23:50:23 RRSAgent has joined #epub 23:50:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/09-epub-irc 23:50:26 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:50:28 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe_ 23:50:34 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 23:50:54 chair: dauwhe 23:54:01 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 23:57:04 wendyreid has joined #epub 23:57:09 present+ 23:57:51 present+ 23:58:41 shiestyle has joined #epub 23:58:59 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 23:59:08 present+ 23:59:29 John_Roque has joined #epub 23:59:51 MattChan has joined #epub 00:00:34 duga has joined #epub 00:00:42 present+ 00:00:50 present+ 00:01:04 present+ 00:01:17 present+ 00:01:47 present+ 00:02:12 scribe+ 00:02:46 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1921 00:02:52 TOPIC: Invalid File Name Characters 00:02:52 MURATA_ has joined #epub 00:02:59 +present 00:03:10 dauwhe: there has been some back and forth with the i18n folks about our restrictions on file naming 00:03:33 ... mgarrish suggested that we change MUST NOT on list of forbidden chars in file names to SHOULD NOT 00:03:58 +1, but why did Matt propose this 00:04:03 ... i don't agree, a lot of chars are on that list for a good reason, e.g. to allow for moving epubs across OS 00:04:32 ... file called "?.html" could not be linked to, for example, because of interaction with URL parser 00:04:45 ... also, not aware of any authors asking to use these characters in epub content 00:04:48 q+ 00:05:05 ... also not that we are not restricting any language in these forbidden chars 00:05:12 ack du 00:05:14 s/not that/note that 00:05:25 duga: did i18n specify which countries would be impacted by not allowing these chars? 00:05:57 dauwhe: i think this came from mgarrish wondering whether we should just make the whole list a should rather than selectively taking things out of the forbidden list 00:06:04 ... e.g. emoji combining chars 00:06:46 duga: agree that there is not a reason to add these, plus, these restrictions are applicable to file names - opaque to the reader 00:06:55 +1 00:06:58 +1 00:07:04 +1 00:07:04 +1 00:07:10 Proposed: Close issue 1921 with no change 00:07:15 +1 00:07:17 +1 00:07:19 +1 00:07:20 +1 00:07:20 +1 00:07:20 +1 00:07:23 +1, again 00:07:26 present+ 00:07:33 +1 00:07:48 RESOLVED: Close issue 1921 with no change 00:08:36 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1929 00:08:37 TOPIC: Is page-spread-center a synthetic spread or not? 00:08:46 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1950 00:08:59 AramZS_ has joined #epub 00:09:01 wendyreid: i just got through writing the tests for all the FXL rendition properties, which lead to a question about page-spread-center 00:09:34 ... this is a spine property that is not meant to override spread behaviour, but that the page should be centered in the viewport 00:09:43 ... but this doesn't seem to be what is happening in practice 00:09:57 ... rather, the observed behaviour seems to be identical to spread none 00:10:00 q+ 00:10:03 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1929 00:10:29 ... we've discussed in the issue, and mgarrish came up with the idea of making page-spread-center an alias of spread none 00:10:34 ack du 00:10:47 ... and not to deprecate page-spread-center 00:11:35 Victor_Lopes has joined #EPUB 00:11:50 duga: not sure why page-spread-center is confusing. Imagine you are doing a synthetic spread, but you want one specific page centered in the middle of the screen. That's how you would tell the RS to do that. 00:12:17 ... spread none sounds like you've turned off spreads completely 00:12:18 q+ 00:12:53 q+ 00:12:59 wendyreid: an additional level of oddness was finding out that you can put page spread properties on spine level items as well 00:13:28 duga: spread none and spread center mean different things, because spread none doesn't tell you where to put the page 00:14:21 ack dauwhe 00:14:35 ... and yes, it is confusing that you can put this on a spine item (you can also alternate portrait and landscape on spine level items as another weird way of interacting with spreads) 00:14:55 dauwhe: is there a concern that this could affect the relative size of pages as you go from spread, to non-spread, and back to spread? 