15:52:18 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:52:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/10-pbgsc-irc 15:52:20 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:52:21 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 15:54:04 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Dec/0000.html 15:54:27 regrets: George, Wendy, Dave 15:55:21 ivan has joined #pbgsc 15:56:41 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 15:56:53 present+ 15:57:44 present+ 15:59:02 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 15:59:10 present+ 15:59:21 present+ Ivan, Avneesh 16:00:33 regrets+ Dave, Wendy 16:00:51 regrets+ George 16:01:38 present+ BillK, Liisa 16:02:04 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 16:02:09 present+ Cristina 16:02:12 present+ 16:02:31 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:02:38 present+ 16:02:44 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/11/12-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 12 November 16:05:29 present+ Mateus 16:05:34 mateus has joined #pbgsc 16:06:41 scribe+ 16:06:49 present+ 16:06:51 chair: Tzviya 16:07:02 zakim, next item 16:07:02 I see nothing on the agenda 16:07:10 topic: Joint meeting BG + CG 16:07:23 Tzviya: what should we do to make this successful? 16:07:42 ... what might the BG bring to the CG to make successful Task Forces? 16:07:44 q+ 16:07:46 q+ 16:07:51 acl liisamk 16:08:11 Liisa: glad we're talking about a joint meeting, which we're open to 16:08:23 ... and how the BG and CG cna work better to hand things off 16:08:41 ... one thing we haven't resolved is how the BG would find people to lead TFs 16:09:00 ... we've been having a lot of conversaions with fols across our community on what they think is next and what are the struggles 16:09:20 ... people think that once we get to EPUB 3.3 things are pretty stable; we don't need more format 16:09:29 ... what we need is how to solve problems in a11y space 16:09:42 ... and FXL+reflow testing 16:09:45 q+ 16:09:53 ... people are interested in more brainstorming 16:10:21 ... the other thing that maybe ties in whth work already in teh CG is suggestions around talking about business cases there coudl be for other kinds of uses for annotations 16:10:24 ... idea generation 16:10:29 q+ 16:10:35 ack liisamk 16:10:38 ack ma 16:10:53 Mateus: I agree with Liisa; there are opportunities around the idea space on things we coudl work on 16:11:10 ... and that we dont' have a solution for how these will be explored; who will take the lead 16:11:38 ... that's been the problem; we all have things we'd like to work on but there's been no one, or just one, person available to work on them 16:11:47 ... the people who engage are the same people every time 16:12:29 ... we haven't had a meeting yet; we don't have anything for our agenda other than updates 16:12:35 ... Avneesh gives updates on a11y 16:12:51 ... Documentation currently doesn't have a leader, though Dan may take it up 16:12:52 Cristina_ has joined #pbgsc 16:13:13 ... what would make the situtation better is to prove that we as a collective can do the work 16:13:30 ... right now there are a small number of people who do the work 16:13:44 present+ 16:13:59 q+ 16:14:02 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:14:17 ... it's a good idea to have a joint meeting but how do we get past the roadblock to show we can make progress 16:14:31 BillK: we should talk about the future of publishing on the web, not "EPUB next" 16:14:47 ... otherwise we'll bump into the backwards compatibility problem 16:15:07 ... a future state I'd like to see is keep EPUB 3.3, if it needs to be tweaked do 3.n 16:15:26 ... and focus on Publication Manifest and see where we can get with that 16:15:29 ack me 16:15:30 Tzviya: many comments 16:15:36 ... we have a Catch-22 16:15:48 ... people aren't sure how to engage if the group isn't meeting 16:16:13 ... and the notion that they'll have to chair a TF is daunting to someone who hasn't engaged in the past 16:16:24 ... Mateus and Zheng are both incredibly busy 16:16:40 ... maybe a 3rd co-chair, if only to help with administration, is needed 16:17:00 ... call it "issue manager" maybe to make it less scary-sounding 