56:24 ... consistency between auditors is important 14:56:32 ... it seems very subjective 14:56:37 ack JF 14:57:03 JF: I think they will never be able to find a tool to evaluate plain language 14:57:26 ... but we can evaluate if the principles have been followed 14:57:45 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/10-silver-protocols-minutes.html jeanne 14:59:12 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/10-silver-protocols-minutes.html jeanne