00:15:12 duga: i can't see people really doing this 00:15:47 q? 00:16:03 ack shi 00:16:23 ... one potential use case is if one of your content documents is already a spread, so you want to disable synthetic spreads for that one only 00:16:57 shiestyle: in JP we use spread-center for the cover pages in many many cases, so making spread-center a depreciated feature would not be acceptable 00:17:04 ... aliasing it to spread none is okay 00:17:20 wendyreid: right, so we won't deprecate page-spread-center 00:17:49 ... this might be the sort of thing we need to test out 00:18:01 ... when the page appears in the center of the viewport, i think there is a change in the page size 00:19:01 dauwhe: i'm not comfortable deciding this until we have more info on whether we need to better define how a RS should position the viewport when you use page-spread-center or spread none as an override of a synthetic spread epub 00:19:27 wendyreid: agree that the FXL properties section could use some visual aides 00:19:47 ... we can put this off for tonight 00:20:03 duga: if we end up keeping page spread then we need to fix this definition 00:20:15 wendyreid: yeah, definitions in that section are not very good 00:20:51 dauwhe: it was a long time ago that we wrote those, we were balancing against implementations that already existed at the time (amazon, apple) 00:20:56 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1936 00:21:09 TOPIC: Normatizing the fixed layout property statements 00:21:41 wendyreid: i noticed that in RS spec we say in rendition:layout that the default value is a MUST 00:22:08 q+ 00:22:11 victoria has joined #epub 00:22:26 ... but for the other 2 FXL properties even though we also define default behaviour, we don't make those statements normative 00:22:36 ack d 00:22:51 dauwhe: there are a couple instances where we say that the default value MUST be assumed, but i didn't know how that would be testable 00:23:08 wendyreid: the default behaviour is auto, and that means to respect what the RS is doing 00:23:24 q+ 00:23:27 ... so the test would pass if the epub appears in way that would respect the app settings or the user settings 00:23:31 ack duga 00:23:34 ... which is essentially what auto is meant to do 00:23:36 ack du 00:24:19 duga: you could not specify in one case and specify in another case, and if the result is the same then the RS passes? 00:24:52 wendyreid: my proposal was to turn the 2x non-normative default behaviour statements into normative MUSTs 00:25:00 ... i've already made the tests for both of them 00:25:12 dauwhe: so we just ask mgarrish to made the change, then 00:25:24 Proposed: Elevate the default behaviour statements for rendition:orientation and rendition:spread to MUSTs 00:25:29 +1 00:25:32 +1 00:25:33 +1 00:25:34 +1 00:25:34 +1 00:25:37 +1 00:25:37 +1 00:25:41 +1 00:25:43 +1 00:25:44 +1 00:25:52 RESOLVED: Elevate the default behaviour statements for rendition:orientation and rendition:spread to MUSTs 00:26:11 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1941 00:26:18 TOPIC: Should the RS spec include something about layout overrides? 00:26:55 wendyreid: we have a statement in content spec that it is possible to override the global layout value, but nothing is said about it in the RS requirements 00:27:16 ... and some of the associated behaviours are SHOULD in the RS spec 00:27:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-33/#layout-overrides 00:27:59 ... these overrides theoretically make mixed modality content (fixed + reflow) possible, but its underspecified 00:28:26 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1947 00:28:43 dauwhe: i'm aware of some uses, e.g. in educational content, there might be reflow text on one side, and fixed layout reference material on the other side 00:29:06 duga: i'd hate to lose this feature to a lack of implementations. We don't support it, but I think we should 00:29:06 q? 00:29:12 q+ 00:29:36 ack shie 00:29:39 wendyreid: mgarrish has made a PR where he he proposes language 00:30:08 shiestyle: in JP we do use partially fixed layout 00:30:13 q? 00:30:21 dauwhe: does that give us enough implementations to get this feature through? 00:30:42 wendyreid: we might also have a partial implementation of this - specifically for covers for reflow books 00:31:22 dauwhe: we do seem to have consensus that its necessary to have an RS conformance statement for these overrides 00:31:48 ... the fact that its missing might just be an artefact from when we split out RS requirements from core 00:32:11 Proposed: Merge PR 1947 and close issue 1941 00:32:15 +1 00:32:16 +1 00:32:18 +1 00:32:18 +1 00:32:23 +1 00:32:25 +1 00:32:29 +1 00:32:30 +1 00:32:42 RESOLVED: Merge PR 1947 and close issue 1941 00:32:58 TOPIC: Bikeshedding – what to call features without enough implementation? 00:33:15 wendyreid: continuing our discussion from last week - what do we call the features that don't get enough implementation? 00:33:15 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1944 00:33:37 ... we've used deprecated in the past (not what HTML spec goes by), and we've also used legacy 00:34:08 dauwhe: legacy features are holdovers from EPUB2 that are still useful, e.g. for making EPUB3 backwards compatible with EPUB2 RS 00:34:14 ... this is a different situation 00:34:30 q? 00:34:54 ... this is a collision between W3C process whereby we need demonstrable implementation of features (i.e. tests), but we also have a charter where we can't invalidate existing content 00:35:11 q+ 00:35:39 ... so what if there's something in the spec where we don't have 2 passing tests now, but the implementations could exist in the future 00:35:43 ack hober 00:35:48 ack ho 00:36:39 hober: i don't know the details of the charter restriction. If epubcheck would have said "this is fine" before, then it needs to keep saying that? Even if no one had implemented the feature? 