16:17:10 ... start each CG meeting with issue triage 16:17:23 ... don't escalate unless there's someone to take it on 16:17:30 ... that's a lower barrier 16:17:50 ... explore how people are using Manifest in the real world now; that's a great thing for the CG to work on 16:18:02 ... the education market has departed from EPUB in some respects 16:18:23 ack Daihei 16:18:24 ... for a joint meeting we need a date and a chair 16:18:40 ... Wolfgang has expressed interest in the past; we could reach out to him 16:18:55 Daihei: let's separate the CG and BG discussion from EPUB next 16:19:06 ... the BG co-chairs are happy to collaborate with the chairs of any other groups 16:19:19 ... from the start of the CG we have wanted to colalborate 16:19:50 ... probably due to the fact that we've been so busy, we've not had as much communication 16:20:31 ... practically speaking, if the co-chairs of both groups can talk more we can find some common ground between business matters and tech matters that require incubation 16:20:58 ... it's my bad; I should have communicated with Mateus and Zheng more 16:21:12 ... we can do this on line 16:21:17 ... by doing it more we can find common ground 16:21:49 q? 16:21:57 q+ 16:21:58 ... when I hear voices from Japan, especially W3C Members, they are facing a number of issues such as adapting publications to be compliant with a11y requirements 16:22:16 ... and dealing with cyberatacks 16:22:36 ... we could try more communication between the co-chairs 16:22:44 ... at least for a couple of months 16:23:03 ... find opportunities and provide feedback to the SC 16:23:53 ... in the meantime, some of the concerns I've heard from the Japan publishing community is that it is a concern for them if Publishing@W3C only leans toward discussion of technological issues and not business needs 16:24:02 ... they might leave W3C 16:24:14 ... on EPUB next we have to give consideration on how to resolve this issue 16:24:43 ... in terms of BG and CG collaborations, we should let the co-chairs discuss and come back to the SC 16:24:44 ack me 16:25:39 Tzviya: we had reduced SC meeting to once a month and keep the 4th Friday available; if we think that we need to collaborate more we can meet twice a month 16:25:52 ... one thing I've heard is that there's a bit of concern about GitHub 16:26:04 ... W3C uses GitHub, the CG uses GitHub 16:26:14 ... there's also an email list 16:26:31 ... if we're assuming a discomfort with GitHub we should discuss why 16:27:03 ... let's step away from fear of GitHub and just say that GitHub will be our mode of interaction with email as backup 16:27:05 q+ 16:27:14 ... let's set up a joint meeting as a brainstorming session 16:27:27 ack avneeshsingh 16:27:27 q+ 16:27:33 ... if chairing a TF is too high a bar we can have a triage session to assign someone 16:27:39 Avneesh: the approach is fine 16:27:57 ... we always need to create momentum in any group before people will take more responsibility 16:28:16 ... we may create momentum with some initial calls to get ideas for driving 16:28:41 ... when I start a new group I try to have calls every two weeks to get people talking and becoming familiar with each other 16:28:49 q+ 16:28:56 ... after some calls we start filtering out which are the ideas that people will lead 16:29:07 ack mateus 16:29:10 ... I suggest more calls to build momentum 16:29:24 Mateus: I agree with that approach 16:29:37 ... the dull CG agendas have driven some people away 16:29:48 ... part of that is that we did not have issues to discuss 16:30:00 ... I worry a little about pushign away folk who just don't have time 16:30:18 ... for myself, it's not possible to host a call every other week 16:30:25 ... that's also the case for Zheng 16:30:39 ... if we can get a third person to help, that would be wonderful 16:31:18 ... one way the BG can help is with business analysis; document things on behalf of someone who isn't comfortable presenting to the CG themself 16:31:25 +1 to BG as BA 16:31:30 q+ 16:31:38 ack Daihei 16:31:42 ... making the presenter become the owner isn't necessarily the best way to get things going 16:32:17 Daihei: I'm thinking about the accountability of the co-chairs 16:32:51 ... when it comes to