00:37:00 dauwhe: yes, that's basically my understanding, since we live in an ecosystem where even a warning from epubcheck will block content from reaching users 00:37:10 ... and we can't rely on people updating content 00:37:39 hober: in HTML we might call a feature obsolete, and then obsolete features can itself be conforming or non-conforming 00:38:18 ... i think it would be fine to call your features obsolete, but the spec needs to have specific text directed to conformance checkers asking them not to throw warnings 00:38:27 ... like obsolete but conforming 00:38:59 ... in the W3C process when you reach CR you have to list features at risk, and typically those are the ones where you don't have enough implementations, but where you hope to get those implementations during CR 00:39:33 ... so, actually, yeah... if you don't want to maybe end up dropping those features at the end of CR, then i'd go back to my first suggestion 00:39:54 dauwhe: epubcheck already has an informative level of alert below warning 00:40:00 ... we could say to use this level 00:40:27 hober: typically things in W3C are less tied to a specific conformance checker, but clearly epubcheck is the reality for epubs 00:40:42 ... you want to make your spec a little more general, but you can have a specific statement about epubcheck 00:41:03 dauwhe: we also don't want to send false messages about what is and is not well supported 00:41:10 q? 00:41:28 hober: one of the ways that HTML handles that for obsolete features, is that in the main text of the spec it doesn't even mention them 00:41:43 ... they're defined in a separate obsolete features section at the end 00:41:55 q+ 00:42:08 ... if a feature like that is presented right in the main text and not visually distinct, then people will of course believe that those features are just as sound 00:42:11 ack du 00:42:18 ... so maybe consolidate them and make them visually distinct 00:42:37 duga: i liked at risk, but ivan didn't like it because at risk had a specific meaning in W3C process 00:43:02 ... deprecated doesn't seem to fit. Maybe something scarier like imperilled. 00:43:29 ... and we should make sure that conformance checkers can fail epubs that contain these at the user's option 00:43:43 ... even if it isn't the checker's default behaviour 00:44:12 hober: imperiled is a bit obscure for non-native speakers 00:44:26 ... obsolete and deprecated are more recognizable in the world of spec writing 00:44:46 ... but I see duga's point that at risk scares people off more effectively than either of the other terms 00:44:58 q? 00:45:04 duga: also these features might actually become used some day, where as deprecated feels almost like the opposite 00:45:17 hober: right, if you get more implementations they could just become regular features 00:45:50 ... reminds me of speculative features for browsers, where you have one good implementation, but then it just gets stuck in feature limbo for a while 00:46:11 ... might be worth reaching out to YCG chairs to ask what they're doing 00:46:43 duga: we could do something like "experimental" (but it would be weird to have manifest fallbacks become experimental) 00:46:58 q? 00:47:10 wendyreid: i like experimental, but I also like the idea of reaching out to YCG chairs to ask for advice 00:47:32 dauwhe: also incubating, unproven, or unstable - but i'm not wild about these 00:48:13 hober: aside from the question of naming, it sounds like everyone is on the same page about how to describe these types of features, and what the behavior of conformance checkers should be, so it seems like you're in a pretty good place 00:48:36 dauwhe: i think we a lot more good info on our goals, and how HTML has handled this 00:48:44 ... we'll ask around for advice about naming 00:49:10 duga: maybe we could go for a JP name? 00:49:27 MURATA_: no specific ideas right now 00:49:56 dauwhe: just a reminder that this was the last meeting of 2021, we will resume in 2022 00:50:10 ... thank you all, see you next year! 00:50:29 Zakim, end meeting 00:50:29 As of this point the attendees have been MasakazuKitahara, wendyreid, toshiakikoike, duga, shiestyle, MattChan, dauwhe, John_Roque, present, hober 00:50:31 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 00:50:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/09-epub-minutes.html Zakim 00:50:34 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 00:50:39 Zakim has left #epub 00:52:46 rrsagent: bye 00:52:46 I see no action items