business issues that need experimentation from the point of view of technical issues, the co-chairs can talk 16:33:06 ... in teh SC we can better manage how we operate each group 16:33:33 ... I suggest that we establish discussions among the CG and BG co-chairs and come back here to validate that 16:34:01 ack liisamk 16:34:06 ... and the co-chairs can take responsibility for discussing how each group can collaborate 16:34:16 Liisa: good to consider the CG works in GitHub 16:34:34 ... the BG can help translate for people who are not comfortable there 16:34:42 ... on business analysis, how far do we need to take it? 16:34:58 ... we had conversations in the summer on fixed + reflow 16:35:15 ... I have someone who built samples to test on reading systems 16:35:28 ... at what point can we get CG help with that? 16:35:43 Mateus: we need to get it to a point where it's documented enough to have a conversation 16:36:03 ... if people have ideas but aren't comfortable bringing the forward the BG can be the representative voice 16:36:25 ... by analysis I mean documenting the idea, documenting the use cases, maybe proxying to GitHub 16:36:34 ... then the CG can have a conversation in its tracker 16:36:50 ... we'll advertise it on our agenda and those who brought the idea can feel comfortable joining 16:37:02 ... without making them feel they have to become the owner 16:37:16 ... it doesn't have to be a super-detailed document; it can be as simple as an issue in GitHub 16:37:34 Tzviya: for the fixed + reflow example, the only thing that's missing is an issue in GitHub 16:37:54 Liisa: that's what I've been trying to figure out; how to get this to the CG without having to find a person to own it 16:38:03 q+ 16:38:19 ... I have a half-dozen examples of a11y issues that need this kind of discussion 16:38:32 q+ 16:38:41 ... if there's an interesting agenda and a regular schedule maybe we can get people participating 16:38:49 ack mateus 16:39:05 Tzviya: we have a plan, and we'll work on getting a third CG chair 16:39:20 Mateus: we'll have a more interesting agenda if we have the ideas documented and ready for discussion 16:39:49 ... whether it requires Liisa to present or not is not clear; maybe people who are passionate about the issue will talk and Liisa wouldn't need to 16:39:58 Liisa: we're all busy 16:40:20 ... we know the BG could do better at getting agendas together and minutes published 16:40:32 ... we've been talking about getting some administrative support\ 16:40:47 ack dai 16:40:49 ... we need to grow the community to get others to pitch in 16:41:27 Daihei: I can suggest that if someone from Japan wants to participate we might suggest them as a 3rd co-chair 16:41:38 Tzviya: please contact me off-line so we can get to the rest of the agenda 16:41:55 topic: Recommendations from BG about what happens after EPUB 3.3 16:42:06 Tzviya: chartering a W3C WG takes some time 16:42:22 ... EPUB WG will finish in about a year 16:42:32 ... there will likely be an EPUB 3.2 maintenance WG 16:42:46 ... it will meet infrequently, e.g. to address typos 16:43:00 ... if we don't charter another WG we might lose participation 16:43:01 s/3.2/3.3/ 16:43:17 ... it will be better if we have continuity without a gap 16:43:37 ... it's not likely that we'll need an EPUB 3.4 soon after 3.3 16:43:45 ... or that we'll need an EPUB 4 16:43:51 q+ 16:43:55 ack liisamk 16:43:58 ... what are your thoughts about how to do some exploration? 16:44:08 Liisa: we're planning for another conference day on January 25 16:44:17 ... we're hoping to cover 3 things: 16:44:33 ... an education discussion to engage people to talk about what's happening in that space 16:44:50 ... and we're thinking it would be good to get folk talking about the comic space in Europe 16:45:01 ... EDRLab is building a proof of concept 16:45:21 ... we've also heard that there needs to be more collaboration and brainstorming; that could be a good topic for brainstorming 16:45:27 ... with some breakout groups 16:45:34 ... we're thinking of how to try that in January 16:45:37 Tzviya: sounds great 16:45:50 ... personally, I'd need to calendar that now 16:46:10 q+ 16:46:11 Liisa: the BG was about to do that 16:46:35 Tzviya: Avneesh, Ralph, and I have a conflicting meeting on Jan 25 16:46:53 Liisa: would one week later be better? 16:47:09 ... [1 Feb] 16:47:38 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:47:48 q+ 16:47:52 Tzviya: Chinese New Year is one week later 16:48:28 BillK: I'm working with an educational publisher who has a huge amount of completely web-conformant that they have to trim down to get into EPUB 16:48:29 ack ivan 16:48:49 ... so I'm particularly interested in talking about web publishing 16:49:18 Ivan: we have to have some more general goal in mind 16:49:42 ... I'm worried that we get into lots of details about comics or educational material without knowing where it would go 16:49:45 q+ 16:50:03 ... would we have a Publishing WG who works on other uses for Manifest? 16:50:31 Tzviya: what I have observed in education is that EPUB still has value because people still want off-line 16:50:55 ... but working in the browser, with Javascript and all, is where people are going 16:51:22 q+ 16:51:31 ... doe we want to do different flavors of Manifest or do we want a lot of options? 16:51:44 ack tzviya 16:51:56 ... like scholarly where only the metadata is required and everything else is optional 16:52:03 ack ivan 16:52:23 Ivan: we are getting back to some of the discussion we had in the Publishing WG 16:52:29 q+ 16:52:34 ... maybe after several years that's OK 16:53:02 ... the biggest problem we had with Manifest was that we didn't have implementation experience 16:53:26 ... we don't know if Manifest gives us a way to have a browser-based reading system 16:53:44 ... and what technologies in the browser world we should take advantage of 16:53:53 ... this sort of incubation should happen in the CG 16:54:07 ack li 16:54:12 ... Manifest by itself doesn't solve everything; we have to go beyond that 16:54:48 Liisa: in the January meeting, let's not present solutions; let's hear what happened in the past few years and what people on the ground have been kluding because there aren't standards 16:55:03 q+ 16:55:04 ... without knowing what people have been doing we don't know how to help 16:55:18 q+ 16:55:40 ack av 16:55:42 Ivan: yes, and we should have a clear idea of how that meeting will help us know where to go 16:56:35 Avneesh: I feel we are running short on time. In W3C incubation is extremely important. 16:56:50 +1 avneeshsingh 16:56:56 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:57:00 ... it will be hard to charter another Working Group without a successful incubation platform in the CG 16:57:02 g+ 16:57:17 Bill: on scholarly there are existing implementations 16:57:23 ... e.g .U. Mich Fulcrum 16:57:29 q+ liisamk 16:57:41 ... see the New York W3C Chapter presentation they gave a few months ago 16:57:53 ... it's a sophisticated on-line publication 16:58:31 ... I got an email from the EU Publications Office last week saying they wanted to engage 16:58:44 ... there are people doing things out on the margins; let's gather them up 16:58:57 Ivan: understand what they're doing, what problems they are facing, what they expect from W3C 16:59:01 ack liisamk 16:59:13 Tzviya: I hope you're also asking Mateus to present what Norton is doing 16:59:26 Bill: Norton is doing really good stuff 16:59:39 Pal 16:59:51 Pal from the EU Publications Office 16:59:54 Bill: Pal wants to get involved too 17:01:03 Liisa: the BG is hearing a focus on finding things for a WG to do but that's not our goal unless it's really what the business needs 17:01:33 Tzviya: glad you say that; the CG is not limited to proposing work for a Publishing WG; it can escalate work to any W3C Working Group 17:02:07 ... e.g. if the CG sees a need for more work on identity management, there is another WG to which to send that 17:02:09 [adjourned] 17:02:15 zakim, end meeting 17:02:15 As of this point the attendees have been Daihei, tzviya, Ralph, Ivan, Avneesh, BillK, Liisa, Cristina, Bill_Kasdorf, liisamk, Mateus, Cristina_ 17:02:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:02:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 17:02:21 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:02:25 Zakim has left #pbgsc 18:11:21 RalphS has joined #pbgsc 18:28:41 rrsagent, bye 18:28:41 I see no action items